Patting on the back.

Life is an adventure. It rarely contains similar incidents. It contains all types of incidents & many of them aren't under the control of man at all too. One who manages to go through all of them successfully, richly deserves patting on the back. Going through them isn't a joke at all. A pat on the back is a certificate that certifies that one has performed well.It is a compliment . It is an encouragement. Encouragement can do wonders.It could get something out of nothing. It is without it many times talent gets wasted or rusted.

Life is an opportunity too. One should live their life in such a way that others should pat them on the back. In fact, it would be the dream of many too.Ultimate goal of living of a human being is to receive a pat from Him that they led their life well . One is often remembered too for the way they lead their life also. There are as many occasions to pat a man as there are to abuse or scold at any time. If one who deserves to be patted on the back and not patted would n't lose anything . It is the man who hadn't patted only loses the opportunity. Opportunities that are lost would never comeback at all usually .

A pat on the back isn't merely a pat & a few flattering words. Titles awards & prizes follow it generally. Words shabas ! warewah ! etc. also normally follow it. Patting is a kind of appreciation also. Appreciation is often a few words. It satisfies a soul. Many do anything for the sake of appreciation only . It is an expected desire from anyone. By appreciating one seldom loses anything but gains many things. Recently, how in Haryana how two girls from Rohtak fought three eve teasers in a moving bus is a history. Who hasn't patted them. They would be honored during the Republic day of India with awards. Patting on the back isn't an easy affair as it seems to be .When two are there and one is patted & the other isn't patted, how one who hasn't been patted would feel. It would certainly affect mindset of person who hasn't been patted. One should be cautious even while doing a good act too.

In order to pat on the back the occasion shouldn't be merely ordinary but it should be something extraordinary. It's when one does something laudable & wins heart . Exemplary deeds, outstanding achievements & sacrifices by anyone at any time deserve patting on the back by one & all. Good work always deserves pat.Further,if exemplary deeds,outstanding achievements & sacrifices are very good, man would feel like patting those involved on the back again & again.Man would get them stored in their memory also. Those would become a part and parcel of history too.

When all do the good work it would be a dilemma to whom to pat on the back to whom not to pat on the back. What would get one a pat on the back in the universe, it couldn't be said at all. It is habit of of some parents whether their kids do something good or bad to pat on their back. In life if anyone goes out of the way & does something wrong ,they should be taken to task. Only when they do something good they should be patted. Patting the back is a tactics in vogue from time immemorial used by some to get their job done. Some opportunists and cunning often pat on the back only to get their work done. Individual needn't be always present to pat on the back . One can be patted verbally too.

A pat on the back is significant . It reveals intimacy, liking, blessing and appreciation. Patting the back should come from others. One patting themselves on the back at any time isn't at all good. It's self boasting. A pat on the back can express a lot to a person. It can be a way to say “hello” to a friend, or a way to comfort someone who's had a bad day. Ambition of many is to get a pat from even enemy. Man is strange. Some do the work if they are patted on the back. Some do not work even if they are patted on the back also.

No one easily gets patting on the back. Disappointment is usually in store to one who expects a pat on the back & who doesn't receive it. Often,one has to spare no pains to receive a pat on back. Only after crossing many hurdles & meeting all competition one receives it. Patting on the back would often have commendable affect. What that other couldn't do it does. Of course,when where who & why patted are all important. Patting the back by an eminent puts one in good books of many. Many factors like intimacy,relationship,and stature of a person etc, play a role in bringing positive response to patting on the back.

Sometimes, it's difficult to make out why the pat on the back was made because there are people who pat on the back for doing something bad and some pat on the back to get their work done. When angry many times ,one receives a pat on the back to calm down too. But,these days are so bad that nothing could be got done by patting several times one on the back too. One shouldn't pat on the back doesn't mean one should punish.

There are many reasons for patting on the back. Patting on back is a way of honoring also. It's a physical way of saying "good job"or encouraging someone.Its motivator.It fills one with confidence . Its an apt reward for hard work & recognition of talent.Its a recognition It makes one proud. One needn't pay anything to it. But ,it's more than any payment. It does wonders.It doesn't take time.It's a gesture of affection.It's an expression or gesture of praise too. It's many times a long cherished expectation. It remains in memory for a long time. It is which makes one contented. Many times it is an unforgettable experience also. It's a tool to get things done. It's a skill. It's better a boss possess it. By & large, what affect patting on the back would have depends on individual .

However, no one should be patted too much on the back also. It instead of good it does bad. It boomerangs. There is limit to patting on the back too. Too much of patting makes one egoistic & overconfident also.

There is no guarantee also that all good work done would receive a pat on the back in this world. Appearances are deceptive.Pat must be always to a right man ant not to a wrong man. In life it seems foolish to wait for anybody's pat. Do anything to the best of abilities & leave it. Do not wait for the result. It may be either good or bad. It would be what you deserve Only