Man is dependent . He is not independent.

One who is often remembered by a man is one who helps him in times of need. There is a saying " Help others achieve their dreams & you will achieve your dreams." To help others there are number of ways. What is more essential than anything else to help others is willingness. Serving humanity is essence of life.

Some hesitate to help others . Many think twice before accepting help from others too. Some reject it also because they think it is an obligation & indebtedness. Many accept an help as a matter of last resort only when there is no other go. Help develops relationship. A help that one does never goes waste. It comes back to them in one way or other in some other form. In fact, majority of people help others not with the intention that it should be returned also .Helping others is an opportunity that everyone wouldn't get always at all.While helping others one shouldn't think too much. It may tantamount to waste of precious time & one may miss the opportunity of helping .Anything that's rendered with expectation is not an help at all.Often one who helps doesn't consider his help as something great at all. He helps & forgets.

A man cannot at any time say " I do not need anybody's help at all too. If at all one says " I do not need anybody's help " It is on account of ego in him or it is his ignorance. Man is dependent .He is not independent. Of course, some are more dependent & some are less dependent .Man has no independence at any time to live according to his whims & fancies. When many tasks are pending or half finished many times his life comes to an end. Man cannot be independent of the incidents that take place around him at all. They do not allow him to remain unaffected at all too. Man is not merely dependent upon rain, weather & sunshine. He is dependent upon many other aspects of nature too. Whether he can withstand the fury of nature.No doubt, inventions are making life more comfortable & man less dependent these days but man is not totally free from dreaded diseases etc. & independent .

Fitzgerald rightly says

"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it

back to cancel half a Line,

Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it. "

This is the independence that a man has.

Kannada poet Sri D. V. Gundappa compares man' s life to a horse cart. He says fate is its master. You are a horse . Go wherever it takes when legs gets tired there is field to rest upon." Man is not independent.

Freedom given by democracy & financial freedom are quite different . Where is not help not needed in life ? When whose help one would need it couldn't be said at all.Man is dependent . In what way he would be dependent,it couldn't be said at all too. Life is unpredictable It is mysterious. It cuts him to his size. It makes him aware & cautious in his every step. Otherwise there would have been more number of Hitler & Mussolini. Where a man should be dependent he should be dependent & where a man should not be dependent he shouldn't be dependent at all. He shouldn't depend on others for everything at all. To say "I am dependent " many feel humiliated. They consider dependence as inferior. Man loves independence but he shouldn't have too much of independence . God that's why purposely has not made a man totally independent .If man is totally independent means it is difficult to control him. God gave some demons more independence & God had to come to earth to kill them.

Dependence is always not a bad thing. We were made to be dependent on each other. Dependency is in the blood of some people. They cannot remain without being dependent upon others at all. Dependency is a cycle for mankind. When we were born we were totally dependent upon our parents. When we had our children they were dependent on us. Now they are growing up & will soon have children of their own & their children will be dependent upon them & so on.

One is financially , physically, & intellectually strong does not mean that they wouldn't have difficulties . They too have to face difficulties . They too are dependent. One may not need help always , when in difficulties they would definitely need help & deserve help.Difficulties mean it isn't mere financial difficulties only. Helping is supporting, giving an hand. Helping one during ordinary times & helping one in difficulties is quite different. Understanding others difficulties is an human quality.A man must be for a man. Sri Purandhardas rightly says " Oh God Nobody is for nobody in this leased life. Bubble on water isn't real at all. " Ultimately it is God who has to protect anyone.

Some are so selfish that they don't understand difficulties of others.Of course,some understand difficulties of others .What one has to undergo in life , they have to undergo in it there is no other go at all. There is a lot to understand in life. Learning is a never ending process.