
What is price? It is the amount as of money or goods, asked for or given in exchange for something else. It is cost at which something is obtained. It is cost of bribing someone. It is reward offered for the capture or killing of a person. It is value or worth. We have to pay for everything a price. Interest is payment of price for utilizing somebody’s money. Wage is price paid for utilizing somebody’s services. Rent is price paid for using property belonging to others. In one way or another we have to pay a price. There is always a price behind. Sometimes we pay directly and sometimes we pay indirectly that is the difference. Thing is we do not know or understand sometimes how we pay a price because we pay it indirectly without our knowledge. We presume that it has come to us free of cost. It is a wrong assumption only. Of course sooner or later we realize our fault. A few can afford to give anything without a price. Generally it is on account of love or affection that one has for another that makes one to forgo the price. Sometimes it is a sacrifice. There are various types of price like price of an article, price for service etc. In market supply and demand determine price.One generally never sells anything for cost price. Selling price normally exceeds cost price. Selling includes establishment expenses, profit etc. Economic measures like taxation, interest rates, deficit financing etc affect the prices. Similarly economic conditions of a country as well as world affect the prices. Even calamities, weather conditions etc influence the prices. Value of legal tender also determines price. Prices do not remain stable. They fluctuate. Hence there are various price indexes like consumer price index, wholesale price index and share market quotations etc. There are some prices which we can bargain and there are some prices which we cannot bargain at all. Sometimes we pay reasonable price and sometimes we pay exorbitant or heavy price. The price depends upon likes and dislikes also. A thing that is rare attracts a better price than the one that is always available. Inflation is rise of prices. It is more money chasing fewer goods. It is when value of money depreciates. Pricing is not that easy. It is prices that lead to competition.Sometimes it is sellers market and sometimes it is buyers market. When it is essential urgent and scarce one cannot think about the price at all. One has to pay at that time whatever price that is demanded.That is why it is said that in urgency one has no scruples. It is at that moment some exploit others. A price can crush anybody. It is mighty. It is powerful.

Normally we like a thing and pay a price. When we pay a price indirectly whether we like or dislike we have to pay. Normally no exchange of anything takes place there. It is paying for a deed. It is punishment. This has given rise to phrase “paying a price.” There are various circumstances and situations under which we have to pay a price. There is a proverb in Kannada which means that whatever we sow we reap. That is paying price for what he or she does only. We may be prepared to pay any price but certain things cannot be set right. Whether we can set right the past? When a price is abnormal or high it pinches anybody and normally that person whoever she or he may be, without exception groans either openly or inside. Higher the price one pays for anything more it gets entrenched in one’s memory.

In barter system goods are exchanged for goods. Legal tender does not make its intervention at all. Similarly in case of many prices that we pay money does not play its part at all. Certain qualities, certain articles, certain services are so valuable that they cannot be priced at all. They are very precious. They are priceless. Similarly there are worthless useless qualities, articles, services which do not deserve any appreciation or price at all. They are useless or priceless too. Sometimes, there seems to be any basis for arriving at a price at all. Price is a mysterious phenomenon. It is paying back for what we have received. The price of success is hard work .This is a fact only. This is a rule that holds good for all times. There is nothing wrong in it. It is as per law only. It is natural justice. It is consideration. Nothing is available free of cost. It is very difficult for us to imagine where, when why and how we pay a price. Sometimes our stars play a role in determining a price. Sometimes no fault of one, one has to pay price. It is said the price is what we pay; the value is what we receive. One should be compensated properly according to the price that one pays. This seldom happens. Many times payment of price is not in one’s hand. Generally one pays either higher price or lower price and rarely pays exact price. One gets for a small price a big fish and it turns out to be a prize catch. Sometimes for no fault us for somebody’s fault we pay a price. Sometimes the price which we pay will not be in accordance with the mistake we commit. Sometimes for a small mistake we pay a heavy price and for a big mistake we pay a small price. When somebody pays a price for somebody, sometimes it is sacrifice. Sometimes one has to lose something to gain something. As such sometimes we wonder whether price and justice do not go hand in glove.However, it is certain whether it is for a small crime or a mistake or a big crime or a mistake one has to pay a price either directly or indirectly either immediately or subsequently

Price of enmity, vengeance, jealousy and such other qualities is always high. It is always better if one does not give scope for these qualities at all. On account of these qualities, one pays a price of friendship, relationship, self respect etc even. Price we pay depends on various factors like judgment, appraiser, urgency etc. When we possess a thing we do not generally realize its price or value .Similarly whatever we want if it is readily available without any efforts or pains on our part with ease, we will not come to know of its price or value It is need that makes us understand its price or value. Suffering is paying a price for whatever wrong we have done. It is paying for the sins. There are various modes paying a price. Some payments of price are one time affair. Some payments are to be made through out one’s life span. Some payments are to be made as and when one makes use of others services, properties etc. Repenting is also a mode of paying a price. We have to pay a price for our negligence. We have to pay price for the damages caused to others intentionally or accidentally. We pay a price for our ignorance, illiteracy etc. We pay price for not heeding to advices of elders and well wishers. We should always remember Gandhiji and three monkeys which depict do not see bad, do not talk bad, and do not listen bad. It is an all time truth that saves us from unnecessarily paying price anytime. What price one would pay to an act or an object that nobody knows accurately. It is always an approximation, guess, and suspense.

We should never mortgage our freedom. One should never be under any body’s obligation. If one is under anybody’s obligation he or she may have to pay a price for the same. While accepting help or assistance one should be careful. There may be a motive behind it. One who does wrong has to pay a price for it either to-day or tomorrow. It is certain. If one does wrong and somebody who is opportunist comes to know of it, he or she would try to blackmail them. They have to heavy pay a price for their wrong doing then. One who has demanded and accepted dowry for marriage has to pay a price. If one does not bring up children properly one has to pay a price. We should not be either too lenient or to too strict to children or anybody. We should be within limits prescribed otherwise we have to pay a price. If we do not study well, we pay a price. We fail in the examination. If we do not have control over expenditure and income and if we do not cut the cloth according to its size, we have to pay a price. Wherever and whenever there is no proper control, one has to pay a price. If the administration is not good in an institution, the institution suffers especially when manpower is not properly used, when man-hours are wasted, when more deadwoods is created. It has to pay a price. Similarly if the administration, in a state country, etc is not good people have to pay a price. If a corrupt government is chosen people have to pay a price. If one gives room to bad qualities one has to pay a price. A man with qualities like corruption, selfishness makes others also to pay a price when such a man is in power. If we do not love or show affection to anybody, we have to pay a price. We become secluded. Life becomes monotonous. If we unnecessarily strain our eyes too much, we have to pay a price our eye sight gets affected. If we are after cheap popularity and publicity we have to pay a price. Initially we may feel comfortable and proud of ourselves, later we come to know of our folly. Before uttering a word also we have to think twice, otherwise we may to pay a price tomorrow. The price of a war is death of thousand of people, destruction of properties etc.

Everything bears a price. Even honesty, loyalty etc command a price. Bad company, bad habits, bad advice, and bad deeds all extract their price. There is no exception. Heads of people like Osama Bin Laden, Veerappan, and Sadam Hussein carried a price. By hook or crook we may succeed at last but not without paying a price. Nothing could be achieved easily. Every achievement is a story. Success does not come overnight. Every person has to pay heavy price for his or her achievement. Making an impossible into possible too demands a price. Besides fame and name, sometimes it brings wealth too. But it takes its own toll. One is fortunate only if he or she receives more than what he or she pays. The price of greatness is responsibility. Those who are after fame and name are prepared to pay any price to achieve their goal. Some stoop to low level also. Some only reveal what price they have paid whereas some do not disclose what they have paid. But nothing could be hidden from this world. Sometimes man’s intelligence, knowledge nothing works in front of circumstances in one or other way a man is made to pay a price. That is, one has to pay a price for their short comings whether it is lack of common sense, presence of mind, intelligence or experience. It is human to expect something in return when one pays a price. Sometimes one gets something while some times one does not get anything in return. When one gets something one is happy whereas when one does not get anything one is disappointed. If we do not lead a life properly, we have to pay a price. Why sometimes our next generation may have to pay a price for our fault. Self respect is very essential to majority of human beings in this world. They value it more than anything else. They value their self respect more than their life. They do not mind losing wealth but not self respect. Wherever and whenever self respect is the price, we find such people laying down their lives. History confirms this fact. This is what life teaches us. These are lessons from various lives. We can give live examples and illustrations for whatever stated herein.