A Silence.

Modern world is very busy. Every place is noisy in it. As such, silence is viewed in it as a commodity of such rarity which is affordable only by the rich. Silence. Silence. Silence is the slogan everywhere.The Importance of silence cannot be undermined in the world at any time. Mother Teresa rightly says "We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature-trees, flowers, grass-grows in silence; see the stars,the moon and the sun, how they move in silence." Silence, the most subtle & powerful force. It is a tool of our communication too. Silence is not empty , it is full of answers.

The word silence originates from the Latin word, "silens" meaning to be still, quiet,or at rest. Silence is invaluable.It has a melody of its own.It is the sign of scholarship. It is an insignia of a wise man. It is a grand gift. In fact, people are going mad without silence in this world. A place where there's silence is really a heaven these days. A silence has magical touch. It creates sometimes awesome atmosphere and some times it creates amazing atmosphere.It has become one of the essentials of life.It is a catalyst. Maintenance of it has never been easy.Only those who have patience keep silence more. Everyone needs silence. A silence is absence of sound.It is much in demand all over the world. In fact, one has to go in search of it in the modern world.

Without silence what is said can't be heard properly. People of the world are hankering after silence. A place can be calm and quiet only if there is silence. It has many qualities. It's precious, powerful, attractive and beautiful. It is in silence one can feel their breath and heart beat.It is in silence everything is within.It is in silence love and hate mix. Anything can happen in a silence.Mind rejuvenates in silence more than at any time. Silence is a wonderful and right atmosphere where in one can concentrate with ease. A silence is often a very good food for thought. It is more musical than any song.That is why great poet John Keats aptly says " Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter"

Even silence has an end. It is capable of producing all types of feelings.It conceals more than what it unfolds . Many times it is hard to read silence fully. Silence is sometimes dangerous too. Only if we think more and more about its qualities we realize them one by one.It is which creates pleasant atmosphere. A silence brings in a peaceful atmosphere. Everybody enjoy the silence of night.In school &hospital zones a silence is compulsory. It is indispensable in libraries, churches temples and mosques . In fact, all world religions advocate silence. Many love a silence. Without silence it is impossible to conduct or carry on a meditation.A silent prayer is more effective, efficient and heard more than any other prayer. When something unexpected or untoward happens, a silence dawns on the scene. Unless people are disciplined a silence cannot be had or maintained anywhere. Anything which is carried on and achieved in silence has always has much more worth and it is also lauded more than anything that is achieved with all the fan fare. However, all that takes place in a silence may not come to light at all.Many times a silence turns out to be an opportunity too. Anything which takes place in silence often goes unnoticed also.How one can enjoy silence. In this context, one has to remember poet W Cowper. He in his poem "The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk" says

I AM monarch of all I survey;

My right there is none to dispute;

What is silence. It cannot be said. It is to be understood. Life is knowing silence , maintaining silence and imparting licence. Silence can mean good, bad or good and bad both.We come across silence in every walk of life. Sometimes it is the best answer to many questions. In a war field if there is silence, it does not mean that a war is over. One must be cautious for fire may break out again at any time.Nothing can stay in silence for long. Silence breaks or bursts out.It has its own limitations.One of the punishments that teachers usually give in schools to discipline the students is making them stand in silence with their mouth shut. Some people suffer in silence louder than others. Sometimes a silence is long and sometimes a silence is short. Most of the times, a silence makes an interesting brief pause in the middle.It often turns out to be a blessing in disguise. It provides extra time to relax,think and decide. It should never be wasted.The best use of it should be made always.

Sages and seers from various religions and cultural traditions have pointed to the benefits of silence, including the ways it improves concentration, calms the body, offers balance in our lives, activates our listening skills, teaches us the importance of words, and helps us to develop empathy.One wouldn't know more about a silence unless they study it. Keeping the mouth shut and not uttering a word is silence. It is keeping mum. Similarly, not replying any writing communication is a silence too.Whether a silence is communication or whether it's not a communication,it's not easy to decide.The world wouldn't have developed much without communication The constitution of a democratic country has given to its every citizen right of freedom of speech.Hence,a citizen need not maintain silence over any matter.But everyone do not air whatever they have in their mind. They maintain silence over many matters. It is in silence many times a lot is hidden.Breaking of silence unfolds a lot.It is that often breaks mysteries

Sometimes a silence is a strategy. It's one of the great arts of conversation. Of course, one should not maintain a silence when something wrong is taking place around them for that tantamount to their participation or supporting it. Silence when something wrong takes place is nothing but cowardice.Silence at such situations is hurting.In this context one must remember Napoleon. He said " The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people. But because of the silence of good people." Likewise, silence wherever injustice is noticed is not justified.A scene when there is silence and when silence is broken is not normally one and the same.When a silence is broken ordinarily, a true and clear image emerges in revelation.

There are various kind of silences.It is difficult to understand silences fully. A silence is a way of protest too . Some go on silent protest also. There are all kinds of silences and each of them means a different thing. Not all silences are the same. A silence indicates many things. It is many times a compulsion. It implies consent.It has many meaning depending on the circumstances and cultures. In one culture, it might be a polite thing to have a long pause before answering a question while in another culture it may be considered a dumb thing or lack of intelligence. By analogy, the word silence may also refer to any absence of communication, even in media other than speech. It is a very important factor in many cultural spectacles, as in rituals. It can be affirmative or negative. Many a times a silence is a mystery. At times ,it's hard to make out anything from a silence and it is difficult to interpret it. A silence often plays dual roles also. Sometimes, it creates frustration and it soothes the frustration too. A silence and a sound are opposite poles.

Everyone likes silence but no one likes a long silence. It is many times unbearable. It's deadly.It's torturous and kills. It's many times a puzzle too. Sometimes it tantamount to admission of 'guilt'.Many times, maintaining a silence is the best way to hide ignorance .If we do not maintain a silence , we may come into a big trouble.If a silence is not maintained nobody will be heard. A silence is sometimes the severest criticism. One can interpret a silence in any way they like. Many times a silence is the best choice.A silence is sometimes appreciated and sometimes it's condemned. There are times when silence has the loudest voice. Everyone cannot maintain silence. One needs patience to maintain it . Nobody can silence a critic . A silence is always solicited. Many time it is insisted too. It is ordered too. It cannot be always construed as weakness.

A silence is not just the absence of audible noise.It is not just the silence which is around us. It can be inner silence also. It has more advantages than disadvantages. A silence until it is fractured it is a hope. The Fruits of Silence," are self-knowledge, inner peace, inner strength, and new perspectives. A silence usually turns out to be a worthy waiting. It is rewarding. It best speaks the mind. It says more than words ever could. It is quiet essential in getting enlightened .It enables one to focus more.It enhances observation. It helps one to listen attentively. It is helpful in catching a thief as it makes a sound and movements heard quiet louder and clearer than usual. In a silence only one can have a sound sleep.One can have complete rest only if there is a silence. A work is carried on more efficiently where there's a silence. Silence is good for our health, not just mental but physical. For all the evidence suggests that, among other benefits, regular periods of silence lower blood pressure, reduce stress, improve concentration, aid digestion and improve memory. Too much noise is damaging to our hearing, our sleep rhythms and our ability to process information.Anything said when there's silence reverberates and is good. A silence is an amplifier. In silence even a pin drop makes noise.

Though a silence costs monetarily nothing, it wastes many times one's precious time. A silence is sometimes a stupidity. Sometimes it is futile, it would not be able to move anything. Silence is sometimes deceptive too. Moreover,everyone do not like a silence. Tastes differ from a man to man. In fact, many hate a silence too. A silence is irritating to people who do not like it. It is boring to them also. It makes them impatient .How can those who like an orchestra and music like a silence?

Those who maintain a silence are normally either individuals or public as a whole. Maintaining silence is a hard task in case of many people. In fact, some people especially some women do not get even some sleep if they keep silence and do not share what they know with others. Sometimes a nature too displays a silence . There is always a reason behind every silence.Without any reason nobody maintains it. It should never be ignored. More a silence, less would be sharing and the world would not advance much. A silence is to be adhered only where it is absolutely necessary. Some people have no habit of saying either yes or no One must say either yes or no. One must not maintain silence.It is keeping others in suspense. It is not at all fair.Outright rejection is better than it .Sometimes nobody can make out why there is a silence . It is a suspense until it is broken out. When husband and wife maintain a silence at a home,even their siblings cannot make out whether they are busy or whether they are angry.It is certain if a couple observes silence, there would be no quarrels at a home. On breaking of a silence, a secret becomes a open secret.

Life culminates in silence. Death is the ultimate silence. We give our respect to a departed soul in silence. A moment of silence is the expression for a period of silent contemplation, prayer,reflection, or meditation. During the moment of silence, participants may typically bow their heads, remove hats, and refrain from speaking or moving places for the duration. A person officiating or presiding over the gathering will be responsible for the declaring and timing of the period of silence.