There is no end or limit to human achievements.

Achievement is the ambition of every man,whether deaf, dumb or disabled. Necessity is the mother of invention.Tony Robbins rightly says "You must have desire & hunger to get started; without that, you won’t have the ability to see the process through to the end." Triumphing in the face of adversity & overcoming challenges is achievement. In cricket if one don't bowl, bat or field well they would be ousted . In life too what's needed to shine is an achievement . Life is survival of the fittest. Achievements spread glory all around.

Age or gender does not matter to achieve. Achievement is individually oriented. Achievements have no end. They are of various types & forms . How & under what circumstances achievement made always counts. Every achievement has a beginning , a struggle & a victory. Records after records are broken & new records are established in the Olympics & unbroken records are only a few.It is an achievement brings one laurels & makes one great. It speaks of a man.He needs no introduction. Nelson Mandela rightly says“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”Achievement must please not merely self, but please all.It builds self esteem & self confidence.

These days what isn't even dreamt are achieved by a man that make everyone wonder struck in the world. These days one doesn't want to be a personality appearing in the epics. Steve jobs,Bill Gates through their achievements have become their role models. Achievement from whom so ever deserves praise at all times.Achievements make life beautiful. They are like ornaments to life. They make one tension free, breath freely, & have sound sleep.

Achievement is a venture. It's needed not to answer anybody,but to answer selves. Encouragement always promotes & inspires it a lot. It's needed to be contented & make life fruitful. World would not have developed this much, but for the tremendous achievements of man. Otherwise, life would have been boring, monotonous & negative thoughts would have flocked a man too. They have made life competitive,challenging & comfortable.Achievements bring changes.Changes need achievements. Until sun & moon are there on earth achievements are quite essential & would continue. There are no bounds to achieve, the limit is the sky.Man needs not one, but several apt qualities to achieve.

Nothing is impossible to achieve. Life is to achieve. Achievements are always time consuming& strenuous. They are not between dawn & dusk. How much time they would take it is impossible to predict. Scope for achievements would never recede in the world . There are countless fields to be explored. A man may not be there, but his achievements would be there. They last longer. Achievement is the best epitaph for a man.

Achievement isn't a doll, play. It is not a bolt from the blues. It is like climbing a mountain, it is like crossing an ocean, it is winning a battle. It needs not merely efforts, sacrifice, planning but also it needs various other components too . Opportunity does not just come along, it is there all the time - we just have to see it. We have to make use of it . Then only achievement is possible. Achievements aren't alike . They are varied. Every achievement is an adventure.

There's no use of crying at any time at all. A man crying goes on crying. He doesn't earn even sympathy also. The greatest achievement in life is to stand up again after falling. Where there is a will there's a way. Nothing great has been & nothing great can be achieved without passion. Better always do something what you could do.Never underestimate your own strength . With everything available achieving is not so great. Achieving out of nothing from scratch is really great. Achieving what others have achieved is good. Achieving something that's new is always better.Everybody is born for a purpose or purposes . You could be an achiever. Some need motivation. Some don't need it at all.

Achievement in life exam is paramount It is more important than achievement in any other exam. One's achievement is to other inspiration, motivation & guide. Achievement is a dream becoming a reality. It makes an unknown known.It is a feathers in one's cap. It makes one famous. No matter one be proud of their achievement but let them not allow ego overtake them at any time at all.Great man always does not think he has achieved everything he always thinks that there is more to achieve than what has been achieved.