Life is a game of intelligence.

It is said God wouldn't bless everyone with everything. If a man is blessed with intelligence wouldn't be blessed with something else. The reason it's said a man won't remember God,if blessed with everything.

What's the use of intelligence? That the following saying signifies.

It says.

" Axe has been used to one that could have been removed with a nail "

Intelligence is one of the essentials of life.Often,without it one can't make out either head or tail.Things don't move at all. One cuts a sorry figure. It isn't a one day affair.It is from birth to death. It is like building honey bee nest over a period of time. Life would be beautiful if intelligence is adequate & utilised properly.

Intelligence doesn't come to light to all in same manner. What all where all intelligence wont play in life. It's a cold war. An intelligent not only doesn't waste his intelligence but also utilises it prudently. Intelligence allows one to enjoy life.It enables one to understand it. Using intelligence is a pleasure. It is a pride. It is an opportunity .It enables one to differentiate between water & milk. It isn't one to be used according to whims & fancies.Man is considered superior to animals because of his intelligence only. In life there is much to learn from everyone's intelligence. Intelligence are lessons.Nobody need tell what is important, what to remember what to ignore that intelligence tells. Intelligent infer, decide & conclude.

It is not merely humans are intelligent even birds & animals are too intelligent.Life isn't a bed of roses at all. Majority of people feels whatever intelligence that they have is inadequate to lead life comfortably. They often exclaim " What is this life "Life would be without direction, planning & goal if it were not for intelligence. Intelligence is the heartbeat of a man. It is when what to do.

Intelligence is a term that is difficult to define, and it can mean different things to different people.What one intelligence one has that others may have or may not have. Intelligence differs from man to man. Many factors affect the intelligence of an individual. All who are successful aren't intelligent . Successful doesn't mean intelligent too. As any fruit is tasty when it ripens. Intelligence too would be more useful & beneficial when it ripens.Qualities like laziness does not leave a man easily if he allows it. It in fact develops by leap & bounds. Whereas intelligence with all the efforts grows with the snail's pace only. Human qualities are strange.Whenever, where ever intelligence doesn't work what should have happened that happens.

One may not need anything one needs intelligence.Educated, uneducated & all need it. What thieves, cheats & all need is it only. More than anywhere else intelligence lies & develops in life itself. It's the best management tool.What to choose what to leave that intelligence makes a right choice.What to forget what to remember that it earmarks well.It is a guiding star.

Advice alone won't make one intelligent. Intention to become intelligent won't alone make one intelligent. It is incidents in life . It is circumstances make one intelligent. One must work relentlessly towards the goal. Where there is will there is a way. It's life makes one intelligent.

Intelligence isn't for keeping within. It is for using extensively.Then only it would be fruitful.Otherwise, it would be only a waste.It mustn't be alone.It must supplement other qualities. Other qualities must supplement it.More the gold is made use of, more it glitters. More the intelligence is used, it sharpens. It yields contentment. It isn't for saving at all. In fact, If not used it gets rusted.

The mind isn't visible to naked eyes at all . It's intelligence that places a picture what's it before us. Intelligence is a mental exercise. The mind must be calm and quiet about it. God's blessings are quite essential for the same. Man's intelligence is nothing before His intelligence . Laziness is a sign of high intelligence, suggests new study.

Intelligence is a weapon .It could be an either a treasure or a curse as how a man makes use of it.It's one which gives confidence to face situations in life, Tit for tat is possible because of it only. Intelligence shows the way, It is choosing the way. If the way is right one reaches the goal surely.It doesn't generally come single.It often comes with other qualities like common sense, presence of mind etc.It does marvels. It always carves one a good name. One is often remembered for their intelligence. Intelligence doesn't develop where one sits. Efforts are always quite essential to develop it. Intelligence is more efforts in the beginning & less effort later on.

Intelligence has been enhancing qualitatively & quantitatively in universe.What wasn't dreamt also has been invented or discovered. Yet, demand for it won't recede as long as heaven & earth are there. Competition between intelligent & intelligent won't recede also as long as heaven & earth remain. Why comparison between intelligence & intelligence too won't recede as long as heaven & earth are there. Intelligence is quite essential for survival of a man.

Only because of intelligence world has developed. It is it only can take it forward further too. Intelligence not only enables one avert loss, but also it enables one make profits. It not only enables one avert danger, but also it enables one save lives.What couldn't be carried out with power could be carried out with it with ease. It often spares time & energy.

Some think that they are very intelligent & some aren't aware of their intelligence at all. The world is strange,

Intelligence is varied. It's of various types. It cannot be taught, it has to be grasped. An intelligent grasps not only what is there, but also grasp what is not there too. An intelligent grasps if taught once only, whereas a dull herd has to be taught a couple of times.

Everyone may know the answer. To which question which is the answer that only intelligent know. The solution to any problem requires intelligence. Quest for intelligent would go on as long as the world is there.

There is no dearth of intelligence in the world, but it is not used wherever & whenever it has to be used at all. Majority of people try their best to outshine in life with their intelligence.Intelligence undergoes modifications from time to time. Formerly, intelligence was confined to bow & arrow warfare.Today,it's nuclear & missile warfare.Formerly, it was a five day test cricket,today it's 20 overs cricket, 50 overs cricket, day & night cricket. As thinking undergoes changes, intelligence too undergoes changes.

Intelligence generates an instant reply like a computer. The computer is the brainchild of intelligence only. Where twists & turns aren't possible, it's it often brings it in. It's it only makes impossible into possible also. When intelligence & intelligence come together either good or bad happens.It is not enough if one has intelligence, besides one must have positive thoughts too.In many games like chess, dice & cards intelligence alone wouldn't work. Luck too plays its role. In the game of life too intelligence wouldn't alone work. Dame luck plays its role.Intelligence alone cannot make one capable. However, one cannot be capable without intelligence at all too.

Patience yields maximum intelligence . Intelligence boosts one's confidence. It quickens realisation in a person. It is always better to pray God for more of it than wealth & luxuries in life.

The tussle is more between intelligence & intelligence than between a man & a man. Often, it is intelligence that gives rise to the ego.More intelligent reign over less intelligent. Intelligence gives rise to a superiority complex. & inferiority complex many a time. Life would have been dull If it were not a game of intelligence. Intelligence makes life interesting & thrilling.

Unless a man is met & dealt with, it is difficult to gauge his intelligence at all .It is not the words prove intelligence. It is deeds prove the intelligence. Hence, the saying " Empty vessels make more sound." True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.

In a game one who wins would be happy. one who is defeated would be sad usually. Life is a game of intelligence.Up & down are common in it. It is there to be sportive. There is no win or a defeat in it. Everyone plays their intelligence in it. It is needed for their survival. It is rightly said " Necessity is the mother of inventions "

God too plays His intelligence in the lives of human beings. Intelligence are different & life stories are too different .

Intelligence works quickly to some people.It works to some slowly. It doesn't work to some at all In what form & how intelligence makes its presence it couldn't be guessed at all. It's mysterious.

Intelligence is awe inspiring & commands respect if it performs . Quality is always more important than quantity. Intelligence would be fruitful , not if it is abundant, but if it is used in a good manner.

In life, what matters is not how much intelligence you have but how you have utilised it , what is your achievement, what is your performance, it only weighs..

A strong mind isn't enough to have intelligence. One should have attentive ears,& acute eyes too.Intelligence won't be successful everywhere. It has competition too. It should be made use of where it should be & not everywhere.Intelligence is not confined merely to talk & deeds, it is spread over to every aspect of man's life.

What all emotions intelligence evokes in man. It evokes appreciation, jealousy, anger, anxiety, fear & other emotions.What would be done with intelligence & what wouldn't be done with intelligence it couldn't be said at all. Man would be happy when it is rightly used & something good is achieved, However, man when he comes across the ugly side of it exclaims " Oh God why you have given me intelligence to understand all this "

Intelligence is a delicate instinct in human beings. Who said it doesn't need mind control. In fact, it needs more mind control. If it runs in the right direction it runs in. right direction. If it runs in the wrong direction, it runs in the wrong direction, the egoistic mind it runs hotter kilter.Intelligence if one has more it is troublesome. It even if one has less also it is troublesome. Better it is either not more or less of a human being.It is needed not only to rule over others, but also it is needed not to be ruled over by others too.It is a spark which needs little ignition to spread. The majority of answers of an Intelligent is a smile. Intelligence makes one smile more, think more & talk-less. It makes one more disciplined . It once in doesn't goes out easily. In fact, it often enhances in a man.