Difficulties are a part & parcel of everyone's life.

How quickly the days roll over when they are smooth & inch forward when they are hurdles & hard . How fortnights are bright & dark, too.

There's nobody who had no difficulties in the world. Birds, animals & God too has difficulties.There's no rule that if one does good or doesn't do anything they would have no difficulties at all too. Some have more, some less, some share & some don't share difficulties.One won't know what's life unless they undergo difficulties.Man need not suffer a serious ailment, a cold is enough to make him know what is difficulties. Difficulties are a bad dream. There is nothing to fear when they are there. One of the best ways of tackling them is understanding them always as not permanent & they would pass .

An arrow can only be shot pulling backward. What all difficulties do is the same to make one a better person. They are a part & parcel of everyone's life. Man doesn't go in search of them, it's they come in search of him. They never mind to be uninvited unwelcome guest. It's not I only have difficulties, he too has difficulties. I & his difficulties are our difficulties . Life consists of difficulties which can be expressed & can't be expressed too.Difficulties leave no one untouched.Life is combating them. If one thinks anything as difficult it remains as it is. It has to be resisted tooth & nail.

Difference between an ordinary man & a great man is ordinary man cares his difficulties & great man cares others difficulties.What many pray God is, " Oh God! No matter, we had difficulties.Let our enemy also don't have them." When one is in difficulties what one deserves is always sympathies. No matter if they aren't offered any help don't add fuel to fury. Helping one who is in direstraits is humanity. It is what God does too.

How difficulties befall on a man? Neither one need do anything, nor need any reason, they befall on him.Their their difficulties are big for themselves themselves. Don't laugh at anybody's difficulties at any time.It isn't in doing or knowing anything only difficulties.They are in everything.They are in life too.Without salt, one won't know what the recipe tastes. One's life too won't be complete without difficulties at all.It's they which don't allow either one to have food peacefully or to have sound sleep. They make a life a hell too.Seldom difficulties go on their own. They don't go even if one cries a lot too. Difficulties are such that many of them aren't transferable & one who have them only have to undergo them.They are to be fought & brandished.The value of many things a man often realises only when he encounters difficulties. Passing through difficulties is crossing a flooded river. It is really an achievement.

Difficulties drown many faiths, give rise to many new ones, they do what not. Man tries to run away from life itself. Though not at any time in life man remembers surrenders to God when besieged by difficulties.The man isn't same before & after undergoing difficulties. He undergoes a sea of changes after them.It's they make one fit to all waters. One's difficulties shouldn't be always compared with others . One can't understand life without undergoing them in it. "Anything you forget but don't forget what you have learned " say difficulties.Way man looks at difficulties differs from man to man.There are who don't have word" difficulties "in their dictionary too.Never one should run away from difficulties . They are always to be faced with strategies to become a strong man.

Difficulties in life aren't of one type.They are countless endless & varied.They are bolts from the blues.One who welcomes them smilingly & handles them subtlety is really great but is rare to find in universe.Life differs from man to man not only because of riches but also because of difficulties too. God is impartial. He leaves nobody either a king or servant . He tests everybody with difficulties. He cuts everybody to size. When where how, & why difficulties come nobody knows fully at all otherwise there would have been no difficulties at all. Often when difficulties come they come in battalions not in single spies.Many of difficulties arising in life are natural, but how well one tides over them is worth observing & emulating.

It isn't merely bad people have them but also good people too have them.About difficulties, nobody can tell better than one who has undergone them. Each is a different story.Achievement in difficult times is always more significant than achievement in ordinary times. If not to man, whether difficulties are to come to trees? It's what often asked when one talks more of difficulties. It's difficulties make one know what's what ,who is who & many matters. It's lesson & not punishment.Difficulties aren't one that one must have & learn only, but they are one to be learnt from what others would have too.Many matters man, don't understand even if advised several times, but difficulties make him realise them himself. Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam says "Difficulties in your life don't come to destroy you,but to help you realise your hidden potential & power. Let difficulties know you too are difficult."Girish Gogia says "I believe adversity makes you stronger. If you can control your mind, you can control your life."

Positive thinking is always quite essential to overcome difficulties .Man's endeavour must be always to remove the word "difficulties" from dictionary & keep difficulties at zero level in life.If scared by anything one would be more scared by it again & again. It's so too with difficulties too They make one nervous lose confidence & courage. One must withstand everything & stand like a rock against them.Being intimidated by them, tantamounts to running away from battle field.One trained by them does often everything to the perfection.To man after facing difficulties after difficulties in life difficulties appear to be easy or no difficulties at all.It's comparison of our difficulties with others difficulties make us feel that ours are trifle & we bear them.Difficulties not only mould a man but also make him more cautious & vigilant in life. With will power & His blessings one can tide over any difficulty in life. Every conquering of difficulties makes a man proud & confident.

Seldom difficulties can be expected.Most of times they are bolts from the blues.Often thinking of them leads to pessimism only. It's believed that difficulties are fruits of sins committed in previous birth.Worrying doesn't solve anybody at any time any difficulties but inflate them.To be happy a man must learn to live with them.Variety is the spice of life.Some make a mountain out of a molehill they enlarge trifle difficulties, whereas some do the reverse.

Looking at difficulties in life it could be said "There's nothing good or bad thinking makes it so." Facing difficulties isn't one to be taught but it's one to be learnt.Difficulties are challenges in life.All that happens is for our good only.Difficulties are testing times. If told or read one understands them only a bit but understands fully while experiencing them. What opens one's eyes are they. They make one a better human being.They prune & make them prudent.Nobody need tell,their talk & walk reveals whether they have undergone them or not.Wrinkles on forehead & body not merely depict one's age but also depict the difficulties undergone by them. Others true colors often come to light often not when one is in good times, but when they are in difficulties.Difficulties make one broad minded .One who undergoes them doesn't want often others to undergo them in life at all.

It's in difficulties, faith, friends, & what all come near, what all move farther it couldn't be said or imagined at all.With ease & no efforts if one does anything they won't know value of it but it isn't so when done with great difficulties.Many children won't realise difficulties that parents undertake & won't know the value of many things that they have. One who is often remembered is one who helps them in distress.

Here is an incident which tells that one needn't be desperate with difficulties:

Story of Girish Gogia.

“Before the age of 29 I had traveled to 40 countries — I loved everything about travel and adventure sports, but I enjoyed cliff diving the most. The blue waters called out to me and every time I jumped in, I felt complete. On one such cliff diving trip to Goa, I miscalculated the depth of water and diving head first, I cracked my neck on impact. I was 90% paralysed, having no control of my movements from the neck down.

I was thrown into a darkness. It became worse, when the doctor’s confined that this would be my permanent state. I still remember his words, ‘there is no cure for your condition; you will be a vegetable all your life…infact you may not even survive the first five bed sores you’ve developed.’

I was thrown into a deep depression, I wanted to give up and end this suffering, but after a few weeks something strange began to happen. My mind began to work at lightening fast speed and a voice within me, pushed me to fight and not accept the doctor’s verdict. I affirmed to myself, made my mind strong and within 8 months of my accident I bounced back. I relaunched my interior design business and took up projects that were challenging and stimulating. It’s from this very wheelchair that I managed to revamp the Mumbai Central and Churchgate stations! At one point, I was controlling hundreds of workers, without being able to move myself.

I continued being successful for the next 15 years. Through this time, I met hundreds of people who asked me, ‘how I remained positive’. I met people of all age groups, undergoing depression and that feeling of ‘giving up’ in life. It was then that I realised my true purpose and the meaning of everything I had been through — what if I was sent here to share my journey and to let people know that the human spirit is stronger than everything that happens to it?

I shut down my business and decided to dedicate my life to help people to overcome their darkness. I began to travel all over the world, to share my journey and make people realise that they can heal themselves…the power is within them. I found that power and every single day I am grateful to be alive and fiercely in love with my life.

My message is simple and that’s what I want you to highlight — the solution is inside of you. All that lies ahead of you and behind you is of little significance, compared to what lies inside of you. I am a firm believer in the saying, ‘if you truly want something, the whole universe conspires to bring it to you.' The next time you feel like giving up — take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are valuable, you have the power and are so damned lucky to be alive.”