Life is full of expectations.

Life is full of expectations.Children to adults all have expectations.List of expectations of children is always very long. When one expectation is over another expectation creeps up & it won't be nil at all at any time. Though, a man's list of expectation isn't so long, it won't be nil at all too. About list of expectations of women better it isn't commented at all.

Father has expectations from son. Son has expectations from father . Wife has expectations from husband & husband has expectations from wife.Who has no expectation from whom.Everyone has one or other expectation in life.It's difficult to lead life without expectations.At every stage of life different different expectations occupy a man .What a man's expectations are what he is.Those who know a man ,know his expectations also. God knows devotees expectations. Mother knows her children's expectations.Teacher knows students expectations and boss knows employees expectations. If we know others expectations we can respond to their expectations. Responding to other expectations wherever they are reasonable & possible is really a great quality.Expectations activate a man.They don't allow him to keep quiet at all.They develop relationships and they break relationships too. Sri Chinmoy says " Peace begins when an expectation ends ."Every expectation is a dream & every dream is an expectation only.

Where what would be expected it couldn't be said at all. In almost all fields a man would have expectations. They are always hidden within him. Seldom they are expressed. They go round in his mind. On one or other occasion they come out. Expectations of one another one another seldom know. Though,it's impossible to come up to everyone's expectation, everyone in the universe has been trying to live up to their own expectation. Life would be seldom up to a man's expectation .Of course , he must not have too much of expectations anywhere at all.

A man goes on expecting only if his expectations one after another succeed . When everything goes on as per expectations he would be more & more enthusiastic too.However he forsakes expectations if his expectations one after another fail.

It is not only a man has expectations but also animals have expectations.Tiger & Lion wait in the wings to pounce upon their prey.Man too always expects opportunities & waits to grab them in his life . Sometimes expectations of a man are right & sometimes expectations of a man are wrong. After all man is a human being.In some instances expectations would be waste of valuable time & energy even if hairs turn grey there would be no semblance of improvement in a person.

Expectations prompt one to undertake a work. Without expectations nobody does work for nobody these days. Life is full of expectations. They comprise of expected & unexpected expectations. They include good & bad expectations . Expected & unexpected expectations teach us many lessons.Some people have more expectations & some people have less expectations based on their nature & situations they are placed in life. Expectations depend upon a man & his interests. They are spread over. They aren't confined to a single field but are spread over different fields according to individual interest. They are not confined merely to the money & matters. They are also spread over detection of talents & skills, love & various other fields too. Optimistic would have more expectations & pessimistic have less expectations. Expectations vary from man to man. What expectations when one would have it couldn't be made out unless they are expressed in words or deeds .It's expectations that better days would come enable one bear losses & sufferings in life.They make future look bright & shining too.

Some say one should have expectations.Some say one shouldn't have them at all. Expectations make one think positively.It's they that help one to reconcile or calm down in any situation too. It's said that expectations lead to disappointments.It's nothing but negative thinking.What expectations one could have & what expectations one shouldn't have, it is better one knows always.Expectations should be only where they should be & should not be everywhere.If one knows when ,where & what expectation they could have, it helps them a great deal.

Here is what one says about Life is full of expectations.

This is the tragedy of life. Every one has high expectations from life. When they don't realize the expectations, they become angry, sad and depressed. It is not wrong to expect but too much of expectations spoils our peace. Our life goes on two rails which are already laid. Imagine a train with engine. It can not move and travel as per the driver's wishes. It will be strictly within the two parallel rails and any change of directions are made by the signaler at the railway signal cabin. Road travel is different. The driver can negotiate the bends and curves and chose his path amid the inbound and ongoing traffic. But human life is different. It has to move on the stipulated rails. One rail is the cumulative effects of our past and the other rail is morality. When we skip the rails, there is mishap. Hence follow the rules of living.

Expectations are quite necessary & they help a man to manage certain situations in life very well. Life moves forward with expectations only. Expectations give one a long rope. They give rise to hope & hope gives rise to expectations. It is always better to expect anything before it happens. It is well said prevention is always better than a cure. When enemy is there in vicinity,one can expect attack at any time. One who expects anything before hand is said to have a foresight.Man must keep always his eyes & ears open.No doubt expectations sometimes lead to disappointment. They come to one's rescue many a time too. Expectations are to be always reasonable. Man must always think & use his scruples well before having an expectation without fail.Expectations are not fantasies.Expecting anything accurately always needs knack & experience. All do not possess it. Man spares no efforts whatsoever to make expectations materialize but that isn't completely in his hands.It depends on many factors . Sometimes what takes place exceed expectations . Sometimes , what takes place would be as per expectations & sometimes ,what takes place would be below expectations . Man must be always ready to accept whatever it is.Expectation is a vision but reality is when it happens .

Expectations where they would materialize & where they wouldn't materialize it couldn't be said . Sometimes, where we expect they don't materialize & where we don't expect they materialize.They spring surprises. They always need patience.They make one wait. They are bound by limits. One of the ways to get ready to an exam is expecting questions & be ready with the answers to them.Expectation is a human quality. What expectations are to be made & what expectations aren't to be made nobody knows perfectly.When expectations materialize man becomes happy & when they don't materialize man becomes depressed. Man has major & minor expectations. He wakes up usually every morning with expectations & goes to bed happily if they become real. All expectations needn't become real to him. All expectations do not materialize also. It is enough for him if the majority of them materialize.

An expectation is like a bird in the bush & it is not like a bird on hand.It's a thought. It's a guess. It's an art. It's an assumption. It's a tool. It may or may not take place . One cannot completely rely on it at all. Shakespeare rightly says "Expectation is the root of all heartache "One can have expectation only where they have immense faith.

Anybody can have expectations.They must have capability to enforce them.If performance exceeds expectations it is generally hailed & praised. If performance is below expectations it is condemned or rejected. Expectations can produce wonders.Expectations would never leave either human beings or world at all. They are going to be there as long as human beings & world are going to be there. Journey of expectations that began at birth would never end with death too. At the time of death everyone expects to go to heaven only.One must be after expectation & should never leave it. It would be a reality. Persuasion & determination play a great role in realization of an expectation.