
When something happens more than anything what takes place is guessing & all those who have brain begin guessing. As long as universe is there would be guessing. One is free to guess anything .There is no religion caste ,creed, or age bar anybody can guess. One needn't spend anything to it at all. No law forbids one from guessing. Individually one can guess. Many can join & guess collectively too.

One can guess anything but it isn't easy to guess what's there in others mind. What one doesn't guess ? One guesses a beautiful home,wealth, & status in life. Yet, what is often elusive in life to a man is contentment. Is it because a man does not guess more about it ?

Is there anyone who doesn't guess in an exam? When a man in an exam or anywhere knows nothing & perplexed what helps him. & gives him solace is it not guessing. Many a times guessing secures marks in an examination.

One can guess anything. They can guess themselves as lords too.It is always better one guess themselves as His humble servant. A guess could be casual or serious. However, guessing makes sense only if it serves some purpose . Guessing is an human capability. As one ages it declines in them day by day.What one resorts to when anything is unknown is guessing. Nothing falls from the blues. Everything needs efforts. It's guessing that leads one to reality. Guessing is a good mental exercise. It keeps a mind busy.

Only God can guess everything. It's impossible to a man to guess everything. A man can guess only something & he cannot guess something at all. Guessing is a voluntary action. From what other man does man can guess what he could do. A man is inspiration to another man. Gambling runs on guessing only. It isn't just one guess but it's guessing everywhere. It's competition in guessing.It is guessing for amusement.Guessing & uncertainty go hand in glove.Idle mind is said to be a devil's workshop. Guessing is pastime of many. It is when many ideas flash in their mind & mind turns creative too.

Guess everyone is yours .Guess everything is yours. Guess everything is fine. Life would be beautiful. The way one guesses always matters.

In suspense films how much one guesses ? More the suspense a film is it keeps one more guessing. The best suspense film is one which keeps one guessing to the last scene and where our guessing goes wrong.

Many are under the impression that more they guess more their brain would be sharper. Wherever possible one has to try to understand in life otherwise their natural instinct to understand disappears. One has to guess wherever necessary only & not everywhere. World & life are such that where what is not guessed also happens many a times.Mere guessing would not do any wonders . Along with it other factors should also work too . His blessing is always quite essential to a guessing turn real.

There's no use of guessing after anything happens . It is before something happens only one has to guess. In life many matters one either wouldn't share or shouldn't share with others. One has to guess & understand them. Guessing is a mode of understanding.It's usually coupled with uncertainty.Its a trial and error method . It's a lucky game. One can win or lose it. There is no guarantee that it would be always right.

A guess depends upon one's thoughts . Positive thoughts give one a rosy guess & negative thoughts give one a bad guess. It is not enough if one guesses one has to follow it up until one has a complete picture. Life experiences enable one to guess what would happen & what would not happen. They are the basis for any guessing usually.When anything is undisclosed or not shared one has to guess only. Guessing is a way to unravel anything.Guessing is a God given boon. Guessing anything right is certainly an achievement.

How much valuable guessing is to a blind man. More than anything else it brings light to his life. Guessing is as good as his breath only. Through out life he lives guessing his every move. Guessing in advance saves one often from many miseries & unsavoury incidents. In life there wont be anyone always to explain everything one has to guess & understand many matters themselves .

It is said " Practice makes one perfect" Similarly, it could be said " Guessing always makes one accurate".

If everything could be guessed life would have been easy.However everything could be seldom guessed. One often guesses only what they could guess. Many times one has to proceed ahead in a task with guessing only. One has to guess probabilities.Guessing isn't always easy at all.It is often challenging.

One needs leisure to guess.It's thinking from various angles. It is various recollections. It is taking a chance. Guessing is a God given boon. Think of an exam. Exam would be easy only if guessed questions appear otherwise there is every possibility of candidate who entirely depended upon guess faces a failure. Guessing are sometimes success stories. Sometimes a waste of time & energy.

In life there would not be anyone always to explain everything many a times one has to guess & understand a matter Everyone can't guess equally.Guessing of one seldom matches guessing of other. One who is innovative guesses always more.What is guessed what is not guessed by people. As soon as a doctor holds pulse of a man guesses what's wrong with him. Some look at the face of a man & guess what is wrong with him. One studies a situation & guesses what has happened. Guessing is a habit of many people.

Whether guessing is accurate or inaccurate it couldn't be said at the outset at all.

What would happen next moment one wouldn't know. That doesn't mean one shouldn't guess. Guessing is important in life. Some guess & some do not guess. Some like guessing & some do not like guessing. It is all individual. Sometimes what one guesses happens & sometimes what one guesses doesn't happen.A guess is right. How much jubilant one would be .It is a feather in their cap. They would be proud of themselves.

When anything is not shared or when there is no information,there is no other go than to guess to a man. Guessing has to be carried on wherever necessary.Before taking any steps its better one guesses what are the consequences.However, one shouldn't guess unnecessarily.Sometimes man benefits by guessing & sometimes not benefits by guessing. Some have a talent in guessing. Sincerity, knowledge, experience & intelligence play a role in guessing. Guessing is not looking through coloured glasses. It's nothing but one's calculations.