
It's a wrong notion that those who don't have better work to do only wander. Not only man but also animals and birds wander. Old, young, rich, poor, and all wander. Sane and insane people also wander.Worried wander with head down and. worriless, carefree people wander with heads up.It's people who wander often repeat the lines of great poet W. Cowper in his poem "The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk " namely

"I am monarch of all I survey. My right there's none to dispute"

Wandering is moving from place to place without a fixed plan. It isn't an easy task. It often subjects one to many hardships. Shakespeare rightly says

" Over hill, over dale,

Thorough bush, thorough brier,

over park, over pale,

Thorough flood, thorough fire,

I do wander everywhere.

Wandering exposes one to various atmosphere and situations. It's perilous also. Wandering is sometimes intentional and sometimes compulsory. It's mostly on account of struggle that one undergoes within them. Where wandering would land a man , it couldn't be said. It may do good or bad to a man. Wandering needs patience too. One has to wander many times to get even a small work get done.Life makes everyone wander at one time or other. As such, a man is under the belief that it's God who makes him wander hither thither.He also carries the belief that bad stars make him wander and don't allow him to remain at a place too.

Wanderer has no particular destination at all.His destination goes on changing. A wanderer won't be confined to four walls .In wandering man goes where the legs take him. There is no co ordination between legs & mind of a wandering man. What one would gain or lose by wandering,it depends more on an individual. Wandering is more despised than liked in the world.It's considered as waste of time & energy . However, it enables many to relax and rejuvenate. Gypsies are the best example of wanderers. Wandering is a kind of life.

The word " wanderer "is by and large not a word of praise. It's often an abuse . Wanderers are often compared to a mad dog. Seldom a wanderer has company. One has to wander often alone. No man wanders without a reason.State of mind & situations in life drive one into wandering. In other words , frustration, desperation and failure make one wander. One who wanders sees life more and sees world also much too. A wanderer would never be fed with wandering.Only he could see sunrise at one place and sunset in another place. He is for all weather.

Don't laugh at those who wander.Sometimes,wandering is an opportunity to study more and learn more also. But,for wanderers explorations of many continents wouldn't have been possible.

By and large, one resorts to wandering without any expectation. Yet, it's wandering gives one solution many times. Many successful persons are wanderers. Many great devotees of the Lord were initially wanderers. Only after wandering a lot they were enlightened.Wandering takes one into a different world. If one gets anything with ease one won't know the value of it. One would be fully aware of value only when they get something after wandering and wandering.Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe. It is a way of striving. It is a way of punishing self. Wandering becomes an habit with many people. They cannot remain quiet even for a little while without wandering.