A life named mountain.

Life is not compared to what not. It is not a joke. Hardships are hurdles in the path of progress in the life of a man.They make the living horrible. Hardships how they come from where they come & what all they would render couldn't be said at all.They are a Pandora box. The frustration that hardship generates is inexplicable. Hardships subject man to stress, strain & whanot.They turn life into the battlefield. They demand capabilities. That's why life is named a mountain. Life is as hard as climbing a mountain. There's a vast difference between people who undergo hardships & those who do not undergo hardships. Those who undergo hardships are like molded iron rods & those who don't undergo them are like a not molded iron rods. Everyone doesn't want others to undergo hardships that they undergo in life. But that is not in their hands at all. Man has to undergo hardships that he is destined to undergo in their life.Without hardship one wont know what life is. One presumes life is a bed of roses.

Life says "Be brave take risks." If life were a river it would have taken the man with the tide. Life is a mountain as such man has to exert himself to inch forward throughout from beginning to end.It's a slippery mountain. It is not easy to make out which knack is suitable to the hike. However smart one maybe how many times they slip during the climb it couldn't be said at all. It's easy to balance pans in a weighing balance for that is in our hands. It isn't easy to balance our life. Life is a scale that never stands still. Nobody wants to be in hardship. Everyone takes possible precautions in order that they aren't in hardship. Hardships one needn't remember at all, they remain in their memories. How much one feels when they undergo hardships for no fault of theirs in life. It is said that anything done unknowingly has pardon.

Hardships do not tell & come .Often they are bolts from the blues. They are storms & rains in life. One who weathers & stands tall among them always deserves kudos.It is they which pose challenges to man in life. The majority accept those challenges . They say come what may we would face . We wont allow them to pass on to next birth at all. The hope that better days would often make one bear hardship. A life without hardship always seems pale and pointless. Greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.How happy one would be when their hardships are over. One takes a deep breath. One heaves a sigh of relief. One rejoices and celebrates them. One thanks God too.

Pendulum in a clock swings non stop rhythmically.Life too swings but not rhythmically. How life swings it couldn't be made out. It swings either more to the right or swings more to the left. Which side it tilts more it couldn't be said at all. No one spares their efforts to balance it . It is not easy to balance hardships & comforts in life. It is not easy to balance our thoughts. That is why it is said " Life is not a dolls play " Except God no one , no judge can balance life scale. A judge can only try to balance scale of justice .Philosophy tries to smooth man's life & make it bearable.Life isn't a bed of roses at all.

One that could drive away all hardships is His blessings more than anything else. Steps that lead to the top of mountain in easy comfortable way only He could show . He is the best guide. Lord Tennyson rightly says " More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of " Opulence, cleverness and support may help one bear hardships but a little. All other means may help one tackle hardships but cannot eliminate them completely at all.

Hardships make one hate life. In fact , sometimes make one runaway from life too. There is every possibility hardships may lead one into wrong path also. One must be doubly cautious whenever they face hardships. Hardships do not allow one to think anything other than itself . They make a man self -centred also. Hardships are hard times. They are non transferable from one person to another person also .

Is it possible to illustrate all the hardships that a man comes across in life. Definitely not . There are no words & phrases to describe many hardships at all. One who is humane wouldn't remain quiet even when someone unknown is undergoing hardships also.

Who hasn't undergone hardship in their life in one way or other. It spares nobody.It does not distinguish between good & bad people at all. It befalls not only on bad people but also it befalls on good people too. When hardships would befall on whom it couldn't be said at all. Hardship may be financial, physical,or mental. They are a countless variety of hardships in any life.Hardships are compulsory in life.They may be more to some & less to some also. Some disclose their hardships . Some do not disclose their hardships. Hardships of some are visible & hardship of some are not visible. Rich, poor, young old, man woman & all undergo hardships.No doubt hardships are difficult to bear & make man pessimistic. If we had no winter,the spring wont be so pleasant. Hardships make one know what life is .Hardship develops in man qualities like determination, tolerance & the ability to ignore peer pressure. Hardship may instil courage & confidence in a man. It may make him disappointed & depressed too. It's individual or man who is important whenever and wherever hardships are . It is said death is better than undergoing hardship everyday.One succumbing to hardships is really pathetic. However, hardships seldom go waste. They normally reward in one way or other.Hardships are often considered as trials in life. Bible says "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life." Those who undergo hardships must be always optimistic & remember that without clouds there would be no rains & harvest at all.

Physical strength is of little use in overcoming hardships. It's mental toughness that plays a greater role in overcoming of hardships.More than anything else, it is His role is dominant in overcoming of hardships. Hardships are unwelcome guest. Yet they make their presence in everyone's life.One engages themselves often in hard work to forget their hardships. Some opine that hardships are due to deeds of previous birth. John Piper says "God tests people through hardship " Hardships are lessons . They have no bounds.

Hardships may inspire or motivate others & imbibe endurance. They may also demotivate ,discourage , curb enthusiasm , dynamism & make one tread cautiously too. All depends upon what the stories are.Many hardships in life are our own making too. Some make use of an axe to remove what that could be removed with a nail too. Hardships differ from man to man. They are not alike They are moderate & bearable to some .They are not unbearable to some. No man wants to remain in hardship for long but it is not in his hands at all . Everyone struggles in their life on account of hardships. That is why man exclaims “ What is life “ Hardships test his patience & capabilities. It is hardships which make everyone’s life a different story.Hardships of others may not be ours but they are lessons to us. One may forget anyone but wont usually forget those who are of some avail to them in hardship. They proclaim friend in need is a friend indeed.When one is undergoing hardship if one couldn't help they should not add fuel to the fire at all.

Hardships change one's inner as well as outer outlook.They bend one's back.They steal one's smile many a time but bring maturity on their countenance . One can easily differentiate between a person who has undergone hardship & who hasn't undergone it at all. They make a youth appear older than their age. Old more older than their age. Words cannot describe hardships. That is why life is named a mountain.