Why life is like this to me.

When success after after success greet a man , man would be elated and when man faces failure after failure naturally he begins to grumble "why life is like this to me" and thoughts after thoughts occupy his mischievous mind. A man would be always more concerned about why it happened than what happened. Even though one travels several times through their life they may not be able to make out why their life is like this. It's always difficult for one to realize their own mistakes.

Everybody wants their life to be smooth, lovely & enjoying. As such, they always hatch a plan & have a picture how it should be in their mind. Some acclaim that life is like this to them because of their hard work .Some say their life is good because their stars are good. However, life wouldn't be a bed of roses to all always. All wouldn't be always well. "Man proposes God disposes " The question "Why life is like this to me "confronts them. In fact, until then many don't remember that God is there too. Further, they hold Him responsible for the state of affairs also.

Something or other would go wrong in life & one would begin to think "Why life is like this to me " It's a question which makes one mad. It frustrates one a lot. It's not damn easy at all to arrive at correct answer or answers to this complex question. The reason for life being so may be one or may be several too. Often, answers couldn't be found to many questions that arise at all. Yet, one needn't be perturbed at all. Life itself provides answers to such questions in due course. Similarly, time too unfolds answers to many tough questions.

Unless one doesn't undergo upheavals of life , one wouldn't know what's life. If one doesn't face questions like " why life is like this to me " one wouldn't understand what's life at all. It is a question to test the capability of a person. One should never get shattered under any circumstances at all.

Opinions about life are several. One says " Life is hard " and other says "It is utter hell "There is no guarantee that if we do good life would be good but even one who does always good too faces the question "why life is like this to me". It's situations in life that make one exclaim "Why life is like this to me". It's a sarcastic remark. It can be emotional outburst too."Why life is like this to me"may be due to financial problems,worries or anything that can't be shared with others or that's complicated .

Whether one is rich or poor, whether one is young or old irrespective of their stature this question arises. This question doesn't leave one however, careful or intelligent they may be. When one is depressed and when one knows not what to do this question arises. It's because of this question, man learns many lessons in life too. It's it makes one think more and find out ways and means to set everything right also.

One cannot always have same emotion. Life is not a straight line. Ups & downs are common in it. Why life is like this to me is sometimes what one feels. Sometimes, it's an appeal to God. Sometimes it's a question which man often puts to himself. It's an introspection.It's an experience also. When all is well man doesn't usually want to know why life is like this to me. Many questions & answers follow this question. One who can arrive at the best answer or apt answer to this question is the person himself. It's a question that relates to his life only. Others, could offer only their views to it . Of course, a man with whom the person is at loggerheads has answer to this question. He would accuse that life is like this because of whatever all that person had done to him. He says "one reaps what one sows"

Too many desires,circumstances, incidents, wrong decisions,carelessness or any other reason would be certainly there to life to be like this. Many things are beyond the control of a man. Bolts from the blues many times not only shatter a man but also shatter his life. They don't spare anyone. Many hold their fate,their stars and previous birth to life to be like this. Life has to be analysed to know why it's life like this . Life can be unkind to a man. It can be unfair to a man. That is why we come across numerous pathetic stories.

Some have the same kind of life through out .They are accustomed to that kind of life too. They have no either ups or downs in their life and do not face the question "why life is like this to me "also.They are the people who are contented with their life too.

Life is like this for we make mistakes knowingly & unknowingly.While doing any wrong we don't usually realize that we are wronging or what we are wronging. It is afterwards only we when wrong signals arise and when everything goes wrong we open our eyes .Life would be seldom as one wants it to be. One must be as it wants them to be.Life must be taken the way it comes and made the best . Life is a dictator. It is not a bed of roses.

None is responsible for Life to be like this. Life is like this. It's our making only.It is mind not only that has to be kept under control but also life has to be kept under control. Fitzgerald rightly says " Life is a horse cart and we are a horse"