A Neighbor

Life is full of lessons.It includes lessons from neighbors too. A man is a social animal. Seldom a man lives in a secluded place. A man by and large lives in a village , a town or a city. In America man come across more land less people and in India man finds more people less land. Depending upon the density of population one would have number of neighbors. According to population of a place some would have more number of neighbors & some would have less number of neighbor A country too has neighbors. Generally more discords and disputes are noticed wherever there are more number of neighbors.

One who is next to our door is not the only neighbor but all those who are around are also our neighbors. A neighbor is always important. A neighbor can directly or indirectly affect our life. Having good neighbors is extremely helpful .If neighbors aren't there we would definitely feel lonely . Good trustworthy neighbors can keep an eye on the house and bring in the mail when we are gone; they watch the kids in case of an emergency or take us to work when the car does not start. In short,many times it's neighbor who comes to rescue when we are in dire straits. A neighbor is essential at least to share joys and sorrows. They are good to chit -chat and spend time. A neighbor could be either good or bad. One who has a good neighbor is really fortunate. In fact, some neighbors are ready to even lay down their lives for their neighbors. If one wants to know more about a person it's always better to ask their neighbor.An opinion about one is formed sometimes based upon their neighborhood . Many times it is neighbors who spread rumors and gossips too. Whatever good that we find in a neighbor we have to appreciate and whatever bad we find in a neighbor we have to condemn too.

If all is well it doesn't matter whoever may be neighbor. It's when trouble brewing one would be concerned about the neighbor.Neighbors come in all shapes. How would be a neighbor it can't be imagined. It can't be said. It's to be experienced. Neighbors may belong to different regions and countries also. A neighbor could be God or devil. Peace and tranquility would be little at a home if one doesn't get along with neighbors. Some neighbors are very friendly and helpful. Some neighbors are nuisance. They are quarrelsome and rude. They might not be even in talking terms. Some may have the habit of borrowing every now and then. As far as possible it is better not to have any transactions with neighbor . At any cost one should not have more transactions with a neighbor at all . Some neighbors are drunkards. Sometimes only one can choose their neighbor. Often one has to adjust themselves to neighbor who is not of their liking. Walls need not divide the neighbors. Neighbors can live like one family.Children of neighbors play together, grow together and study together. Children have no distinction like ours and yours. It doesn't matter to them whom it belongs.

It's never too late to build a good relationship with our neighbors .Elders recommend that we must maintain good relationship with neighbors .But it is not always easy. If the relationship between neighbors is not good they won't look at one another. Whatever may be they,it's better one doesn't cause a strain on relationship with them for it could turn into terrible headache. One would have no peace of mind if relationship is strained. Some neighbors could be colleagues . If relationship with them is not okay ,it affects at the workplace also. Maintaining a pleasant relationship with neighbors is really an art. A neighbor must neither be near nor far off but must be at a reasonable distance.We must believe neighbors. We must have confidence in them. We must exchange smile with them. We must not have either superiority or inferiority complex while dealing with them. We must always maintain cordial and uniform relation with them .

Now a days people are not at all bothered to know who their neighbor is. They do not maintain any connection or contact with the neighbor. When people live in the same area. Problems of one another are same. Common concern would be definitely there on many matters. It's better there is cooperation and understanding between neighbors. It's always better neighbors know one another. They may have to deal with one another at one time or another. Often, if we are good neighbors also turn out to be good.

Some neighbors are permanent . Some neighbors are changing. Some are helpful. Some are related. Some are not related. One should be tactful in dealing with neighbors. At anytime we may need the help of neighbor. In the same way they may need our help.They are at next door. Every morning we see their face and they see our face. A little sound at neighbor is normally heard in our house and a little sound in our house is heard by neighbor. In fact, even a sneeze would be heard by the neighbor. Nothing can be hidden from neighbors for a long time.

There are many stories about neighbors. What I am going to narrate is not a story but a real incident. It is an incident shared by Mr Kulkarni with me. Recently, one Mr Kulkarni shared an incident with me. Mr. Kulkarni was an Engineer working in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. He was transferred to Srinagar in Kashmir. A couple by name Mr. Mohamed and Mrs. Zeenat were living next to his door there. Daily Mr. Kulkarni was always busy attending his official duties. However he could lead a peaceful life without interfering in anybody’s affairs in that beautiful Srinagar city. He had no contacts whatsoever with his neighbor Mr. Mohamed and Mrs. Zeenat too. One night Mr. Kulkarni was in deep sleep. He was awakened by a shriek of a woman. It was unbearable to ears.It was depicting agony. It came from the next door. It was not at all subsiding. It intensified second to second. It was heart rendering. Mr. Kulkarni could realize that something had happened at the next door. Humanity drew his legs to the next door. The door of the house was open. Mr. Mohamed was not there. When husband not there how he could enter the house of a Muslim neighbor. One is not supposed to enter at that late hour. Mr. Kulkarni hesitated. However situation won over all those petty matters. His heart melted. He entered the house. He came to know that Mr. Mohamed had gone to some other place. Mr. Zeenat was pregnant for the third time. She already had two children. She did not want one more mouth to feed. She had taken some Ayurvedic medicine to abort the child. On account of that medicine abortion had taken place.

Zeenat was suffering from unbearable pain and bleeding. She needed immediate medical attention. Mr. Kulkarni did not waste a single minute. He rushed her to nearby hospital in his car and got her necessary treatment. Next morning Mr.Mohamed returned to Srinagar. He came to know of the developments that had taken place on the previous day. He expressed his gratitude to Mr. Kulkarni and thanked him profusely. Mrs. Zeenat retuned home after recuperation. She visited Kulkarni soon there afterwards and begged him to consider her as his sister. She pleaded to give her an opportunity to serve him through out his stay at Srinagar. The way that she found to express her gratitude is really worth appreciating. It was a humble way She was daily collecting his clothes and washing and drying them. In the evening she used to return back his clothes back neatly folded. This is an unforgettable incident in the life of Mr. Kulkarni. This incident between neighbors has a number of lessons to us.