Man & Perfection.

What was world yesterday.What is it today.What it would be tomorrow. Perfection has been going on it.It would go on & go on it for ever . It would never be over at all.Those that were once rocks have been chiseled into beautiful carvings & perfecting them is being pursued vigorously & would continue until moon & sun are there on the earth. It is a never ending process. Elders say aim at sky you will be somewhere at least.It is true even in case of perfection , one who aims at perfection will also be perfect at least to some extent . Who doesn't aim at perfection? An artist, a singer, a bowler, a batsman and all try to achieve perfection. Some succeed & some fail. That's part of every game. Perfection can't be either purchased or borrowed, it has to be attempted & achieved. A man can be perfect in some respects & not in all respects at all . One who is perfect in all respects is God only. It is He who is perfection personified.Only if body or a machine is perfect in all respects it functions well. Even if a small part is not perfect or out of order in it, it wouldn't function well at all. Perfection plays its part in the life of a human being too. Perfection teaches one always right way, correct way & proper way to do things. Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without says Confucius.There could be no perfection without efforts at all . Perfection gives anything shape or form.

There are two sides to a coin. Perfection too has two sides. It is not merely confined to anything good . It could be used in anything bad too. Choice is left to a man. Some people choose good & some people choose bad in this world. It's a much sought after quality.What it is truly it is. It has not been clearly defined. Some like it & say it is essential & some don't like it & say it is nonsense . Everyone wants their work to be perfect.One of the ambitions of every man in life is to be perfect. Every man spares no pains in this respect but only a few become successful. Perfection isn't that easy at all. It isn't dolls play. It demands determination , patience, concentration ,talent & what not. Sometimes whatever efforts that one puts into it won't be suffice at all & It doesn't please leave alone others it doesn't please even themselves.One who is after perfection wouldn't sleep until perfection is achieved.How much time perfection would consume it could be said at all . Often it is not a days job. Some jobs remain unfinished through out life. Some jobs get finished in another generation too.Perfection wouldn't be after man. Man must be after perfection.

Leonard Cohen rightly says"There is a crack in everything ,That's how the light gets in " No man is perfect. Every man has one or another shortcoming. It being so how perfection can be expected everywhere.Perfection is tried almost in every field but it's successful only in some places. It is different in different spheres.Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary things, but in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. It's one that's complete & flawless in every respect.It is a concept . It depends on individuals.It is a drive from inside, not outside. It isn't necessarily for someone else to notice but for one's own satisfaction. According to Aristotle Greek philosopher perfection consists of three concepts

1. which is complete — which contains all the requisite parts

2. which is so good that nothing of the kind could be better

3. which has attained its purpose.

Perfection is not confined to merely to a single part. It is confined to every part. When all parts are perfect then only it is perfection.Perfection is cent percent. There shouldn't be anything beyond it . In perfectionism everything would be normally according to rules,regulations, systems & procedures. Wherever perfection is aimed a work would be at least good. When everyone targets at it a work would turn out to be excellent. In certain instances like rifle shooting & surgeries perfection is quite essential.Perfection is not achieved at a stretch. Only after committing mistakes and correcting them one achieves it. Perfection presents a complete picture. Who says perfection is not beautiful ? It is anywhere anytime beautiful.

Perfection is a rare phenomenon. However, a man won't remain as he is. In appearance or behavior there would be a sea of change in a man who was yesterday & a man who is today. To-day's man is not yesterday's man at all.There is no guarantee that perfection would prevent anything from happening. What is going to happen would definitely happen despite any amount of perfection. What the perfection would give one is self satisfaction & appreciation from some quarters.Once perfection is achieved everything would be easy.It is generally where there is no perfection there is one or another loophole too.

Though a man is not perfect in all respects in life , he expects perfection in every sphere. In work he expects perfection from his subordinates . As a teacher he expects perfection from his students. In life he wants a prefect life partner. He wants horoscopes to match perfectly. He tries to match height , weight & beauty of him & girl to perfection. What he doesn't do for the sake of perfection .Perfection many times is a lesson that is to be learnt from others.In Indian culture how many people join together and try to make a perfect match. Apart from boy & girl, parents, friends ,relatives well wishers & all put in their efforts. Yet, perfection has not been achieved. Man exclaims " Marriages are made in heaven"

It is universally agreed that to err is human. At one time or other, a man errs. As such, how perfection could be there in the universe. Even Dharmaraya , king of kings erred once. It is said that's why he was taken to heaven via hell. Initially no one will have have perfection. As time passes perfection automatically comes to everyone. Efforts & experience imbibe perfection into a man. Confidence always brings one perfection. Anything done with devotion would be always perfect.When perfections are more. It is difficult to compare them & choose which is the most perfect one among them.

One should never be egoistic & think more of their perfection at all. Perfection is required sometimes & at some places only. It is not required everywhere & every time.Perfection is not a permanent phenomenon. What is perfect to day may not be perfect tomorrow.Perfection may be good, praiseworthy helpful & useful but it is not always quite essential. It must not be at the cost of anything.Man must be always happy that is what one desires & what one needs. Perfection if it is not there , it doesn't always matter at all. Fault finders always try to find fault where there is perfection. It is their habit .

- Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs says

" Perfection never exists in reality, but only in our dreams."

Perfection is for self contentment. It is always time consuming. It wouldn't come overnight at all. It would not add much to the value also. Too much of perfection usually spoils sport. In fact, it makes everything topsy turvy. It makes one recall saying " Instead of idol of son, one makes the idol of father. "Whether anything serves the purpose is always primary and important. Whether it's perfect or not etc. are all secondary. Nobody is bothered about them at all.These days,many things that what man cannot do perfectly machine does perfectly . However ,everything cannot be mechanized. Importance of a man continues to be there in world.Man is man. Machine is machine.

It is not enough if perfection is there in appearance . It must be there in usefulness too.Perfection is in the eyes which look at .It differs from person to person. It is impossible to please everyone in the universe. Everything has a limit and perfection too has a limit. After a limit anything cannot be perfected at all.

One need not be after perfection. Practice makes everything perfect. What is always needed is improvement & usefulness.There is no end to perfection. Perfection is nothing but a madness .Perfection is not everything. It doesn't allow one to feel at home everywhere. It doesn't allow one be at to be calm & peaceful. Perfectionism is a disease. Perfectionist finds fault everywhere.Perfectionists normally look at imperfection with scorn. Generally, perfectionists have superiority complex.