Lead a good life. Habits will make it pleasant .

Whether man makes life complicated or whether life is complicated, it is not easy to come to a conclusion. How people would live their lives of it is impossible to imagine even also.I was on Madgaon Mangalore passenger train. Dozens of drug addicts got down from the train at " Gokarna Road" station.Their belongings were no more than heavy backpacks & handbags. .Autorickshaws had already been queued to carry them to the beach .The influence of drugs was so much on them that they could not remain in train without having puffs. They were becoming skeleton. There was neither semblance of happiness nor healthy look on their face at all. To a man no one is an enemy or a friend than his own habits. Habit is bad. Addiction is worse.Addiction is dependency. It is very well said that heaven or hell is decided to a man not merely upon his death but also it is decided when he is alive too based on how he leads his life.Others life is a lesson to our life.Our life must be a lesson not only to our children but also it must be a lesson to others. It is not merely an ape imitates , man too imitates.

No doubt life is not a bed of roses. If led systematically, it is not difficult also. Why people become a drug addict ? People take drugs not merely to get cured of the diseases. They take drugs for various other reasons also. People lead their life according to their whims & fancies and land themselves into trouble. They mess up their life. They wont have peace of mind at all as a consequence. In order to extricate themselves from all trouble they become a drug addict. The drugs give them only a temporary relief & pleasure. They are not a relief at all. They are a slow poison. It is a way of committing suicide. It is digging our own grave. Poor people do not understand this and tread a wrong path.

Drug addiction is not the only addiction. There are other addictions too. Alcoholic addiction is in no less quantum all over the globe.Today morning two people were lying fully drunk in front of busy bus stand on foot path at Bejai Mangalore.They were unaware what was happening around. Nobody was bothered about them too. A beast would certainly lead a better life than them. I realized that it isn't enough if one is born as human being. Man is no better than an animal.

This is a scene from 21 st century. It is not enough if world develops people must also improve a lot in it. It is poverty alone does not create horrible scenes but also the way a man leads his life creates horrible scenes too. I remembered the quote " Lead a good life. Habits will make it pleasant "