Strengths & weaknesses.

What is man ? Man is his strengths & weaknesses. Some say that the ideals which they follow is their strength. Some say that their faith in God and religion is their strength. Some say unity is strength. Strength doesn't mean merely physical,financial & mental strength. Qualities imbibed in one are strengths too.Power too brings one strength.That's not permanent at all. Once power is gone it vanishes. Strength & weaknesses nobody need say anything. They come to light at one time or other on their own in case of everyone . Others strengths & weaknesses are transparent to our eyes usually but we don't bother to know our strengths & weaknesses at all. One who knows their strengths & weaknesses always behaves well.Importance of having strength generally one realizes not when someone advises but when they suffer & face humiliation due to weakness.

Based upon strengths & weaknesses choices are usually made in every field. Strengths & weaknesses are basis for any selection.Strengths & weaknesses is nothing but an evaluation. They are two sides of the same coin. One shouldn't depend upon others strength as far as possible in life . One has to depend upon their own strength as far as possible in life. What is the use of having strength,if it's not at all being used. In fact, It's useless.

Everybody's strengths & weaknesses seldom go untested in life at all.

What's their strength & what's their weakness that often one would come to know fully only when they face situations in life. Sometimes what they had thought as their strength won't come to their rescue or help at all.

Some have more weaknesses than strengths & some have more strengths than weaknesses . What one thinks as their strengths & weaknesses and what others think as their strengths & weaknesses are generally not the same. No one wants to display their weaknesses usually.But most of the people want to display their strengths . What a man is , it is difficult to make out. Unless one doesn't enter the battlefield called life one won't realize what's their strengths & weaknesses . Comparison is one of the ways of knowing strengths & weaknesses. An introspection too gives one insight into their strengths & weaknesses.

Strengths & weaknesses are variables and they seldom remain stagnant at all. Either they increase or decrease. Everybody's earnest desire in life is to get rid of their weaknesses. It's improving themselves. But,many of their weaknesses they won't be aware at all. However, desire to get rid of their weakness by anyone is always commendable. When anyone has no strength and cannot stand on own legs and do anything on their own. It is weakness. It could be natural, funny or strange. It may be numerous or a few too. Strength becoming weakness.& weakness becoming strength can't be evaded many a time in life at all. Everything is possible in life. One must anticipate and be ready to face everything in life.

Know thy self is very important. It's a must to everyone.One needn't worry everyone has one or another weakness. Some expose them and some don't expose them. Perfection is a rare phenomenon. Everyone of us has their own strengths & weaknesses. Not only human beings have strengths & weaknesses but also all other living beings have strengths and weaknesses.

From where does all get strengths and weaknesses. It is from deeds they get. That is what many elders say. Some strengths & weaknesses of people are glaring and some strengths & weaknesses aren't glaring at all. By worrying or keeping quiet strengths and weaknesses couldn't be altered at all. What is necessary to alter them is concerted efforts. Generally, only a few share their strengths & weaknesses with others. It's better one knows always their strength & weaknesses at any moment of time. There are many ways to know them too. It's also better if one possesses common sense to distinguish what makes their strength & what makes their weakness also. Sometimes, a weakness is quite enough to mar all the strengths. Sometimes, they make one runaway from life too.

Life consists of managing strengths & weaknesses. One should know how to use their strengths and guard themselves from their weaknesses.In fact, wise people await for the opportunities to get rid of their weaknesses and increase their strengths as much as possible. With an increase in strength and reduction in weakness, one can reduce their sufferings and enjoy life . More one thinks of their strengths, they would have superiority complex . Everyone wants to talk to others from a position of strength and not from a position of weakness. Strength always instills confidence in a man. Strength & confidence always go hand in glove. It's strength that often prompts one to boss over others .Without strength nothing could be done at anytime. In fact,even a nail couldn't be moved at all. One cannot bear anything also .Without strength a force is no force at all.

Nobody generally cares a weak person and is generally bossed over Tom , Dick & Harry. Strength permits one to dominate others. It brings to one stature in society or anywhere else too. One's endeavor should be always to grow their strength day by day. It should never be allowed to decrease at all. Maintaining of strength that one has isn't an easy task also.It couldn't be grown overnight & it isn't everything too. Where as one's weaknesses should never be allowed to grow at all. It should tried to be diminished day by day without any hesitation.

What others would like to know about one is their strengths &weaknesses. Knowing others strengths & weaknesses enables one to deal easily with them. One would be always looking for weakness in others. It's it that's mostly attacked for it is where one is normally vulnerable also.One who knows their strength & weakness won't exceed the limits normally. Their behavior would be generally refined. Increasing of their strength and decreasing of their weakness is the aim of majority of human beings. Sometimes ,one doesn't realize their own strength until they come face to face with their greatest weakness.”

"Increase my strengths and reduce my weaknesses " This is what most of the people in the world pray with God. One can plan their life well if they know their strength & weakness.Strengths and weaknesses are nothing but assets and liabilities of a man. However, we find that it's easy for one to know others strengths &weaknesses but it's difficult for them to know their own strength & weaknesses. Some weaknesses one can overcome & some weaknesses cannot be overcome at all. One has to learn to live with them. Weakness is nothing to be ashamed of. The remedy for weakness is not brooding over weakness, but thinking of strength. But strength is no reason for pride too.

All are not alike in this world either in appearance or otherwise too. Some have more strengths and less weaknesses. Some have more weaknesses and less strengths. Strengths & weaknesses differ from man to man.Somebody 's strength could be somebody's weakness too. A few strengths and weakness are only by birth. But the majority of strengths and weakness that one has are developed ones. Weaknesses are the hurdles that make an achievement impossible. It is strengths that make an achievement possible. One is a north pole and the other is a south pole.

What are one good at is one's strength. Strengths make one's back bone. They shape their personality.It's they quite often cover one's weaknesses. They are the prowess that gets one going on the face of adversities. One would be proud to have a strength. strength is always remunerative. It is always cheered .Because of their strengths one can steer clear of setbacks in the course of life. One should always focus on their strengths but at the same time one should be aware of their weaknesses and shouldn't ignore them also.With mere strength one could make seldom a headway. Strength must be always coupled with other qualities. No one should think too much either of their strengths or weaknesses. More one thinks of their weakness, , they would have inferiority complex.

All said and done it's seldom easy to know others strengths & weaknesses too. In fact ,it is an art. It is a study. Without coming in contact and dealing with them, it is rarely possible. It needs intelligence, experience and skill too.One who is intelligent utilizes their weakness also to their advantage. They could nullify others strengths in the process. Strengths & weaknesses lead to struggle for supremacy of one over other in the universe. It is good that many don't know their strengths and many do not know their weakness also in this universe.