Negative thoughts & Positive thoughts.

Strength doesn't come from what you can do.It comes from doing the things you once thought you couldn't .Man's greatest strength is thinking power.If one goes on thinking that something bad is going to happen,something bad only happens & if they on go thinking good is going to happens good only often happens.The former is negative thought & latter is positive thought.Positive thoughts & negative thoughts don't bolt from the blues.They are to be developed by individuals.Negative & positive thoughts are both contagious.None is born with either negative or positive thoughts only.One would have positive or negative thoughts gradually as they grow up.Positive thoughts always fill one with hope & the negative thoughts fill one with despair.Thoughts need management. Man is the manager. Better he manages better his life.It's tough to control kids. They are naughty. Negative & positive thoughts are naughty too.What they all need is discipline.

There's sea of difference between negative thoughts & positive thoughts.One gives a face lift and the other makes a face somber. Positive thoughts are by & large productive liked welcomed & appreciated on the contrary negative thoughts are seldom productive & liked.Positive thoughts motivate one whereas negative thoughts depress a person,make one feel uneasy uncomfortable. With negative thought one won't make any progress or remain where they are but begin to lag behind.Positive thoughts bring one often calm & happiness.They add happiness to others too. Through positive thinking one can overcome the mountains. Impossible becomes possible. While negative thoughts make one agitated & restless. They are obstacle to happiness.They make one unpopular & positive thoughts make one popular.It isn't enough one has intelligence,they must have a positive mindset. Thinking positively under adverse circumstances & challenging times in life is really difficult & is always lauded. One's mind is their biggest advantage to any situation when they utilize it in positive ways.

Negative thoughts chase a man like a mad dog. One who faces them only knows the plight.Nobody wants to think negative, but circumstances make one think negatively.Most people are unconsciously addicted to negative thinking. Negative thinking isn't just a bad habit,it's a terrible addiction,& probably directly responsible for every other addiction known to man.How to deal with them is a big question in life.Our brain handles negative & positive input differently, psychologists say,which is why memories of unpleasant experiences seem indelible. Scientists have proven that negativity literally makes cancer grow inside the body.

It's positive thoughts only that develop love, affection & friendship. A sane man always thinks positively." An idle mind is the devil's workshop". It isn't mere a quote,it is a reality. Failures, disappointments, ignorance,are only a few that spring negative thoughts. More one allows negative thoughts more it is difficult for them to emerge out of them.

Negative thoughts seldom do good or remain harmless. A successful is one who drives away negative thoughts & thinks always positive only. Optimist has positive & pessimist has negative thoughts.Man is optimistic or pessimistic based on his thinking only.One who thinks "Laugh & the world laughs with you weep & you weep alone." won't allow negative thoughts.Only in maths negative X negative is positive.In life only positive can make a negative a positive.Positive thoughts fill one confidence & courage.They improve relationships bring more harmony & happiness.They mean expecting, believing, & visualizing what one wants to achieve.They mean seeing with the mind's eye the thing they want,as an accomplished fact.Positive & negative thoughts indicate attitudes.They are points of view,& show the way people handle their affairs.Negative thought develop stress & strain, whereas positive thoughts keeps one relaxed, calm & cool. Positive thoughts are rosy & negative thoughts are thorny.

Change in thinking, change in attitude is quite essential in anybody to drive away negative thoughts.When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy.” says Dalai Lama. Cancel negative thoughts & replace them with positive thoughts.Make some changes within, & you’ll quickly see positive changes in your life.Think more of others than thinking more about the selves to drive away negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts are like gangrene they are to be cut off otherwise they make one's life miserable.They steal a man's smile.Physical strength is of little use to drive away them from him.They make one lose confidence & make them incapable. Not medicines only efforts could change them to positive thoughts. The best way to keep them at a distance is to follow Gandhiji & 3 monkeys. Don't hear bad, see bad & talk bad.

A thought has no power other than what you give it. Negative thoughts gain momentum when you think them over and over again. So stop thinking them. It's better to avoid aloofness whenever negative thoughts emerge. “See the positive side, the potential, & make an effort.” ~ says Dalai Lama. Think less keep busy is the best solution to evade negative them. Prayers , meditation & physical exercises are the best tools to tackle them too. Reading success stories, witnessing dramas & movies, etc. enables their diversion.

Be a believer in God .God is a friend, philosopher & guide.He is greatest positive. He is not zero. He is something. It's difficult to understand Him.God seldom talks, always listens.Believer in God seldom becomes negative, he always remains positive. God is one who transforms negative thoughts into positive. One can share anything with Him at any time.All remains between two only. Relationship, confidence, peace everything develops.