Blessed are those who have positive thoughts.

What all form thoughts develop into. Everything has positive & negative. Thoughts too have positive & negative too.The phrase "Is the glass half empty or half full" can be understood also as a philosophical question. The answer to it indicates whether the person is positive or negative.

Essence of man's life is positive thoughts.They can make life blossom like a flower.They not only shield a man in a situation but also enable him to win it over.

Thoughts appear in mind as quickly as a clock clicks & mouse of a computer responds. They depend upon fresh air, calm, culture, inheritance, & knowledge of a man. Man & life are the architects of positive thoughts & negative thoughts. One who is relaxed would have better thoughts than one who is busy. It is believed if one thinks positive positive happens & if one thinks negative, negative takes place, usually.Why man visits temple,mosque or church,it's in order to gain positiveness. Without a positive thought nothing worthwhile could be achieved anywhere at any time at all.A positive thought is like an oasis in a desert. Everything has to be begun always with a positive thought.

Theory is not only in maths & science , they are also in human life too.

One who thinks always good would have good thoughts & does good. One who thinks bad would have bad thoughts & does worse in day to day life.Some think big talk big, but they are not so in their deeds at all.In some actions speak louder than words.Wherever one had bitter memory its usually difficult to have positive thoughts, negative thoughts occur there & remind them of past.

What's impossible becomes possible with positive thoughts, whereas with negative thoughts, what's possible becomes impossible. There is a gulf of difference between positive & negative thoughts.A man with negative thoughts & positive thoughts is not same personality . The human mind is an oven where all sorts of thought not merely positive thoughts originate. What one gets there depends upon what fuel one feeds into their mind.Positive thoughts are moral lessons.They in a man are reflected more in his behavior than elsewhere. They enable man see success even in failure.With them one can remain happy anywhere whereas with negative thoughts its not so one can't remain anywhere happy with them at all.

Thoughts are instrumental for whatever good & bad takes place in one's life on earth.Man must understand his thoughts. Thoughts must be servants of a man. Man must not be the servant of his thoughts.Positive thinking under adverse circumstances deserves always appreciation. It's in fact a way of overcoming adverse circumstances. Life isn't led by mouth, legs & hands only.Thoughts lead every step of every man.

The journey to success begins with positive thinking. One with positive thoughts surges ahead never standstill.Napoleon Hill,an American author, said,“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe,it can achieve”. So, think of victory and believe in yourself, & it will not be long before success comes knocking on your door.It's important to eliminate fear & pessimism, because it will only drag you down.Positive thinking gives positive energy, which propels & fuels an individual in the right direction.Progress, development or anything good could shower due to positive thoughts Only.

Positive thoughts make life pleasant & negative thoughts make it miserable.Positive thoughts are a good prophet. A day begun with positive thoughts would always end well. It fills one with enthusiasm. One with positive thoughts would have sound sleep.Positive thoughts give no room to anxiety & tension at all. Blessed are those who have positive thoughts. They are lucky people.Nothing good need happen. The thought that it would happen is positive thought. It is more than half war won. One with positive thoughts only can have patience & wait.Positive thoughts are always liked & appreciated.They do wonders.Tomorrow is there what a positive thought.How much assurance it gives man.It makes him realise that not mere

sunset is there every day, there's sunrise also too.

Once one is after good,good would never leave them. It would be after them everywhere thereafter. It is the success story of positive thoughts.Having positive mind under any circumstances is very difficult. Its an achievement.Positive thoughts are inner voice. No dark clouds whatsoever. They fill one with hope. They inspire. They lead one on the right direction. They strengthen the individual. They make them courageous & confident.Read something positive every night. And listen to something helpful every morning.

One of the ways of having positive thoughts is remembering Gandhiji & three monkeys. That is " Don't see bad. Don't listen bad, Don't talk bad" Positive thoughts aren't bolts from the blues.They are fruits of one's efforts .One's attitude, one's thinking is often responsible for having positive thoughts. Positive thinking is bringing mind into control & right direction.

Anybody's life isn't incident free. Its always better to think positively to be happy. It isn't while treading a way only man misses, he misses while thinking too. If one understands what's negative & positive thinking .They would avoid definitely negative thinking. There's no use of thinking negative at all. It is always unproductive. It makes life unbearable.A man with positive thoughts would have always a smiling face & one with negative thoughts would always have a crying face. Positive thoughts land one in heaven & negative thoughts land one in hell. Positive thoughts are nothing but a sweet dream & negative thoughts are nothing but a bad dream.Its they that present a rosy picture of tomorrow & make it bright too.

Positive thoughts are where there's a will there's a way. Optimism, meditation,music,prayers, singing ,reading,success stories & all lead to them.Nobody need drive away negative thoughts positive thoughts drive them miles miles away. It's in magnetism only like poles repel & unlike poles attract. In life's positives add up & try to repel negative or negatives add up and try to repel positives.

Life is not a straight line at all.Success & failures are common in it.Successes make one think positively & failures make one think negatively.Similarly,happiness ,sorrows,richness & poverty make one think positively & negatively.Negative thoughts make one depressed. A depressed always needs advice & support.

God hasn't given remedy to what not? Many a times man doesn't need either positive or negative thoughts but need peace . Meditation is one that can make a man thoughtless. It is neither positive thoughts nor negative thoughts.

Negative is weeds. Nobody grows them in their garden. They grow on their own. One must be vigilant. A garden with weeds cannot be beautiful at all.

There are reasons for one to become negative in life too. They are to be removed & thrown out. Circumstances in life make one negative. The company in which one often remains or falls into makes one negative.Negative thoughts don't differentiate young,old,man,& woman.They leave none.

More one responds to negative thoughts more would be their intensity .Man won't do even what he would have otherwise would have done too with negative thoughts.Negative thoughts take one to zero confidence level.They make one desperate. They are always to be nipped in bud.

Man faces war not merely on grounds . He faces it in the mind too.Why negative thoughts unnerve man because man believes in their veracity.Transforming negative thoughts into positive thoughts is one of the main tasks in everyone's life.It is changing of thought process. Negative thoughts do not allow anyone to concentrate anywhere at all. They drain their energy & intelligence.Sound mind becomes unsound under them.

Unless one drives out negative thoughts mind wont be positive.Negative thoughts don't allow either what's positive to work or allow one to have sound sleep at all. They waste precious time of life.They are a web is easy to get in but difficult to get out. With negative thoughts what one could do is worsen a situation only & nothing else. Negative thoughts lead to negative deeds bad dreams , nightmares & hallucinations .

When the sick man approaches a doctor. As much as medicines, positive thoughts that doctor arises in him cure him. On the other hand, if the doctor arises negative thoughts it makes him further sick. Thoughts do miracles.

Similarly, when a man is in dire straits & knows not what to do, he approaches an astrologer. What an electrifying affect the positive thoughts that astrologer imbibes in him would have on him. He gets elephants strength & opens new chapter in his life.

Blessed are those who have positive thoughts.



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Dattaram Sharma

Dattaram Sharma