Life after Sixty

In Vedic calendar there are only sixty years

Unlike English years, sixtieth year is the last year

After sixtieth year, second cycle of life starts

But none can complete the second circle of sixty years

One would be bored and fed up with the same kind of food. Similarly, one would be bored and fed with the same kind of life. Further, if that life is completely filled with woes, it would be unlivable. It would make change more necessary to life. Change is the essence of life. Life mustn't be a routine one at all. Going to place of work and returning home tired is normally one's a daily routine . Retirement is a change in routine. Life is an opportunity. It is a challenge also. It is a battlefield too. One shouldn't lose interest in it whatever turns and twists it may subject them with to frustrate and make them desperate . It is it's game only.Ultimate winner wouldn't be life but it would be they.Nature adapts itself to climate . Birds, animals adapt themselves to nature. Man must also adapt himself to life.

How life would be after sixty? This is a question that poses many. How life should be after sixty that many people plan also. Everyone wants their life after sixty to be beautiful. It is in fact a period to relax & take rest. It is when one wants to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Feel the breeze, smell the flowers, hear the birds, and appreciate this wonderful life.It is time when one must start reaping benefits and live a life free of worries. Welcome sweet sixties . They are the beautiful times ahead . Retirement is also the beginning of a journey of self-discovery.One can go ahead, and rediscover themselves after they retire. Life holds a lot in store when one have the time to explore its full potential. Retirement is not the end of life. Many matters which one would not know earlier they come to know only after retirement. There is no end to learning. At times after sixty only one gets better opportunities than when they were in service.It is that life that besides enabling one to read and write a lot, enables one to undertake tours extensively.

Life after sixty is precious.Retiring after attaining the age of superannuation is really an achievement. Hanging up the gloves ,hanging up the bat, hanging the boots, and putting the pen down all mean nothing else than a retirement. It is bye bye to an active life . Unfortunately, some people pass away before attaining the age of sixty even. Generally, attaining sixty years of age is a milestone. It is a crucial juncture. That is why many people celebrate their sixtieth birthday with pomp and grandeur. It is a solemn occasion. A couple exchange garlands during celebrations of sixtieth birthday as in a wedding too. How a bride leaves for her husband's house with an heavy heart upon marriage. Similarly, a retiree too feels while bidding goodbye to the institution they served for years. It is not enough if a beginning is good, middle must be good and end must also be good to say All's well that ends well .

One wishes their life to be calm and peaceful especially after sixty. It remains calm and peaceful provided if one knows how to lead it. It is an art. We even come across old couple quarreling and disturbing peaceful atmosphere at home. What events that life after sixty comprises that no one could either foresee or predict. The life after sixty is unpredictable. It is coupled with many uncertainties too. No doubt many plan their life after sixty. Man proposes God disposes applies to life after sixty too. Life rarely runs as one wants it to run. However,it is better one have always a positive outlook at the life after sixty.

A machine which is continuously used becomes old and stale over a period of time. All its parts get worn out and the machine reaches a stage when it can come to grinding halt at any moment. A man who has completed sixty years of age can very well be compared to such a machine. After sixty, one who is employed retires from services. Even those who do business also opt retirement when they attain the sixty years of age. Most of the people know what life is by that time. Majority of them except a few, unburden responsibilities like education and marriage of their children before their retirement. Though, majority are leisurely after sixty,they find it hard to adjust themselves to the retired life. One who has been busy throughout their career feels that retirement is a punishment.Life after retirement is a changed life. It is a different atmosphere. Reconciling to a retired life is not always easy. It is a challenge. Though, there is absolutely no stress or strain at that time, one has to learn many things to cope with the new way of life.It is entirely a new routine and curriculum . They find it difficult to spend time. Gradually, there is no other go to them than to adjust themselves to the new kind of life. Age would have more say on life. One would spend more time between the four walls of their house than before. It is when one would spend more time with their better half than before also. It is when only a few members of family would be there at home too.

Everyone's life after sixty would not be the same. It would have bright side as well as dark side. It would be varied. It is different to different people. It would be cruel to some people and kind to some people. It depends upon individuals. Life of some people after sixty would be full of problems. They include not merely financial problems but include all types of other problems too. Some become widow or widower at that time. One must be fortunate to enjoy their life after sixty. Some have one or another kind of health problem at that age. Some accept honorary posts after sixty. Some take up part time jobs. Some do not take up any jobs at all. Services of some are utilized as adviser or consultant after retirement. Life remaining after sixty is always less. It is not as much as the one that one has already been spent. Some consider it as bonus. Some call it as extended period of lease of life. Now a day’s longevity has improved. Hence, the life after sixty has also become long too. All said and done, it is can't be longer than the life that one would have lived . It is in life after sixty , one is generally mature or ripe with experience and knowledge. It is the right time for one to share their thoughts and experience with others. One can think of others and do something good to the society in their life after sixty.

Life after sixty can be termed as last chapters in one’s life. It is also the concluding session of life too.Everyone wishes to leave behind a good name and want them to remembered.It is during life after sixty almost all uncertainties of life would be over and one anxiously awaits His call. By and large after sixty only one bids adieu to this world too. God is not fair to everyone. He does not bless everyone with either same kind of life or death. Some are only fully satisfied with their life at the time of death. At the time of death , some have mixed feelings. They are half satisfied and half disappointed. Whereas some are disappointed and disgusted at the time of death . It is when majority of retirees become grand parents. It is the time to play for them with their grand children too. It is when one recollects their past successes and failures. It is when one tells stories to grand children.

As one grows older and older their back begins to bend more and more and they find it more and more difficult to walk straight.According to some an old age itself is a disease. Life after sixty is like dusk. The sun set may take place at anytime. We can compare it to ebb and flow of water in a river. It is when one's memory power, presence of mind, eye sight, muscle strength everything deteriorates and one strives to maintain them. They do not have same liveliness in them as they used to have earlier. Idle man’s mind is devil’s workshop. After sixty if one is idle this proverb applies to them. Idleness gives rise to many problems. One may become nuisance to others. It is better one keep themselves busy at that moment and resort to positive thinking . In short, life after sixty is different to different people as stated earlier . A man is circumstances made.

Sixty plus people are often branded as an old generation. Generation gap between them and people around them develops and increases day by day. The world around them changes. They too change but a little and not at that the same pace as the world . Most of the people think of religion and social service at that time. Some people try to dwell on their past .It is a futile exercise. They end up with all misery for they do not have any power now and nobody cares or listens to them. One must command respect rather than demanding a respect at that age. According to Sri Sri Ravishankar of art of living, one must live in present to be happy always. Most of the people are dependent on others either financially or other wise after sixty. Of course, grey hair brings more respect and sympathy to them at that age.

Life after sixty is generally boring to majority of people because it is not brimming with activity as before. It scares both haves and have not’s. There are many funny quotes and commentaries from eminent retirees, almost all of them stressing the dismality of life after retirement. According to Charles de Gaulle, the fate of a retired person is like that of a man lost in mid sea on a boat with no oars and no company! VIPs are supposed to lose their status in public life and become VOC's (Very Ordinary Chap!) after retirement .

It is a period when one does not receive regular salary. It is a period when one depends either on pension or on interest on hard earned savings for livelihood. Everybody generally plans for their life after sixty. If one's health is affected during life after sixty by grave diseases like cancer, heart ailments or kidney transplantation etc, one has to meet alarming medical bills. A few can afford them. Life becomes miserable to many. Sometimes one would not have no one to look after them. One has to take a shelter in an old age home also.

Everyone intends to be happy, peaceful, relaxed during their retired life. Others also wish them to be so too. Generally after sixty one gradually withdraws from all activities one by one. Many lose charm or interest in life. They do not pay much attention to their dress and appearance . Even appetite, and taste, dwindle. As a result, ways and means to spend money are also less during that period. Many begin to think that their life is over after sixty. They think that they are dead wood and are good for nothing. A few of course, maintain their activities and interest in life well. By and large one would not be as efficient as they were in their teens or in middle age. One would be either mentally or physically handicapped at that age. Absentmindedness is common at that stage. One would have less presence of mind at that time. One feels weakness, and helplessness too. Everything depends upon the individual.

A man can very well become a friend, philosopher or a guide after sixty. After sixty, one is regarded as a senior citizen. In public and other transport systems separate seats are earmarked for them. Concession are given to senior citizens in airfare, railway fare etc. Higher rate of interest are offered to senior citizens on deposits by banks and other institutions. There are numerous exemptions to senior citizens under Income Tax law too. Everywhere age is respected. Many a times their wise counsel is sought. It is better to have a little or no expectations particularly after sixty to be happy. Expectations generally culminate in sorrow, and disappointment. One must learn to live with grandchildren after sixty. They are the best company during old age. One can enjoy their company and be happy.

Without any proper planning and preparation, if we face tomorrow, it would tantamount to participating in a war without any weapons. We should not take everything easy. We should not live life as it comes. If we have wasted our precious time in life so far that does not mean that we have to waste the remaining part too. It is entirely left to our sweet will and pleasure to make amends. That is why introspection is quite essential. We must consider life with all seriousness and live it with a purpose. We must always share our thoughts and ideas with members of our family. We must have mutual trust in one another. We must not find fault with one another. We must know one another well in all respects. We must follow the principle “One for all and all for one" It is better if the members of a family develop similar tastes. We must have a get together at regular intervals and discuss various topics relating to the welfare of our family .In the process; we have mutual exchange of thoughts regarding our individual problems also and elicit different views, ideas and solutions. Now-a-days, there are a very few joint families. Present day family generally consists of husband, wife, son, daughter-in-law and a grandson or husband, wife, two daughters or any other permutation and combination of members. Now-a-days, by and large we come across small families only.

Western culture has made considerable impact on our life. Day by day standard of living is improving, more and more people are getting educated. In this enlightened world, even at the fag end of our life we can do marvels provided we have good ideas, talent support and encouragement. It is an age when we know our limitations. But our thinking is ripe with rich experience and wants to do something which is useful to the society. Even if our dream is full filled partially, the efforts that we have put in bring us the solace. The unfinished task will be continued and completed by the coming generation. We will be remembered for our deeds. A good work can be undertaken at any stage of one's life. It is better late than never.

A few live even beyond 100 years. If one is hale and healthy, if they live for 100 years there is no problem. On the other hand ,if one is bed ridden for a long time they will be troublesome to kith and kin. The kith and kin bear it out of love and affection and may not even express it also.

Here are a few tips for happy retired life. They are a) Develop a good sense of humor to fight needless tensions b) Engage yourself in activities you like most, like music, sports, gardening, reading, etc. to help overcome occasional bouts of mental depression c) Develop and follow a diet plan that fits you as age advances d) Do some simple physical fitness exercises regularly, etc.