A man & machine.

Did he who made the lamb make thee? says poet William Blake in his poem "Tiger.Likewise future generation would certainly ask the present generation" Did he who made the computers make the nuclear weapons too ? " Modern world consists of man & machines.Machines undoubtedly indicate in it how much progress & development world has made . What all machines are going to be invented & what machines would be there in it couldn't be said at all. There are as many machines as many men are in the universe these days. In fact, they may be more even. In a modern house there are more machines than occupants. There are machines to serve every purpose these days in it. Machines are helping man in all walks of life. Machines have become a friend a philosopher & a guide to a man. American author Henry David Thoreau rightly says" Men have become the tools of their tools." A technology revolution is fast replacing human beings with machines virtually.It is man who is only responsible for all this development . How long it would take to a man to invent a machine, it couldn't be said at all. Sometimes it is generations. How much labour & intelligence he has to spend over it. A man is really a great.

God is creator of a man. Man is creator of machine. A machine never walks , talks or laughs. It is a man who walks, talks & laughs.Machine has no thinking of its own. It has no heart . It has no feeling. Man has a life and machine too has a life. Who lives longer whether it is a man or whether it is a machine it couldn't be easily said at all. Some machines live longer than a man. Machines are useful to a man. They do not need any persuasion to get a work done at all. It is a man who requires often persuasion to get a work done. God wants man to be useful to everyone too.Machines have made life easy & comfortable . They have saved a lot of time & labour to a man. Man & machines have made many dreams a reality. They have ushered in a new era. What is impossible to a man a machine could do also. A machine can go where man cannot go also . That doesn't mean a machine is superior to a man. A man always dominates a machine. A machine is only an assistant to a man. It cannot be a man at all. A machine knows neither anything other than its work nor bothered about anything at all. It does only what it is supposed to do only. It is as faithful as a dog is. It does nothing more or nothing less also. A man cannot have such a mindset at all. Further, ideas which any machine carries is that of a man's only. A machine though useful is always mindless.

There is a lot to learn about a man & machines. All men are not alike & all machines are also not alike too. Only some machines are automatic. Along with other machines man has to work too. There are varieties of machines as they are varieties of men. What is known at present about a man & machine is only a little. Long strides are yet to be made in that context. In many respects man & machines cannot be compared at all.

A man is a human being. He does what he wants & what he does not want also. Only another man could make out what pains others & what does not pain others. A machine could not make out others pains or anything at any time at all. No machine has any intelligence or common sense of its own at all. That is why it is a machine.

Some machines work silently . Some machines make noise and disturb, yet they too work. Likewise, many men work silently but many don't either work or keep quiet, they interfere in others work. As such, man often experiences difficulty in working with other people than with machines.This is how a man & a machine differ also . These are the some of the reasons why a man & machine are not one.

Man cannot become a machine & machine cannot become a man. A man can make a machine but a machine cannot make a man at all. Man has limitations & machines too have limitations. Always a man made is different & a machine made is different. Of course,they both compete with one another . A man needs holidays at regular intervals. A machine too needs overhauling from time to time .

In the modern era man is over dependent on machines. More the man entrusts machines work more he would be deprived of pleasure of working & enjoying life. There is a saying that says an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Similarly, one who works well would not only maintains an healthy body but also wouldn't be lethargic at all. Human body always needs exercise to be hale & healthy. Machines are making the presence of a man irrelevant. They are making a man nonentity day by day. They are widening disparity between man & man also. Machines should be where they should be not everywhere.Other than to babies anywhere spoon feeding should be avoided. Machines should not do spoon feeding at all. Spoon feeding always does bad rather than any good.

A man if he desires he can correct his mistakes at any time. Man has always has an opportunity to correct himself at any time. In case of a machine it cannot correct its mistakes at all on its own . The mistake prevails unless a man sets it right. If a machine displays 8+ 8= 18. it goes on displaying 8 + 8= 18. until man corrects 8+ 8 = 16. There is a lot of difference between a man & machine. A man becoming a machine is as good as a man becoming a beast.

There is a lot difference between a man & other animals too though both man & animals are not permanent on this earth. Death is obvious to a man . Every man knows this fact . Yet, he makes attempts to overcome it.

On every aspect of life a man has a lesson from almighty . If man does not follow His lessons, it is man who is the loser and not He. He says " A man is not a machine. Life is not for toiling only. " A man should not work like a machine. Comforts quite essential in everyone's life. Machines are quite essential in life. However, man must not be overdependent on anything more. A man must not be overdependent on machines too much also.