What is faith.

Here are a few words which describe what faith is .

Every normal human being is endowed with common sense, a kind of judgement that serves him to make ordinary decisions for his own good and welfare. For instance, by natural faith (even though we ordinary people cannot prove it scientifically) we like to drink milk because we believe it's good for our biological system; we embark a plane believing that the pilot and his crew are competent to take us to the desired destination. By natural faith I entrust the contents of an envelope in the hands of unknown postmen so that I may communicate with my friends abroad.

Christopher Hitchens says

“Faith is the surrender of the mind, it's the surrender of reason, it's the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other animals. It's our need to believe and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. ... Out of all the virtues, all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated”

Faith is not one to be imposed or taught. It's one that develops from what is heard, seen & understood.Faith is in nobody else it is in man itself. It is a basic necessity of a man. Life lies in how he makes use of it. Faith is always believing to be a road to success & demolition of evil. As days pass & world advances, faiths dwindle & change. Ghosts, devils, black magic & all disappear & bombs & missiles appear in lieu of them. It isn't merely those who wear saffron have faith, others also have faith too.

Faith, faith, faith in ourselves, faith, faith in God, this is the secret of greatness says Swami Vivekananda. Faith is a basic necessity of a man.It's often a savior in times of need.It influences the way people live & act. The importance of faith cannot be underestimated at anytime. Without it, we couldn’t expect that things would turn out alright for us no matter what the situation might be. It is it that gives us peace even when don't have all the answers.

Faith in God is different. Faith in man & matters is different .Faith is as bad as it's good. Man shouldn't have blind faith in anything at any time.What God usually tests a man in faith is hies patience.What's essential is faith in selves to do anything perfectly. It's a great inner strength.It isn't nil. It is man's mind, body & opulence. When victorious, having faith is no greater. If it isn't lost it when fully down is really great. Faith once lost to regain it's really an uphill task. It trumps stress, anxiety and fear. It acts as the pathway to finding solutions.

Faith is a flower that blooms out of thinking & doing right things.It develops by meeting situations and not running away from them.It is I will definitely see tomorrow. It is one that makes one fearless & confident.Marriage is a constant faith pledging ceremony before friends & relatives. Its success lies not only in how grand it's celebrated but also how well faith blooms.

It is not relation it is conduct that earns faith.If relationship betters faith betters, if it worsens faith too worsens. That is a lesson to be remembered. Faith once lost to regain it's really an uphill task.Failures, losses, defeat & breakups don't allow faith to grow but make it decline.If a chain is broken & however well it's repaired it won't attain its originality. So is faith if broken it won't be as it was. Man doesn't usually repose faith in X Y Z. he reposes it in dear, near & revered.

If one has faith, one can do anything but has to think before what they are doing is right. Faith always needs back up from efforts otherwise it's futile. It gives confidence. It enables one to complete what otherwise they won't have completed. Man doesn't mind if faith isn't fruited but prays nothing untoward happen. In whom to keep faith & in whom not to keep it's tough to decide these days. All things being equal, what makes the difference between two is faith.To one who has faith it is sure, to others it is a gamble.

It's harder to earn the faith than to earn money in life. It doesn't fall from the blues, it's earned with hard work & honesty. It is strange also. It can be dubious,false & purchased too. In what all ways it runs it couldn't be said at all. It depends upon man.It is name. It could be psychological too. Behavior of one who has faith & no faith aren't same.If somebody keeps faith in us it is an honour we must try to keep it up.

It's easy to have an ambition. Without faith one can't make any headway in it at all. Faith is usually reflected in one's behavior. Faith where & when it should be & not everywhere & at all time. In life better to keep it in self & God than anywhere else. One who has no faith in selves won't believe own right & left hand & won't have sound sleep at all too.

Usually to man, what one in whom he has faith says are golden words.Issue of a blank signed cheque exhibits faith.In olden days it was " No matter, we lose our life,but let us keep up our word" There were no DPN too. Transactions were oral on faith .Where we won't find faith,what it won't to do? How long Shabari waited that Rama would come, where Prahlad didn't visualize God, in any achievement or invention we find faith. It 's mightier than strength. It always adds to strength.

In young age people usually have less faith. Surroundings in which one grows increase or influence faith. As one grows as incidents take place generally faiths grow in them. A politician could win an election only if he could win the faith of the electorate.Faith makes one accept any challenge.It covers what not? It isn't merely monetary it covers other aspects too. It is needed in good times as well as in bad times.Bhagiratha brought river Ganga to earth from heaven.Faith can do marvels. What isn't run on faith almost all business, transactions & life itself runs on it.

What makes often man live is faith that he would see better days. When nothing comes to protection it's faith comes to his protection.Faith is a firm hope that may prove either right or wrong . Doesn't matter it has not been kept. Having kept it if one burns their fingers one feels a lot. As faith takes deep roots in man more would be its influence. It makes one blind. More it develops more the trust & leniency & less control & suspicion. Man would be a doll in the hands of it.Dealing with faith is a lifelong affair. Whether one reposes faith or doesn't on either way it's difficult.In Bhagvad Gita Sri Krishna rightly says about Faith " Do your duty . Leave everything else to me."

Negative thoughts leave alone increase faith they make it nil. Faith is a light in the darkness.“ It is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase.” says Martin Luther King. Faith cannot be described in words. It is innumerable. Man proclaims " I would do it, I would get it. It wouldn't go anywhere. Faith is not merely to score a win a battle, but to achieve something appreciable. It 's joy as well as sorrow. If it goes right it's joy,if it goes wrong it's sorrow.Joy of man has no bounds whenever faith triumphs. Man is what his faith is. Man's mind, heart, soul & everything is in it.

Faith is a self belief. It develops will power. It's a motivates. I will do it is faith. It is absolute faith in self. Faith is that's in one. It's unique. It needs no backup whatsoever. It isn't same in all.Man with faith & man without faith are two different personalities.Difference between man & man is faith too. What faith where one has another wouldn't have usually.One needn't tell what their faith is it is depicted in their words & deeds. One 's faith is what all they believe & what all they don't believe.

A man may smile & smile yet be a villain.says Shakespeare.What all faith one would have how deep it would run, all is individual. Faith is individual.Many stories of faith are full of a servant becoming a master & a master becoming a servant only.It is found animals which are fed two times a day are more faithful than some of the people are.Better to know a man well always before faith is reposed in him.Faith is a firm belief which once dwells in any wouldn't leave them easily at all.

Faith isn't one that's taught ,it's one that develops & binds man.It's it teaches one lesson if they do good they have good & if they do bad they have bad.The majority of people are living by the faith the good that they have done would be with them till the end.Faith is an armor to keep negativity at a distance. Faith in self or faith in anything else must have a limit.

Here is a real story of faith which I came across when I visited Niagara Falls a few years ago.It is the amazing story of Charles Blondin, a famous French tightrope walker, is a wonderful illustration of what true faith is.

Blondin's greatest fame came on September 14, 1860, when he became the first person to cross a tightrope stretched 11,000 feet (over a quarter of a mile) across the mighty Niagara Falls. People from both Canada and America came from miles away to see this great feat.

He walked across, 160 feet above the falls, several times... each time with a different daring feat - once in a sack, on stilts, on a bicycle, in the dark, and blindfolded. One time he even carried a stove and cooked an omelet in the middle of the rope!

A large crowd gathered and the buzz of excitement ran along both sides of the river bank. The crowd “Oohed and Aahed!” as Blondin carefully walked across - one dangerous step after another - pushing a wheelbarrow holding a sack of potatoes.

Then a one point, he asked for the participation of a volunteer. Upon reaching the other side, the crowd's applause was louder than the roar of the falls!

Blondin suddenly stopped and addressed his audience: "Do you believe I can carry a person across in this wheelbarrow?"

The crowd enthusiastically yelled, "Yes! You are the greatest tightrope walker in the world. We believe!"

"Okay," said Blondin, "Who wants to get into the wheelbarrow."

As far as the Blondin story goes, no one did at the time!