More I think More I realize

Life is full of realizations. It's they make one more enlightened.They change a person a lot. It's realizations that make a person great. They aren't bolts from the blues. They are often fruits of undergone experiences.Realizations are important in life.Life can't be led properly without realizing many of it's aspects . Man wouldn't suffer or wouldn't face failure if he realizes in time whatever necessary.However,by the time one realizes many times it would be too late.Realization depends on many factors like intelligence, opportunity, efforts, and knowledge.It's better if man realizes what are all good & what are all bad.More than realizing anything timely realization of mistakes is also quite essential in life.Realizations are nothing but lessons. They are valuable experiences.When they would be helpful it can't be said at all. They are helpful in dangerous times. They are helpful in difficult times too. They show the right path.At times they are solutions too. It's difficult to realize anything but making others realize is still difficult .Nobody can realize everything either at a stretch or little by little in life. Realization on is a process. In life man realizes one by one according to his abilities up to the end of his life. That's how some realize more and some realize less in life

More I think More I realize. More I think , more I can traverse into past. More I think , more I can visualize and plan future. Of course, one shouldn't think too much too.More one thinks more their mind works and more thoughts arise too.That may include more unnecessary or unwanted or useless thoughts also. Unnecessary thoughts make lives miserable. One has to think in a methodical style otherwise there will be wastage of mental potentialities. Thinking must be always in right direction.In life one realizes what's necessary only sometimes in time. Sometimes, one realizes what is necessary a little bit late . Sometimes one doesn't realize what's necessary during their life time at all. Realizations do not take place in all promptly. They differ from man to man. That's why life of man to man differs too.

Life begins the moment we are born on this earth and concludes the moment we bid adieu to this world. Nobody knows what the span of their life is. During the course of life we come across a number of incidents. What that matters are not how long we lived but how we lived. Some of the incidents that we come across are sweet and memorable. Some of the incidents that we come across are harsh and bitter. Life is not static. It moves towards the destiny. In the process, it teaches us numerous lessons. They are worth emulating. Millions of people come and go on this earth. They move into oblivion just like stars. They are unheard of. Only a few find their place in books.

Here are some of the thoughts which pestered me:1) First we have to set our house in order and then only we must think of anything else.2) It is not enough if we know somebody , it is more important that we should understand them in all respects too at the earliest for we may have to deal with them 3) We should not only know ourselves well but also should develop our capacity to judge others.4) The remarkable achievements in life by individuals are due to their determined continued concerted efforts without caring for the results.5) A talented person should always be recognized and encouraged .6)Talent should not be allowed to go unnoticed or wasted. On the contrary we should always be in search of talent for talent is scarce .7) We should never be jealous of virtues in others 8) The credit for the success of a team does not go to any individual but to the entire team . It is the team work that should be first recognized and appreciated though some individual performances may be marvelous 9) We should always give more than what we receive.10) We should not be either too rigid or too flexible to find a solution to a problem. Give and take policy generally gives favorable results 11) It is not enough if we develop our muscles but we have to develop our wits too.12) we can believe a thief rather than believing a cunning rogue.13) War with weapons are always destructive but the tussles between intellectuals are always creative 14) we should always donate for a good cause. !5) Whenever you feel like helping somebody , it is better that you part the sum as charity rather than as a loan and do not expect it back 16) Marketing is an art.17) Marketing requires talent 18) Marketing requires strategy too 19)In marketing we have to create demand for our products and services whatever or however they may be 20 ) We should give as much importance to marketing as that we give to production.21) Beauty and intelligence seldom go together.22) We should know that if we are smart, there are others who are smarter.23) We should not try to make use of somebody's either innocence or ignorance 24) Man proposes but God disposes 25) Do not spread rumors 26).Do always justice to others and try to undo injustice 27) Injustice is nothing but justice denied.28) Do not enjoy at somebody's cost .29) It is not sufficient if we are well educated. Besides qualification we should have experience and knowledge to manage and run an industry or business .We should also be good at marketing to be successful in our venture. Otherwise we may have to burn our fingers.30) In real life there is lot of difference between theory and practice. 31) When an assignment is half way through, it is always better not to think of taking up another one unless you complete that one which is on hand.Otherwise, there is every possibility of both remaining incomplete 32) after clearing lower heights successfully only, think of higher altitudes. It is foolish to make an attempt to reach the summit at the first instance itself 33) Even great people do commit mistakes in the beginning .But they learn a lot from their mistakes to become great.34) we should always be ready to admit our faults. It is always better to admit our fault the moment we realize that we have gone wrong rather than waiting for somebody to point it out Admitting our fault without any demure is really a great quality which a few people possess 35) Many intelligent people are born in this world but only a few among them are genius whereas a prodigy is born once in a way only.36) It is our magnanimity that counts and not the place where we live .It does not matter whether we live in a hut or mansion.37)We should not own anything that belongs to others 38)We should not aspire for anything which is beyond our reach.38)Everyone is not blessed with the same quantity of intelligent quotient 39)It is very difficult to pass life as an exam for it is not like any other academic examination that we face.40) There is nothing wrong to be smart . However do not be over smart and try to fool others. There are other people who are more smarter than what you are to fool you.41) Guilty conscience always pricks 42) Guilty should always be punished but not the innocent 43) A successful lawyer is one who always takes up weak cases and wins 44) A successful doctor is one who always successfully handles critical cases 45)Crimes can never be hidden for long, they come to light in one or another way 46) Even the kith and kin find It hard to believe a liar even when he speaks the truth 47) Guilty should never be allowed to go Scot- free. 48)Intelligence could be used for either for a good purpose or a bad purpose.49)There should not be much difference between reality and fiction.50) We should always be a lion hearted person and never be a chicken hearted 51) We should always face the reality without any demure 52) Illiteracy and ignorance go hand in glove.53) Crime and punishment should match one another.54) Love is always blind 55) Jealousy , hatred , revenge and crime are all bad qualities. They are all inter related as such we should never give room to anyone of them knowingly or unknowingly.56) Do not add salt to an injury.57) Rome is not built in a day.58) Do not cry over a split milk 59) Do not carry a coal to New Castles 60)That which cannot be cured is to be endured and one has to learn to live with it. 61) Be a Roman while you are in Rome.62) One cannot have a cake and eat it too. 63)Either, everybody is always not right or wrong 64) Nobody likes those who boast themselves 65)Do not dwell too much on your past and wile away your valuable time instead plan a better tomorrow 66) Do not unnecessarily poke your nose in other's affairs 67) Always try to maintain a good relationship .with your neighbor.68) Neither we should develop superiority complex nor inferiority complex . We should continue to be what we are. 69) Nobody is indispensable. Either a better man or an equally capable person will fill the void created.70) we should be impartial while selecting or recommending a candidate for any purpose whatsoever. Selection should always be on merit.71) We should never hesitate to express our displeasure a against anything that is bad or that we do not like 72) We should not generally suppress our feelings as that could lead to one or other complication but at the same time we should be extremely careful and exercise utmost restraint and prudence while giving vent to our feelings and see that nothing untoward happens.73) It is generally people who are endowed with more common sense and presence of mind come out unscathed through awkward ,dangerous or difficult situations 74) Even if you do not want to express your gratitude to somebody for the help rendered at least do not do anything that harms them.75) Even if you do not want to speak well of others, at least do not talk ill of them 76) Everybody is good until he or she does something bad to you.77)Even honest people come under surveillance on account of crooks 79)You can fool anybody once or twice, but not always.80) Neither be an optimistic nor be a pessimistic , follow the middle path 81)First set your house in order and then think of anything else .82)A barking dog never bites. 83) A dog can bite us but we cannot bite a dog.84) Justice delayed is justice denied. 85) Practice makes a man perfect.86) Never be an impostor. 87) A fool builds a house and a wise man lives in it 88) Too much of familiarity breeds contempt 89)A pen can be sharper than a knife.90) Nobody likes those who boast themselves 91)Do not dwell too much on your past and wile away your valuable time instead plan a better tomorrow 92) Do not unnecessarily poke your nose in other's affairs 93) Any saying may go wrong but a proverb never goes wrong.94)Honesty is the best policy 95) Nobody is indispensable. Either a better man or an equally capable person will fill the void created.96) we should be impartial while selecting or recommending a candidate for any purpose whatsoever. Selection should always be on merit.97) We should never hesitate to express our displeasure a against anything that is bad or that we do not like 98) We should not generally suppress our feelings as that could lead to one or other complication but at the same time we should be extremely careful and exercise utmost restraint and prudence while giving vent to our feelings and see that nothing untoward happens.99) It is generally people who are endowed with more common sense and presence of mind come out unscathed through awkward ,dangerous or difficult situations 100) Even if you do not want to express your gratitude to somebody for the help rendered at least do not do anything that harms them.101) Even if you do not want to speak well of others, at least do not talk ill of them 102) Everybody is good until he or she does something bad to you.103)Even honest people come under surveillance on account of crooks 104)You can fool anybody once or twice, but not always.105 ) Neither be an optimistic nor be a pessimistic , follow the middle path 106)First set your house in order and then think of anything else 107)Service to mankind is service to God 108) Everybody should have confidence but not the overconfidence.109)We should make proper use of our strength.110) It is not always enough if we possesses good qualities, we should make use of them as and when required 111) We should not either gamble with money or life Both are not good 112)A ship with a captain may reach the shores but certainly

not the one without a captain 113) Sometimes it is the chair which one occupies commands respect from the colleagues as well as public and not the individual who occupy it unless those individuals who occupy the same make the best use of their powers and were helpful to one and all without jeopardizing the interest of the institution. They would continue to command respect even after they vacate the chair 114) We should never be power drunk but at the same time we should maintain the dignity of the chair that we occupy 115) There is a lot of difference between giving and sacrificing. Sacrificing is something great that only a few can do.116) Jealousy is a slow poison and is worse than the dreaded decease cancer.117)Ignorance of law is not an excuse 118) All is well that ends well 119)It is easy to preach but it is very difficult to practice.120)You are the creator of your own destiny 121) Fight should always be between equals.122) Indecision is better than hasty decision 123) Old order changes yielding place to new.124) Like poles repel, unlike poles attract 125).Think twice before you ink 126) Do not be an opportunistic 127) Always choose the best and safest possible way 128) Do not always open a door to a stranger without proper inquiries.129) Appearances are always deceptive 130) you are the best judge of yourself 131) Always make the best use of your scant resources 132) All that tastes well may not be good for your health 133) Always try to settle a dispute amicably through negotiations.134) Always keep the doors open for the negotiations 135) Litigation is always a lengthy and cumbersome process.136) Do not always think that your opponent is weak 137) Do not always take every thing lying down 138) A better team never wins always . Sometimes it loses too for a game depends on other factors also 139) Make the best use of your talents 140) Do not open a Pandora 's Box.141) Patience is always rewarding.142) It is not enough if you have the knowledge but should know how to make the best use of it.143) One of the famous judgments is " much can be said on either side.144) Think twice before you reject or accept a proposal 145) Before you plunging into any venture ,have a forethought.146) Do not runaway from any situation.147) Before taking a decision know the pros and cons of the same 148) Do not draw any hasty conclusions without collecting all the facts from authentic sources and having a true and complete picture of the case in front of you.149)Do not give much importance to hearsay 150) Think twice before you act. 151) Do not try to find fault with others 152) Better be late, than never while participating in any event or competition.153)The first impression created is generally the best impression 154) A bad impression created cannot be tarnished so easily.155) Do not enter into partnerships with strangers.156) Do not be carried away by to-day's successes for tomorrow you may also have to face a series of failures even 157) Distinguish between a flatterer and a well wisher.158) Avoid always a bad company 159) Always share your thoughts only with your confidants and well wishers 160) Know your plus points and at the same time your weaknesses too.161) Always command respect and do not demand respect 162) Do not go out of the way and help others.163) Always express your feelings in a subtle manner 164) Try to have complete restrain over your senses so as to control your thoughts and deeds 165) Do not be fickle minded and allow the thoughts to over pour you.166) We cannot runaway from any reality for long, we have to face it either to-day or tomorrow.167} Work is worship.168}Truth always prevails.169) More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of .170)Conscience is the presence of God in a man 171)cleanliness is next to Godliness.172)Where there is a will there is a way 173) A stitch in time saves nine 174) Every dog has its own day 175) A known devil is always better than an unknown devil.176) A bird in hand is worth two in bush 177) Birds of same feather fly together.178) Waste not,want not 179) Face is the mirror into the mind 180) Success goes to those who dare and act and not to the timid 181)A failure is always a stepping stone to a success.182) Old is Gold 183) All that glitters is not gold 184) Honesty is the best policy 185) An apple a day keeps a doctor away.186) A friend in need is a friend indeed 187) Success and failure are two faces of a same coin 188) Empty vessels make more sound 189) Idle mind is devil's workshop 190) Give everybody thy ear but a few thy tongue.191) Neither a lender nor a borrower be for money oft loses itself and the friendship 192) Tiny drops of water make a mighty ocean 193) A man may smile and smile and yet be a villain 194) Child is the father of man 195) God is great 196) Pen is mightier than sword 197) Words speak more than deeds.198) Cesar's wife should be always above board 199) A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.200) Heard melodies are sweet but those that are unheard are sweeter.201)It is only love that increases when you share it with others 202) If character is lost everything is lost, if health is lost something is lost, if wealth is lost nothing is lost 203) Live and let live 204) Eat to live and do not live to eat.205) Always sow good seeds one day or other you will reap bumper harvest 206)There is nothing good or bad thinking makes it so 207) Silence is golden 208) Every rule has an exception 209 )Every problem has got one or more solutions 210) Unity is strength.211) Do not listen bad ,do not utter bad, do not see bad 212) Speak always the truth 213) Some are born great, some achieve greatness and upon some greatness is thrust 214 ) Do not run against wind 215) Do not swim against tide.216) Do not create storm in a cup of tea.217) Do not be ashamed to admit your mistakes 218) To err is human to forgive is divine 219) All the fingers of same hand are not alike 220) Do not make a mountain out of a mole hill 221) Only when two hands join ,there is clap 222) A news spreads like wild fire .Only when the news is within you, it is a secret 223) Your sincere efforts never fail one day or other they yield good results.224) Everybody cannot be great.225) Everybody cannot be perfect.226) Practice makes a man perfect.227) Experience is the best teacher 228) Charity begins at home 229) You may be a teetotaler, but you may be responsible for deeds which are hundred times worse than drinking.230)In life aim high, at least you will be somewhere, whereas if you do not begin , you will be no where 231) God pardons those who repent and make amends.232) Lady luck smiles only on a few 233) Fools build the houses wise men live in it.234) Cut the cloth according to its size.235) Do not exceed the limits 236) Lead a good life, habits will make it pleasant 237) When difficulties come, they come in battalions and not in single spies 238) Slow and steady always wins the race 239)Speeding driver always rides the death.240) A little knowledge is always dangerous.241) Always hope for the best, be prepared for the worst 242 ) Do not be penny wise and pound foolish 243) Necessity is the mother of invention 244) Learn lessons from your past mistakes and. do not be foolish to repeat them again and again. 245) Do not build ivory towers in air.246 ) Not only be honest, but also pretend to be honest .247) Whenever you tell the truth, tell only those that are sweet and not those which are unpalatable.248} Prevention is always better than cure 249) Always know your rights but do not forget your duties 250) Wisdom is a better part of valor.251) Every action has got an equal and opposite reaction.252) A man who sings will have no ills 253) Laughter is a good medicine. 254)Behind every man's success there is a woman 255) Hands that rock the cradle , may rule the world one day 256) your boss is always right 257) All that begins well may generally ends well 258) Peril always teaches the way.259) Time is always very precious 260) Opportunities once lost rarely come back again.261) Make hay when the sunshine's 262)Heated arguments generally end in discords 263) When to-day is pleasant, bury the yesterday and do not think of unborn tomorrow. 264) Happiness and sorrow are two phases of life, they are bound to follow each other just like day and night. 265) By worrying we do not achieve anything except that our health deteriorates 266) Most results are the fruits of our determination and hard work coupled with a bit of luck.267) Great people generally lead a simple life and do a lot of high thinking.268)Patience is a great quality.269)Patience always pays rich dividends.270) He who deals with others money is wise.271) Actions do speak louder than words.272) Different religions are just different paths leading to the same place.273)Bad money drives good money out.274) In life,as far as possible, do not try to imitate anybody. Be yourself . Imitation is suicide 275) Fortune always favors the brave.276) Something is always better than nothing.277) Little drops of tiny water make mighty ocean.277)One can take a horse to water but they cannot make it drink water.278)Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible. Try & try.279) Man is a social animal. 280) Ignorance is not always a bliss 281)Better late than never 282)We can lead a horse to water but we can't make it drink 283) nobody can enlighten one more than what they could enlighten themselves. 284)One who has no confidence in them would have no confidence in others too.285)However an eminent a person may be, to their parents they are children.286)Where there is a will there is always a way.287) Everything has a limit 288) to gain something , one has to lose something. 289)Nothing is free. Everything demands efforts. 290)Nobody is perfect in this imperfect world 291)One would not know its value if it is available effortlessly. 292)Many rights do not cover up a wrong.293)We can wake up one who is asleep but we cannot wake up one who pretends that they are asleep .294)One who has been drenched by the rain is not afraid of dew drops.295) Anger of a poor man fractures his jaws only. 296)Knowledge is wealth. 297) Learning is a memory processes .298)HURRY BURRY SPOILS THE CURRY.