A Theft.

As days pass by we find technological developments in every field.Thief too develops new new technology.The thief might have come into existence at the origin of the universe, he would be there however developed it is. No thief would call himself a thief. When caught only others call him a thief.What a thief always has been is false courage. He would have fear of being caught every second.The thief has been often so cunning that leave alone trapping him it's difficult to make out who is he.

Here is a news clipping:-

Youth turn to robbery to pay gambling losses

New Delhi, Oct 30 (IANS) Four youth in Delhi were arrested for burglary, which they turned to recover their heavy betting losses, police said Friday.

'Anil Verma, 25, the gang leader, Vikas Jain, 22, Danish Ahmad, 24 and Sumit Sharma, 23 were arrested in five cases of burglary amounting to more than Rs. 55,000 in cash and 100 gms of gold jewellery from Chirag Delhi area of south Delhi Wednesday,' said a senior police official.

Jain is a BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) graduate from I.P. University.

'The four youths were neighbours who dreamed of living a lavish lifestyle. They got involved in betting and had no recourse but to pay the money lost by taking a loan from a local money-lender at 10 percent monthly interest. To pay their mounting debt, they started to robbery,' the police official said.

The stolen cash, gold and other items have been recovered from the youth.

No parents want their son to be a thief. Nothing is more shameful to parents than their son being recognized as a thief in society.Feelings of parents when their son is arrested for a theft certainly are inexplicable.One can become famous through their good deeds. Similarly, one can become infamous through their bad deeds too. Man is not born a thief .Theft is not a joke.Theft is not easy. A theft requires tact and intelligence. Every one cannot be a thief. It is circumstances that make a man a thief.Thefts are common not only in a vast country like India but also in an advanced and opulent country like U.S.A. In fact , in U.S.A. a theft took place in my son's residence a few years back and so far police have not either caught the thieves or recovered anything . Now my son has insured his house for burglary and theft. He has got a burglary alarm installed too.

What is not stolen? Everything valuable attracts eyes of a thief. Thieves do not differentiate between rich and poor.They steal both rich as well as poor. They neither miss opportunities nor wait for opportunities to steal. However vigilant and cautious one is thefts take place.There are no days nowadays when newspapers do not carry the news of thefts.Thefts take place in every country all over the world.As a result, thieves occupy sizable chunk of the global population.

World is progressing but stealing is not at all receding. On the other hand various kinds of robberies are also on the rise. Theft is becoming hi-tech. It is not known when the robberies will come to an end in this world. Society treats a thief with utmost concern and disrespect. Because of theft everybody is scared and nobody can lock their houses or shops and move around freely.Thefts never allow anyone to be carefree. Stealing is not a civilized behavior.Stealing is unlawful. It is an unforgivable sin also.There is no act more wretched than it. Here, I remember a proverb in Kannada language that means whether one steals an arecanut or an elephant one is a thief. Stealing is a nuisance world over. Stealing is a bad habit. Sometimes poverty and necessity may make one steal. But, poverty is not the only reason behind a theft. There are many other reasons too. Reasons for committing a crime include greed, anger, jealously, revenge, or pride. ... If one cultivates this habit of stealing ,it never leaves them easily and along with stealing one generally commits other offenses also.That is why it is said "Once a thief always a thief" One bad habit normally leads to another bad habit .Stealing leads to gambling .Gambling leads to stealing.

All said and done stealing is a lucrative profession to a good number of people all over the world. Theft enables a thief to possess without much exertion what others accumulated over years through sweat.It is one of the easiest profession too. It does not require any investment. A thief need not be physically strong also. An ideal thief is tricky, deceptive, intelligent and daredevil . That is why we come across pick pocketing to human organ stealing . Yet, vast majority of thieves remain poor and uneducated. We quite often notice professional jealousy among thieves. By and large, we find that a friend of a thief is mostly another thief only. Now a days theft is not a very serious crime because people commit more serious crimes than thefts.Many opine that begging is always better than stealing.

No doubt a thief always likes an opportunity but a thief seldom waits for an opportunity to knock at his doors. A thief generally tries to make something out of nothing . A thief generally has crooked intelligence. Whether a house is in a nook or in a prominent place it does not matter to a thief at all. Similarly it does not matter to a thief, whether it is a day or a night too. Thieves are always not successful in their task. Sometimes only they succeed. Sometimes they escape without being caught. Sometimes they are caught.Theft is a misdeed which demands proper planning and execution. Stealing is a risky affair. It requires knack or tact or experience.

A thief is a person who has no shame at all. A thief walks freely with handcuffs. Imprisonment is a routine to him. A theft can be carried out either by an individual or by a group of individuals. Though, usually theft is sole motive of a thief, sometimes murder etc takes place during thefts. Normally,thieves carry with them deadly weapons. They carry them either for protection or for intimidating or for escaping. When several people join hands and rob public, people generally call them " Alibaba and forty thieves". Photographs of notorious thieves are found not only in police stations but also at prominent public places in cities to caution public.

One fine morning there was an attempt of robbery at my residence also. It was 4.30.a.m. It was still dark outside. We were awake . Electric street light near our garage had gone out of order. However, street light in front of our house was emitting light . Suddenly , my wife saw a torch light piercing through our bed room window. In quick response she shouted " who is there '' Thieves could not either steal or do anything . Thieves could only tear wire net fixed to our bed room widow with a knife. Nobody from surrounding houses came and tried to help us to catch the thieves . Thieves made their escape. It is always not possible to catch a thief.Many thieves wear garb of an honest man and walk scott free. In fact, there are more number of uncaught and unknown thieves in the world than caught and known thieves. We did not forget to inform police . There after I gave wide publicity to the incident in order to make people aware that Sahakarnagar is not a safe heaven and there is threat of robbery in Sahakarnagar. It was when I came to know of the incident of robbery at Mr. Raman's house in C Block Sahakarnagar, Bengaluru.

Mr. Raman is a retired person from BSNL . He was in a top post in BSNL . His savings were pretty good. He had invested a major chunk of his savings on a beautiful mansion named "Ashirvad ". ' Ashirvad ' was built in a 40'x 60' site. It is a 20 square 3 BHK house. Now a days people get built a house like a citadel. Besides houses have a security guard or a security alarm and a dog too. A house generally has grill enclosures both in front as well as at its backyard these days. Moreover, front door of a house is normally made up of hard teak wood with a separate grill door . "Ashirvad " was also got built in same fashion. Mr Raman has only a son. Mr Raman's son and daughter in law are software engineers and they draw good salaries. In a nutshell, Raman's family is an affluent family. On a particular day, their daughter in law was to be operated in a far away nursing home. Entire family was in the nursing home. The family had left for the nursing home in the morning only after locking the house very well with Godrej locks. However, they had left jewelery and other valuables worth over two and half lakh rupees in a duly locked cupboard in the house. They had brought the jewelery from bank locker for the festival that had just gone by. They had even informed their neighbor about their visiting nursing home. They had requested neighbor to keep an eye upon their house in their absence also .

At about 4 p.m. receptionist at nursing home informed Mr Raman that there is a telephone call for him. It was from his neighbor. The neighbor informed Mr Raman that door of his house had remained open. Mr Raman wasted no time. He rushed to his residence. He was astonished to observe that door of his house was broke open. Modus operandi of a theft does not always remain same. Modus operandi changes from one theft to another. Thieves are by and large shrewd. Majority of thefts take place when we are not at home. A theft is always a mystery. Mr Raman neither touched anything nor allowed others to tamper with anything there. A thief generally leaves behind one or another clue in a theft. Detection of thieves and arresting them is not always that easy. The thieves had separated grilled door and drilled teak wood door. Broken Godrej cabinets. Every thing was scattered hither and thither. It was a horrible scene. Anybody would stand dumbstruck at such a scene. Only one who witnessed crime scene can narrate it more elaborately.

Thieves are always little concerned about damage that they cause to assets of house owner. They are always concerned only about their booty. Stress and strain of Mr Raman were inexplicable.It was a hell of a job to set the house in order. Repairs and modifications need a lot of labor and expenditure. Whenever a theft takes place suspicion spreads on everybody. It spreads not only on a guilty but also on an honest . Whenever a theft takes place everybody without an exception always curse a thief. More than anybody else, it is house owner and his family that curse a thief very much. Mr Raman immediately called police. Police brought with them a finger print expert also. Mr Raman had to bribe at every step to expedite the investigation. Ultimately F.I.R. was lodged with police . According to F.I.R. his loss was two and half lakh rupees. F.I. R. did not include cost of teak wood door, cost of repairing Godrej cabinets and other miscellaneous expenses. Mr Raman was fortunate. Finger prints of thief noticed on grill door and else where matched finger prints of Rowdy Maran.

It is not enough if one comes to know who the thief is. The thief has to be caught and stolen articles are to be found with him. The task is incomplete until police arrest the thief and recover from him the stolen articles. No developments were heard from police for more than a fortnight. One fine morning there was a call from Adugodi police to Mr Raman that Rowdy Maran was caught in a theft in their jurisdiction . Adugodi Police Station is far away from Sahakarnagar. Rowdy Maran had sold jewelery belonging to Mr Raman to a pawn broker at Sheshadripuram at a throw away price. Pawn brokers and thieves always form a nexus. There is always an understanding between them. Mr Raman could identify his jewelery. Adugodi police informed Mr Raman that jewelery would be delivered to him at a function to deliver stolen goods in the presence of D.I.G. Bengaluru. After two months , after several visits to various police stations and after spending substantial amount at various stages . Mr Raman got back his valuables.

It is to be recollected here that Mr. Raman incurred over Rs 50000/ - for repairs and modifications and miscellaneous expenses. In addition to this one has to remember stress and strain that Mr.Raman had undergone also. Instances where nothing of stolen goods is recovered are generally substantial . Mr Raman learnt many lessons from this incident. Theft is like a bad dream that never seems to end. One might be able to submit an insurance claim and recover some of the losses incurred by them during a theft , but emotionally they will be left with scars that are hard to heal. This incident of robbery is an unforgettable experience to Mr Raman. However,Mr Raman is to be considered fortunate because he got back whatever that was stolen. This happens once in a way only.