A beautiful thought.

Thinking too much is not a solution to problems. There is a way to think too. Nothing would be achieved by thinking too much at all. It's mere waste of time. In fact, many a time what could be achieved couldn't be achieved by thinking too much.

"Give me beautiful thoughts". It is the prayer of many to Him. It is their belief that beautiful thoughts make their life fruitful & contented. The beauty of thought lies in its fruitfulness.

Why a beautiful thought is essential Bhagavad Gita says "

For those who have conquered the mind, it is their friend. For those who have failed to do so, the mind works as an enemy." A conquered mind has beautiful thoughts only. It never gives room to unwanted thoughts at all. In fact, it drives them away.

Tapas is meditation. Why people used to do tapas. It was to get enlightened. It was to have beautiful thoughts. It was very very rigorous. A beautiful thought cannot be taught. It must arise in mind. The demand for a beautiful thought would never recede in the universe. In fact, it increases day by day. Often a beautiful thought has been a reward for dedication. It isn't a bolt from the blues at all. It isn't known how many days & nights toil of a man a beautiful thought is. One may forget anything one would not forget the beautiful thoughts that they had in their life. They are always memorable. Often a thought which pleases a person is exclaimed as beautiful. It is invisible. It's beauty lies in successful useful deeds.

Whether a thought has beauty. Really, it has. Thought is not visible so also its beauty is not visible. The beauty of a thought appears before the eyes of the person who had the beautiful thought. The beauty of a thought cannot be seen. It has to be felt. Helen Keller rightly says "The best & most beautiful things in the world can't be seen or even touched -they must be felt with the heart " Beauty needn't be to two eyes, which look at but it can be to inner eyes.

It is not enough if a thought is beautiful. It must be practical. A beautiful thought is one that makes everything appear rosy. No clouds whatsoever.It is in no way less than a lottery. How a person would utilise it & reap harvest it couldn't be said at all.In cricket a ball is said to be beautiful when it turns & clean bowls a batsman. It's rewarding to beautiful thoughts in the mind of bowler which does the magic.It isn't enough one is skilled. Beautiful thoughts are quite essential to make of use of skill.

The brain is a wonderful organ. It shows heaven where we are. A beautiful thought is a brainchild.A beautiful thought energises young old, man, woman & all. One of the requisites for having beautiful thoughts is having an healthy mind. Beautiful thoughts make the world go round and are infinitely better than negative, unhelpful thoughts. Thinking beautiful thoughts should become a daily way of life .Beautiful thoughts are not anywhere. They are hidden within a man himself. Meditation, prayers, sat sang , recitals & study of various grantha etc fill man with beautiful thoughts.

What is a beautiful thought it can't be easily explained.Beautiful is more comprehensive & applies to mental appreciation as well as sensual delight.Many a time adjectives are found to be inadequate to describe beautiful. A person's beauty is different & beauty of a thought is different. A beautiful thought is a positive thought.It doesn't allow any negative thought in its vicinity even.It's a worthy thought. It may be an idea. It may be a solution. It may be an answer. Sayings & quotations are usually considered as beautiful thoughts.A beautiful thought needn't be always well worded also. The beauty of a beautiful thought often lies in its usefulness. Dodinsky rightly says "A beautiful life will bloom a beautiful mind that is nurtured by beautiful thoughts. At any time you can allow beauty to flow within you "

To have a beautiful thought it is as difficult as one feels difficult to eradicate an unwanted thought. It is a made to order thought. It is apt for the moment.It is what one needs. It clears all the hurdles. It drives away all stress & strain. It fills one with confidence. It enthuses &inspires.It motivates & persuades. It fills one with joy. It bestows peace & tranquillity. A beautiful thought is invaluable.It is a diamond rare to find. It is often creative.Good deeds are offspring of a beautiful thought or thoughts.What's think tank.Where isn't there nowadays. Is it not in quest of beautiful thoughts.It isn't enough one has beautiful thoughts, they must translate into great deeds. This is what great people do.

A beautiful thought is often His blessing only. It flashes in mind unexpectedly. It is a beautiful thought that often leads to innovation & wonder. Where a beautiful thought would land a man & what it would do it couldn't be said at all. A beautiful thought has no bounds. It is a beautiful thought made Bill Gates founder of windows & it is a beautiful thought only made Mark Elliot Zuckerberg founder of Facebook . Often a beautiful thought is a vision.

Life always needs beautiful thoughts.A beautiful thought can be shared with anybody. Often it is a it receives all round appreciation & acceptance. It is a source of suggestions. The fruits of a beautiful thought not only one who has it would have but also others would have it too.

Marvin Brato Sr has written a poem " A beautiful thought "

In it he says.

Life is beautiful

as love is...

it brings joy to the soul

it inspires the lonely heart

it post as a challenge to take.

Life is wonderful

as love is...

it enthuses romance

it creates imaginations

it lit our fantasies.

In short life is an opportunity

as love is..

it brings meaning to existence

it encourages a way to self-fulfillment

it is a beautiful thought to explore life and love!

A lyrics:-"Such a beautiful thought"

by Joy Electric.

I know you, do you know me?

Forget all of our laughlessness

Between us both I'm scared to see

Our hearts with only emptiness

I want to love, to cherish you

Though crushed my heart sometimes may be

I wanted to remember you

I wanted to remember love

Such a beautiful thought

I never want it to ever change

Novels, poems, lyrics & essays are beautiful thoughts of various eminent persons.A day would be beautiful, if beautiful thoughts emanate in the morning. All that , begins well ends well.