What to Remember in Life

This question confronts majority of intellectuals in the world . It is not at all easy for anyone to respond to this question. It is a question that nobody has been able to answer satisfactorily. Some say it is confidential. When so many matters are to be remembered generally there would be perplexity. What to remember what not to remember bothers majority of intellectuals. It's an essential know how. Some say remember your successes . Some say remember your failures. Forget the bad and remember the good always that is what most of the elders advise in life. Human mind is mischievous . More than what's wanted it remembers what's not wanted. It remembers whatever we feed .Only thing is we have to tap it from time to time and keep it alive. More we give importance to anything more we remember and more it becomes difficult to erase from the memory also. Life teaches us countless lessons. It is full of events, and incidents . It is not possible to remember each one of them. It is beyond one's capacity. The stress strain and tension do have impact on memory and jeopardize the same. Certainly, there is no other go to us than to prioritize them and remember only those, which are important only. The richness of life lies in good memories. Even deciding which is important and which is not important in life is not at all that easy. It is hard to differentiate what is important and what is not important.Everything seems to be important. Though we cannot remember everything we cannot forget everything. Many times, if important matters are not remembered life could move haphazardly. Why sometimes if small matters are not remembered also it could move haphazardly.Understanding and remembering are different.

Men come and go. A few only are remembered.What to remember in life depends more on an individual .What to remember in life differs from individual to individual. It depends on purpose of life of an individual. It depends on interest and priority of individual. Further, it depends on their understanding of life too. It is what we remember indicate what we are. We must remember that life is a mystery . What it contains or what is in store nobody knows. We must remember that life would be easy if we know how to face it. Normally, what all experience that one would have in life ,others would not have at all. Everyone would like to remember their experiences and share them with others.It is to be remembered that knowledge ,experience and qualities always value more .They cannot be taken away from a person too. One must remember that life is full of uncertainties and it is short stand it can come to halt at any time. They must remember that they should do good to others and hurt nobody in life. Though our life is not fully in our hands, we are maker of our destiny. Only we can lead our life nobody can lead it for us.

We must remember that we are the guide to future generation. We must know and remember "what is good and what is bad." We must remember that if we tread a right path those who follow us also tread a right path. Remembering is a great quality. Critical or analytical mind, leisure, and good memory power and remembering quality are quite essential to remember anything worthwhile in life. It is an uphill task. Unable to remember or memorize everything some write. Some maintain diaries. In other words resort to other means to make their task easy. Some ask us to remember only happy events.

We are remembered more for our deeds more than anything else . It is our deeds that write our story. We have to remember not only that which is important to us but also that which is important to others too. We have a duty to perform to the society, which gives us so many things to us.More we work for society or world at large more we are remembered. One reaps what they sow. We must remember that one would be rewarded for all their good deeds and punished for their sins. How to deal with people,with whom to deal, with whom not to deal has to be learnt and remembered.It is when we deal with more and more people we have more lessons. It is our duty to remember our parents, teachers and all those who are all helpful and responsible to our up coming in our life in one or another way. It is always better if we do not remember anything that is bitter that disturbed our peace of mind. It leads to positive thinking and deletes from our memory the dark portion size of which varies from person to person and thereby reduces our work. However, we must remember past failures, and mistakes from which we learnt many lessons. Remembering certain bad events, which put us on guard against dangerous, harmful persons or places, is also worthwhile. It is better to remember important laws of the land, which are required for our day-to-day life. It is better to remember whatever kind acts we come across. Similarly, it is better if we remember the great qualities in others during the course of our life. Quotes or sayings that are worth emulating in life are to be remembered again and again.

We must remember that learning is never ending. We need not do many things in life .Whatever we do we must do without any expectation or reward . Whatever we do must be helpful and beneficial to large number of people. It must please more people rather than us.What we learn and understand becomes knowledge only if that's remembered. Ideals of great people like Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Vivekananda Mother Teresa, which had impact on our life and that are worth following are to be remembered as and when possible. Mere remembering anything is of no use unless we adapt or follow the same in our life.We should practice at least what we preach . We should not completely dwell on our past but at the same time we have to remember at least what we were yesterday and what we are to day. What are the reasons for our successes and failures.Time to time,we should do introspection.We must act to the dictates of our conscience.We must remember that conscience is presence of God in a man.

We should remember our strengths and weaknesses too. First of all we should try to set right ourselves and where we are duty bound try to set right others to the extent possible and then leave them to their fate for perfection is a rare phenomenon. Our status and personality are all secondary.

We should eat to live and not live to eat. We should always remember love and affection that we received from any quarter. It is only love or affection that increases when we share it with others. It is our qualities like gratefulness that makes us remember even a small help rendered by somebody in our life and not the qualities like ungratefulness.. We should master and remember all the complexities in their sphere of activity, which contributed to our prosperity and livelihood. We should remember and be indebted to the institution or individual who provided us all the comforts and made our living pleasant. We should remember to be always sincere and honest in discharging our duties or in any endeavors. We should remember that we should never ignore advice, suggestions, guidelines, warnings, alarms, etc whenever and wherever they are given, they are given in our own interest and for our convenience and safety only.We should remember not to tell anybody our insults and humiliations that we undergo. We can share our joy with anybody but sorrow with only a few that who are near and dear and give our opinion only when called for. We should remember everything good. We should remember always that "Truth always prevails".

We should remember that happiness, contentment, and complacency which all depend upon our state of mind are more important or essential than comforts, wealth etc. in life and this fact we would realize at one or another stage and it is better we realize at the earliest. Further we should remember that Mind is the root cause of all our problems.If we pay heed to others difficulties through affection and persuasion any work could be got done better than getting it done by the wield of power through our official position or status. Desires always-lead us to one or another kind of sorrow. Less desire we have happier we could be. One who has no desires would be always happy. Desire less person is a saint.

Dreaming is not bad but expecting that it would come true is really foolish. . Whatever a little knowledge we have or whatever we attain or gather we should share with others. Anything we have, we should try to share with others. Whatever good we notice in others we should remember and follow them in our life too. We should never try to find fault with others. We should not have either superiority complex or inferiority complex in our life.

It is impossible to remember all the important matters.As such, it is better if one jots down in their diary whatever they feel "important and worth remembering " and refer them when necessary. It is a good habit worth emulating.

Following are worth remembering in our life

1.We should not take any hasty decision or act in haste. 2. We must think twice before we ink. 3. A bird in hand is worth two in bush. 4. Happiness is within us.5. Half knowledge is always dangerous. 6 Slow and steady win the race. 7.Empty vessels make more sounds. 8. Honesty is the best policy. 9.One can rule the world with knowledge. 10 Waste not want not 11. Work is worship. 12.Pen is mightier than a sword. 13. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dream of 14. Face is mirror into mind. 15. A man may smile and smile yet is a villain. 16. If wealth is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost something is lost and if character is lost everything is lost. 17.Appearances are always deceptive. 18. All that glitters is not gold. 19. We should never be penny wise and pound-foolish. 20 The dog that barks never bites and opposite also seems to be true 21. Every action has got equal and opposite reaction. 22 Every dog has its own day. 23. Forgiveness is the root of all religions. 24. Charity generally begins at home. 25. We must learn from our mistakes, it is foolish to repeat them. 26 Success goes to those who are brave, work hard and toil and not to lazy and timid. 27. There is nothing to get disheartened at failure. It should always be taken in sportsman’s spirit. A failure is always a stepping-stone to success.28 Patience always pays rich dividends. 29. We can fool anybody only once or twice but not always. 30. We should always allow the better sense to prevail. 31 We must be master of our mind and not it's servant 32. We should not consider our opponent as weak. 33 We should be confidant but not over confident.34. Too much of familiarity always breeds contempt. 35.Our weakness may turn out to be other people’s strength. 36. We must act according to the dictates of our conscious. 37. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. 38 We should not make mountain out of a molehill. 39. We should remember Shakespeare saying “ Give every body thy ear but a few thy tongue.”40. A stitch in time saves nine. 41.Ignorance of law is not an excuse at all 42.We are the maker of our destiny 43. Old order changeth yielding place to new 44. Necessity is the mother of invention.45. That which cannot be cured has to be endured.

24 Things always to remember and one never to forget in life.

1. Your presence is a present to the world.2. You're unique and one of a kind.3. Your life can be what you want it to be.4. Take the days just one at a time.5. Count your blessings, not your troubles. 6. You'll make it through whatever comes along. 7. Within you are so many answers. 8. Understand, have courage, be strong.9. Don't put limits on yourself. 10. So many dreams are waiting to be realized. 11. Decisions are too important to leave to chance.12. Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize.13. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying. 14. The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets. 15. Don't take things too seriously.16. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets. 17. Remember that a little love goes a long way. 18. Remember that a lot . . . goes forever. 19. Remember that friendship is a wise investment. 20. Life's treasures are people . . . together. 21. Realize that it's never too late. 22. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.23. Have health and hope and happiness.24. Take the time to wish upon a star.