Are We Practical in Our Life

Are we practical in our Life ? How far we are practical in our life? Whether we practice, what we preach? Are we rigid ? These questions pose us quite often. We have to go through our life as well as go through life of others , compare our life with others life to get satisfactory answer to these questions. We are practical only when we do what we say and prove our capabilities.When,we stick to our old thoughts and practices and do not accept changes,we are considered conservative. Thus, whether one is practical or not practical depends upon their nature. It is one's deeds that reveal or answer whether they are practical or not. Sometimes after bitter experiences only one becomes practical. No one is by birth practical. It is an ambition of many to be practical in their life. A practical person should have a firm mind. Without knowledge and experience one cannot be practical. There are requisites to become practical. People like a practical person more than they like a person who is theoretical. More practical a person is more popular they would be. A practical person is generally dynamic and never wastes time. He knows the value of time. He does not keep quiet. He always talks less. It is empty vessels which make more noise.A practical man knows the business. He means business. Success comes to those who dare and act, it seldom goes to timid. All cannot be practical . It is difficult to become practical in life. A practical man is an unique personality. Practice always makes a man perfect.Practicality means utilizing your logical intelligence more than using feelings and emotions to judge things.

Practicality is nothing but fast adaptation to a situation. Its hard to be in this world without being practical. It is essential to be a practical man in this world.A practical man knows the world better. He is a different type of a man. He is innovative. He takes all the steps that work without fail. He tries all the available permutations and combinations so that he could succeed. He leaves no stone unturned. His is a practical mentality built over a period of time with dedication. It forces him to take things logically. A practical man too faces competition from different practical man. Usually, he is an intelligent man. He knows what is possible and what is impossible. Similarly, he knows what is wrong and what is right. He knows how and when to take the plunge. He is a courageous man. He is a tactician, He is calculative. He plans. He adopts strategies. He would not try to make an impossible possible. He seldom sticks to procedures. He omit useless and unimportant details for the sake of reaching bigger and more important goals. He concentrates more to goal and not to procedure. He is less theoretical. He is always aware of all the pros and cons. He does not believe that all that is white is milk. He knows who he could take into confidence and who he could not take into confidence. He is never hasty but thinks fast, decides fast and acts quickly too.He is not overenthusiastic at all. However a practical person need not be rigid in stance to strike a deal. He always adopts a give and take policy to serve a better their purpose. He is always flexible. He generally has more confidence in self. One can expect results from him . By the time many take decision, many a time a practical man finishes the task. He generally gains much and loses less . He is always alert. It is he who makes the hay whenever sun shines. He is always more an experienced man. He is never an idle man. He doesn't invite problems also.He never announces anything . Everything he speaks through his deeds.

We find that all the great people who are born in this world are practical without an exception. If anyone are practical, they are wise. If anything is impracticable, it is generally useless. One can be practical either for a good purpose or a bad purpose. It is one of the ways of establishing one’s name. The number of people who are practical for a good purpose is a few now-a- days. Their number is declining day by day. On the other hand we find that the number of people who are practical for a bad purpose is increasing day by day. Further, those who talk more are generally less practical. It is said that a barking dog seldom bites. A practical person does not say something and does not do something else. He does what he says. Faith in a person lies on how much a person does and what he says. It is that enables to know what an extent he or she is practical. A practical person never hesitates to take a decision. He is always a more reliable person. He is always friendly. He mostly succeeds. What a practical man needs more to succeed is luck must favor him and everything must work out as planned. Many people make tall claims. Nothing is as easy as one thinks or as it looks. Many theory remain only on paper only. In order to make anything practical one has strive too hard.There is a limit to how far one can be practicable too.

A good person as well as a bad person could be practical. One should be sincere, honest and capable to be practical in life. One should adopt as far as possible that which could be implemented to be practical in life. Some do not practice what they themselves preach. According to them preaching is meant for others to follow. Of course, great people practice whatever they preach. They are practical. In fact, first they experiment on themselves, and then only they preach it to others. Whatever they preach can be practiced easily. Those who work more are more practical in life than those who talk more. It is one’s deeds that reveal us whether one is practical or not. It is easy to preach but very difficult to practice. Some say where there is a will there is a way. Some opine that whatever that could be easily followed only applies to them. Others say that whatever that is good beneficial to us and to the society should only be followed. A section of people follow that which is good to them only. We find that a large number of people in this world who are self -centered .They are practical only whenever and wherever they are going to be benefited. There are others who not only read a number of books but also attend the sermons by eminent people and luminaries. But they do not find adequate time to practice what they have listened or read .There is another category of people who listen to whatever they come across and even decide to include them in their daily routine but surprisingly they forget their resolve in no time. They are other people who could be termed as antisocial elements. They follow an evil path. They create chaos. They fully misuse a situation to their full advantage .They are the one who are misled by their leaders .They are the frustrated people. Majority of them are illiterate. Their capacity to understand is limited. They do not have any ideals. They are not provided with full time jobs. They cannot make their both ends meet. They eagerly await for riots. It is these people who are really in need of preaching and transformation.

A practice must be culturally and socially acceptable. All the religions in the world unfold numerous ideologies. Majority of people in this universe are followers of one or another religion. There are countless learned religious heads in the world. They have no other better work than preaching ideologies to their followers. But a large chunk of them are hypocrites. They do not lead people in right directions .If a student fails in a examination; we blame the teacher and hold him partially responsible for the failure. Are the religious heads not partially responsible for the gulf between theory and practice? Majority of the people are losing faith in these propagandists of religion and in turn losing faith in religions too. Only to seek His blessings, they bow before the religious heads and alter. While facing life, every individual commits one or another sin. We cannot quantify the sins committed by the individuals. Everybody has a conscience. On account of sins committed the conscience of every individual gets pricked and the individual loses peace of mind. How much an individual is disturbed depends on how much deeply commitment of sins has affected the conscience of that individual .The individual starts his or her quest for peace. Simultaneously approaches religious heads / religious institutions. It is this folk and the poor & illiterate people largely contribute to the corpus of religious entities. Only a small percentage of religious funds are utilized for the welfare of the society at large. Majority of the educational institutions which are run by religious heads are run with commercial motive. It is business houses and political parties/politicians enjoy the funds augmented in the name of religion. Even in democracy, these religious heads have much say. They utilize their enviable position to influence the voters particularly followers of their religion. Other people who share the wealth amassed in the name of religion are the kith and kin of religious heads or those people who are identified with the management of religious institutions. In developing countries lot of money and time are spent on unproductive religious activities. Considerable man hours are wasted which otherwise could have been used for the development of nation. In the interest of people and nation it is better if all the religious priests, heads, followers realize that service to human beings is service to God . Then only they are really practical in life and they please God.

Theory and practice are two different aspects. One should understand a theory first well before they embark to put the theory into practice. All that is in the theory is not practicable. Only that which can be followed and adapted is practical. That is why the saying " It is easy to preach but difficult to practice". Further one should follow what is stated in theory wherever it is practicable only. Those who are good at theory need not be always successful in practicals. Similarly, one should understand life very well to become more practical in their life. It is impossible to be practical in all respects at all times. One should not be practical everywhere. One should be practical only where they are needed to be practical . One can be practical sometimes and in some respects only. If one tries to be practical when one should not have been, one would be unnecessarily in problems and may burn their fingers even. One should make use of their common sense and presence of mind to decide when they should be practical and when they should not be practical. It is not an easy decision to make at all. Practical wisdom is only to be learned in the school of experience. Only an experience can make one’s task easier .

How to be practical? Many a times it is a lesson to be learnt in life. One should be as practical as possible in order to be successful in life. It is easy to understand a person who is practical than to understand a person who conveys everything in writing or verbally. Similarly,one can believe a person who is practical rather than believing a person who promises orally everything. There are definitely more advantages by being practical. That which is practical by and large has no strings and is adaptable. One must think more practically than theoretically. Of course, one should never discard theory completely . Theory and practice must work together as far as possible. If one is practical , they generally win trust , belief , and confidence of others. It is that indicates whether they are practical or not too. It proves that they are capable of doing what they say. Remaining practical in life is an achievement . One who is practical is normally would be proud of themselves. They have an high esteem. They are contented. They never feel guilty at any time. Remaining rigid is remaining like a stone. One who is practical changes with the time or swims with the tide.They would be rigid only where they should be and would be liberal only wherever necessary. That is they are practical.