Is There Life Without Compromise

Whether life runs always smoothly according to our plan and as we wish? We come across various answers to this simple question. The answer to this query varies from person to person. Majority of people are of opinion that life will never run according to their wish or as they plan it. The answer depends on the qualities in an individual as well as the circumstances in which individual has been placed. Thus we receive different types of replies with words and phrases like by and large, sometimes, more or less, hardly, never etc to the question whether life runs always smoothly according to our plan and as we wish?. A person who is philosophical would state that nothing goes according to our wish and plan in this world for" Man proposes and God disposes". These varied replies to the query indicate that everything is not well in one's life. It proves the fact that life is not a straight line and there are various hurdles in life. It provides answer to our question "Is there life without a compromise".

If life runs according to our will and wish, certainly there won't be need of a compromise at all . The fact that it doesn't run according to our will and wish reveals that everybody has to make some compromise or other at one stage or other stage of their life. Only, difference is that some have to make compromise more number of times whereas others have to make compromise less number of times. That depends upon the circumstances and situations in which they are placed. How much, and what kind of a compromise one has to make again depends on the circumstances and one's attitude. Some are ready to make compromise provided they are going to be benefited. Many times compromises don't take place without persuasions .In life some compromise so many times that they become tired and sick of compromises .

There is limit to everything. There is limit to compromising too. Many are of opinion that life itself is a compromise. They define life as adjustment. By a small compromise, we, very often gains a lot in life too. There are occasions in life when one repents for not compromising too. After quarreling day in and day out one becomes tired and fed up. Nobody like confrontation and tense atmosphere always they want to come out of them. Compromise is the best recourse at such times. Compromise normalizes life.

It is not enough if one compromises. Compromise should be done as far as possible prudently. One should compromise only when it is absolutely necessary. Compromise seizes one's independence. Compromise will not make any extremists happy. Extremism is often considered as antonym to compromise. Compromise is not a medicine to all ills. One should not compromise everything. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. While compromising, one should know well what they are going to compromise. Compromise has advantages as well as disadvantages. A valid compromise and settlement can be in any form, written or verbal. Compromise can be regarding any matter. Compromise is often a compulsion rather than a necessity. One cannot expect more from a compromise. Compromise seldom does a miracle. Compromise is usually considered as a sign of weakness, or an admission of defeat.

Strong men don't compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised. Of course, only a few people may be there in this world that may not be willing to make any kind of compromise at all. They are called stubborn people. They are very rigid .Definitely; life would not be a smooth sailing to them. They have to face unnecessarily a number of difficulties and problems in their life. Which, otherwise they could have avoided. In the process, they may become frustrated and their life may even end in a tragedy too. There are occasions when even several compromises do not yield one any positive result at all and as a result they get frustrated too. Of course, some are flexible, they compromise in the interest of everybody as and when they feel that it is necessary. They are happy and keep others also happy. A compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece. Compromise, if not the spice of life, is its solidity. It is what makes nations great and marriages happy. Some times one has to compromise even though that is against their principles too. One who compromises should be adaptable and have a lot of patience.

A compromise is described in many ways. Compromise is a concept of finding agreement through communication, through a mutual acceptance of terms—often involving variations from an original goal or desire. Disputes will never generally end without a compromise. Compromise is buying peace. Comprise involves give and take. It is an out of court settlement. It is an amicable settlement. In a compromise we cannot have a cake and eat it too. In compromise situations, neither side gets all of what they really want. In a compromise, one whose position is strong always tries to incorporate more their terms and conditions and one whose position is weak tries to get them modified to possible extent. Compromise is a solution to many vexed problems. Compromise is mutual yielding. Many times if not for compromise matters would not have moved at all. Compromise saves time, energy and trouble. Sometimes it may not cost one anything. There is always a reason behind a compromise. One normally compromises only when there is no other go. One who negotiates better can clinch a better compromise.

Generally in a compromise one forgoes something to get something in return or one has to lose something temporarily to gain something at a later date. All depends upon the compromise that one is going to make. One has to make use of one’s intelligence invariably as far as possible while making a compromise. Without ascertaining pros and cons a wise man generally never compromises. One should be diplomatic while making a compromise. Sometimes compromise is only an option at one’s disposal. Sometimes there will be no scope for any compromise at all. Sometimes compromise is one among the several options that one would have. Compromise is not a sacrifice. It is only reconciliation. All those who compromise do not sacrifice. One who makes more compromises and accustomed to making compromises may only find it is easy to make a sacrifice. Always we should compromise when it is for good. Compromise should either do us good or others good. We should never think of a compromise which does either us or others bad.

Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof. Compromise used to mean that half a loaf was better than no bread. Some things cannot be compromised because they cut to the core of an individual's or group's identity or survival. Two things that usually are not compromised are values, and fundamental human needs. One never compromises with their pride. One sometimes compromises with quantity but not with quality. One can compromise on certain matters only but not on all matters. However we find that there are people who have no morals or ethics and are prepared to compromise on anything and everything for monetary and other petty gains. Many things are worse than defeat, and compromise with evil is one of them. Peace won by the compromise of principles is a short-lived achievement. Where we have earlier bitter experience we have to think twice before we compromise again. When compromises fail a difficult situation faces us that require unpleasant confrontation. Wherever compromise is impossible there is likelihood of a relationship being broken. Wherever compromise is impossible there partnerships break, divorces, quarrels and discords take place. In majority of times, it is ego that does not allow one to compromise. It is ego in individuals that becomes one of the biggest impediment to a compromise.

Compromise and life is a vast subject. Life is full of compromises. There are various kinds of compromises in life. Compromise is always not easy. One should always study a compromise proposal and then only compromise. Compromise depends upon the position in which one is placed. One in vulnerable position can be persuaded to compromise whereas one in comfortable position does not yield so easily. Whether one is in vulnerable or comfortable position it is always better if they think twice before a compromise. Where we deal more, where we have no problems or disputes, there are no compromises too. Wherever and whenever we are going to benefit we should not hesitate to compromise for it is an opportunity. Life comprises of innumerable aspects like character, lifestyle, ideals, ambitions, decisions, prestige, health, wealth, marriage, profession, career, education, habits, etc. While dealing with each aspect of life, sometimes we may have to make a compromise in our stance in one or other way according to the situation we come across .

Sometimes, we may have to make more compromise and sometimes a little less .Further, it is only we who have to decide whether we have to make any compromise or not or to face the life as it is .However, it would be better if we have a flexible nature so that we could adapt ourselves to the change with ease. Some times only a little compromise may be required and it may be only a minor deviation from our way of life and we can reconcile to the deviation easily. It is difficult to compromise a habit. A drunkard would compromise anything except alcohol. Sometimes our compromise may impair our life a great deal and it may be very difficult for us to reconcile and may even tantamount to sacrifice on our part. Life is not a bed of roses. At the same time it is not fully a bed of thorns too.

We should analyze whatever situation that we come across in our life and deeply think over same and take right and appropriate decisions in time to cope up with the situation. How often and why a person compromised depends upon their nature. Some compromise more and some compromise less. Some do not compromise at all. Weak minded people and people with inferiority complex compromise more. Strong willed persons and people with superiority complex generally compromise less. Compromise is important for Healthy Relationships. One should not think only of compromises that they make but think of compromises others make too to maintain or develop better relationships with one another.

We often find compromises in litigation. There the compromise takes place between two parties namely plaintiff and defendant. It is a mutually agreed settlement of dispute wherein generally a plaintiff forgoes certain benefits to receive in return certain benefits from the defendants and vice versa. There compromise is for the convenience of both parties involved that too to get out of the shackles of cumbersome time consuming litigation. It is said in a litigation both plaintiff and defendant learn a number of lessons. Both of them get considerably subdued. One who has won litigation tastes defeat and one who has lost it are as good as dead.

Compromise in real life is something different. We come across various types of compromise in our life. There is compromise for the sake of self and compromise for the sake of others. There is no unusual in one’s compromise for self. If one compromises for the sake of others, that may be unusual. Of course, in that case we should know what the compromise was to decide whether it is usual or unusual. Compromise may be one of the solutions to our problems. Any dispute could be solved through compromise between the parties involved without approaching the courts of law. Anything which we do out of compulsion cannot be termed as a compromise. If you agree to opt out of team to accommodate somebody when you are injured, it is not a compromise. However, your agreeing to play at any place other than the one at which you usually play for the benefit of the team is a compromise. Similarly, if you drink coffee regularly and if you are offered a cup of tea and you accept it. It is certainly a compromise.

Generally, when we Indians go abroad, we wear suits and shoes in lieu of our traditional dhoti and kurtha and chappals which we as well as our ancestors have been wearing for generations because they do not want to appear strange to westerners. This is a compromise. Besides, we have to make changes in our food habits there. We may have to switch over to cereals, bread, oatmeal’s, pizza, etc from rice, dosa, idli sambar, rasam etc which is also a compromise. A vegetarian sharing table with a non vegetarian is also a compromise. If a person marries another person who is really sick or becomes sick later on definitely former has to make many compromises and instead if the latter is sick or becomes sick former has to make many compromises. There are occasions when these compromises turn out to be a sacrifice. Those who are ready to sacrifice for one would definitely compromise anything for them. True friends compromise anything for one another among them. Parents compromise anything for their children.

Life is really strange. Sometimes, accidents render us disabled and we might not have no other go on our part than to make some serious compromises in our day to day life. Marriage generally leads to many compromises in one's life. Our life partner might have been brought up in a totally different atmosphere than ours and there might be difference in life style, views, habits, thinking and manners etc between us two. As such definitely compromises are quite essential on both the sides to make a married life happy. Success and failures are common in our life. We may fail in an exam, a test or an interview; we should try to understand why we failed and compromise with the result. Instead if we simply brood over the result, we become depressed. Thus with regard to other aspects of life like our career or profession, or student life etc we may have to compromise for one or another reason. Compromising is not that easy. Many times breach of compromises take place too. Compromise may not be always possible also. A failure of a compromise may make matters worse. Sometimes, we may have to compromise against our own will. There is no doubt that if we do not compromise as and when necessary in our life definitely we would add fuel to the fire. If we possess compromising nature generally it brings us solace. However, One should compromise only when it is necessary or essential and not on every count. If we do so, we may lose our identity in the society.

As far as possible we should boldly and intelligently confront situations in our life. We should always compromise discreetly. Compromise is a weapon which should generally be used as a last resort when there is no other go. When victory is in sight nobody is generally ready for a compromise .But when we are losing a battle wiser counsel should prevail and we should try for a compromise. One who compromises and one who is tactful can avoid many confrontations, disputes, fights, tussles etc and can live in peace, harmony, without any tension or agitation. It is such a person who succeeds in life generally. Compromise is not only needed but also it is absolutely necessary. Of course, we should know in that respect when, where and why it is needed. Compromises can be had anywhere and everywhere. Compromise can be brought about by talks, negotiations etc. Any problem or dispute can be solved through a compromise. There cannot be a life without a compromise. All government -- indeed, every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue and every prudent act -- is founded on compromise and barter.