
If a thought comes man can manage, but chain of all types of thoughts positive & negative emerge in his mind. Controlling & managing them is a Herculean task. It's from birth to death. If they are there it is difficult & if they aren't there too it's difficult. It's life.Though thoughts flock man from birth to death ,it isn't enough to him at all he wants others thoughts too.

Rikki Rogers says

"Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from the things you once thought you couldn't "Man's greatest strength is his thinking power. Because of it he is superior to all other living beings & innumerable inventions have taken place & world has been developing day by day.One of the frequent prayers of the man to God is always "Give me right thoughts ".Man's every step reflects his thought.Thoughts are armour to fight any battle.All's well that, begins well.How happy a man would be if a day begins with a good thought. Positive thoughts are calm & produce solutions. Negative thoughts are storm that create problems . Both are thoughts . Man can't say " I want this . I don't wan't that. " Life is management of thoughts. Thoughts are to be picked & used.There's no compulsion that a thought arises doesn't mean it has to be used.

Thoughts are invisible brush that could clean & paint anything beautiful. They need not even fingers to hold on. Mind is their canvass. They do not remain quiet at all. Right thoughts are the right steps in life. Thoughts guide a man. Why mind? man draws strength from good thoughts that generate in it. Man is a product of his thoughts.

t isn't merely heart must work,but also mind too.Without thoughts man can't survive. A thought is a product of a mental activity. Thought is an activity which prevails in everybody throughout their life. In other words thought is a lifelong activity. Of course, this activity is not uniform throughout. When one is leisurely one has more thoughts. That is why the proverb “idle brain is devil's workshop” Further, this activity varies with one's age too. Quantity and quality of thoughts differ from person to person for intelligent quotient is not same in every individual. Physical and mental health of individuals also determines quantity and quality of their thoughts. When one is deeply engrossed in thinking their mind gets filled with thoughts and they become unaware of what is actually happening in their vicinity. They remain in their own world. It is thoughts that can only take one into past, present and future. Memory can take one into past only. How deep it can take one into past depends upon their memory power. It is memory that makes a thought recur again and again. Beautiful thoughts fill our heart with joy . It's they toss us like toy and make us run like a monkey too. Our thoughts change our world.Thoughts do the wonder.

All type of thoughts arises in a human mind. It is difficult to be alive without having good thoughts.Thoughts are very powerful. Thoughts can be either good or bad.Though, thoughts have no physical form, thoughts are companions in distress as well as happiness. Thoughts are capable of affecting a man’s physical as well as mental health. Good thoughts are essential as good food in life. Thoughts can cause more damage to one than damage that an enemy would like to inflict on them or a person who hates them would like to cause them. Nothing disturbs a man more than his own thoughts. Thoughts are just like waves which rise in a sea. Thoughts occur similarly in a man one after another. Thoughts can make a man’s life either a heaven or a hell. Thoughts differ from mind to mind. A few would have similar thoughts. If our thoughts are right everything goes right. If our thoughts are wrong everything goes wrong. Thoughts can be either creative or destructive. Man's every action is prompted by his thoughts only. Thoughts emerge in individuals according to how they develop their personality. A good man would have always good thoughts and a bad man would always have bad thoughts. Bad thoughts would prompt one to do bad deeds and good thoughts would prompt one to do good deeds. Thoughts give rise to feelings and feelings give rise to thoughts. Thoughts and feelings are complimentary. They go hand in glove. Gautam Buddha says “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. ” In other words,we are what our thoughts are. With our thoughts we make the world.

One’s thoughts indicate how much intelligent they are. It is thoughts that decide course of one’s life. Appropriate thoughts at appropriate time are definitely need of one's life. It is thoughts that choose a road to be followed. A man is led by his thoughts. They are guiding light that lead a man. It is one’s thoughts that are behind their every action. It is thoughts that enable one to arrive at a decision. Tragedy of life is that one does not always have appropriate thoughts at appropriate time.More than wanted thoughts too many unwanted and unnecessary thoughts try to dominate a human mind. Sometimes only one has appropriate thoughts and sometimes one does not have appropriate thoughts at all. Moreover one relies more on their thoughts. It is when a thought is not appropriate one is at fault. One commits blunder.If everyone has appropriate thoughts at appropriate moments this earth would have been a heaven. But more or less everybody on this earth has different thoughts. That is why it is said world is nothing but ten faces of a foolish mind.

Some thoughts only demand immediate action whereas no immediate or quick action is required for majority of thoughts. As such, one has quite often have time to have a second thought and it is always better to have a second thought invariably at that time. Wherever and whenever possible it is always better for one to have a second thought without fail.

Thought is very contagious; nay, more contagious than the Spanish Flu. A sympathetic thought in you raises a sympathetic thought in others with whom you come in contact. A thought of anger produces similar vibrations in those who surround that angry man. It leaves the brain of one person and enters that of the others who live at long distances and excites them. A cheerful thought produces cheerful thought in others. A smile on your face engenders a smile on those to whom you have directed it. You find yourself filled with joy and intense delight when you see a batch of hilarious children playing mirthfully and dancing in joy. Thoughts of cheerfulness, joy and courage heal, soothe everyone. They do not irritate anybody. They immensely augment efficiency and multiply the mental powers of a person.

Thought moves. It actually leaves the brain and hovers about. It enters the brains of others, too. Living in a Himalayan cave, a sage can transmit a powerful thought to any corner of America. And those that try to purify themselves in a cave really purify the world and help it in diverse subtle ways. Nobody can prevent their pure thoughts going and finding their entry into others that are receptive to them. Thought-transference is technically known as telepathy

Every thought or emotion or word produces a strong vibration in every cell of the body and leaves a strong impression there. If you know the method of raising an opposite thought, then you can lead a happy harmonious life of peace and power. Thought of love will at once neutralize a thought of hatred. A thought of courage will immediately serve as a powerful antidote against a thought of fear.

Thought is material process which is going on inside of the human being in the brain and nervous system as a whole. Ordinarily, we tend to be aware mainly of the content of this thought rather than of how it actually takes place. How it actually takes place? We can have that awareness through a means called meditation.

A thought seldom remains within. Generally, either it is aired or it is reflected in actions. Dreams are nothing but thoughts that are within . What one airs generally are their own thoughts only. A man or a woman is what their thoughts are. By and large, one conceals more thoughts than thoughts that they express. It is impossible to measure strain that one puts in for a thought. Management of an institution, a country, a crisis all requires thoughts. We cannot live without thoughts. Thoughts are product of little agitation that takes place in a brain. A thought is a provocation. Incidents, loneliness, leisure, all incite thoughts. Generally a thought is supported by a reason. Thoughts have powerful muscles but no personality says Albert Einstein. Capacity of a thought is unimaginable and sometimes unlimited too. No law can bind a thought as long as it is within for nobody can make out what it is. A thought can create a storm in a teacup. Thoughts are essential to get work done or get work work undone. Thoughts are indispensable. We find thought or thoughts everywhere whether it is behind a plan, an invention, or a conspiracy. Thoughts are spread all over.

Human mind is very resourceful. It is the source of all these thoughts. It generates and stores thoughts. Its memory is astounding. It is as good as a computer. Innumerable thoughts get stored in its memory. The moment we see something, the moment we read something, the moment we listen or hear something, a thought comes to our mind. Many factors influence our thoughts. What we see, read, hear influence our thoughts. Though it is impossible to know what thoughts are running in one’s mind, we can guess or make out from their behavior or conduct what type of thoughts are running inside them. As soon as we see something that we are not generally accustomed to, a thought comes to our mind. Some jump to a conclusion without hesitation, some verify ascertain and then come to a conclusion. That is how human nature plays a part with a thought. Thoughts depend on our knowledge or experience too. Thought is voluntary. Thoughts are instantaneous. Thought is our immediate reaction. Not even a split of a second is required for same. A thought is said to be a product of thinking but sometime we do not have time to think even. It is a reflex action. Sometimes thoughts give rise to thoughts. We think more and more and apply our mind.

Human mind cannot remain idle. Either good thoughts or bad thoughts come to our mind. Further there is what is called positive thoughts and negative thoughts also. Positive thoughts are those thoughts that remind us about our successes, achievements which have added feathers to our cap and made us proud, events which we enjoyed a lot, remembering the people who have helped us in one or other occasion, good things about our friends, children, kith and kin etc. Negative thoughts are those thoughts which remind us of our failures, defeats, humiliations, quarrels, enmity, short comings etc. We should not allow these thoughts to settle down and dominate us. They are gloomy thoughts. They change our mood into gloomy. It is those thoughts that cause depression, anger and hatred. We should always have control over our thoughts. We must allow the thoughts to drift .Diversion of thoughts from time to time by engaging ourselves in different activities is quite necessary. One with negative thoughts cannot function normally. Negative thoughts affect one’s work and confidence. Work slows down. Negative thoughts affect the productivity. Thus they are not only harmful to person who has it but also to the society. They inflict great damage in the thought world. Negative thoughts may not be bad thoughts. Bad thoughts and negative thoughts are different. Similarly there is difference between good thoughts and positive thoughts. Quality wise thoughts can be either good or bad whereas according to method of thinking they can be either positive or negative. If negative thoughts out number and dominate positive thoughts in a mind outcome would be a negative thought. Similarly if positive thoughts out number and dominate negative thoughts outcome would be a positive thought in a mind.

Thoughts can be put to use. Thoughts can be either one‘s assets or liabilities. Thought, like all potent weapons, is exceedingly dangerous if mishandled. Clear thinking is therefore desirable not only in order to develop the full potentialities of the mind, but also to avoid disaster. What thoughts would creep up in a mind that nobody even could imagine also? Fantastic thoughts to silly thoughts arise in a mind. Thoughts can take us to heaven or throw us into hell. We build castles in the air through thoughts only. Behind all imaginations there are thoughts only. It is thought that brings in peace of mind, disturbance, dissatisfaction and everything. Thoughts are not stationery. They are always in motion. They can move in any direction. Through thoughts one can travel to past, dream the future or anything or remain in present also. We must remember that thoughts are responsible for many of our successes. They can also be responsible for our downfall too. Thoughts can be either constructive or destructive too. It all depends on nature of thoughts we receive, how we use and control them. Thoughts can waste our time and energy at times. This fact we realize only after worrying and achieving nothing. Thoughts of worry and fear poison the very sources of life and destroy the harmony, the running efficiency, the vitality and vigor.

Intelligent people have excellent thoughts in their mind. It is their armor. It is their strength. Thoughts have immense value provided they are good. Thoughts are a continuous process. They do not stop. Thoughts do not move at the same pace to all. At a particular instance same thoughts do not occupy the mind of every individual. Thoughts differ from individual to individual. Thoughts of businessman bear the stamp of business; thoughts of a scientist bear the stamp of his branch of science, thoughts of a villager bears stamp of village life and so on. Thoughts depend on how we develop, train and control our mind and how our mind works. Our thoughts do not remain as they were. At young age one is not so serious, one is a little bit childish whereas as one grows up one’s thoughts mature. Idea is nothing but a rare thought. Some thoughts we express and some thoughts we do not express. Some thoughts remain in our subconscious mind. They appear at an appropriate moment to remind us. Some thoughts occur again and again. Thoughts of ambition, thoughts of revenge, thoughts arising out of jealousy are such thoughts. They occur again and again, until they are fully satisfied. Other thoughts of that category are thoughts which remain unsatisfied for one or another reason or thoughts arising due to guilty conscious. Unsatisfied thoughts make one’s mind restless. They are not generally expressed or shared with others also. They try to get themselves satisfied in one or another way. They are not only troublesome to those who have it but also to others. Sometimes they are dangerous too.

A thought is one that reflects how much enlightened one is. We come to know what others thoughts are only when they are expressed by others. Similarly others come to know of our thoughts only when we express them to them. Thoughts so expressed or exchanged affect one another in different ways. They elicit reactions from whomsoever they reach. Generally reactions that arise are varied. Some agree and welcome those thoughts. Some disagree with them and express their views or comments. Some simply listen to them and offer no remarks. There are various modes of expressing thoughts. Thoughts are expressed through speeches, writings and actions. Jokes are nothing but funny thoughts. Similarly, abuses, praise, sarcasm, and criticism are too thoughts only. Presentation of thoughts is not easy. When what and how thoughts is to be expressed one should know to be out of any controversy or problems. Making use of thoughts that arise is also tact which everybody does not possess. We can determine what type of a person he or she is from the thoughts that he or she expresses. Various personalities we find on this earth that is also on account of thoughts that occur in them. Those who are straight forward generally put forward their thoughts whereas those who are intelligent diplomatic do not do so. They use their common sense, presence of mind etc. They are choosy in expressing thoughts. They express those thoughts which are to be expressed only.

There are varieties of thoughts. All thoughts that arise in us are not of same type or nature. Some of them cannot be expressed. We are bound to be selective in expressing them. There should be reservations while expressing thoughts otherwise one may unnecessarily invite trouble. Personal thoughts are related to individuals. They are shared generally with friends and relatives. There are confidential thoughts and they are shared with confidants only. General thoughts are expressed without any reservations in front of anybody because they are non-consequential in nature. They do not harm anybody. What a solace one will have when one down loads their thoughts especially at times of distress or sorrow. Sometimes they are burden within. At times of anger or when one is hurt one cannot withhold them at all. Those who speak less, who conceal their thoughts, are generally dangerous. They have wicked thoughts. How they will strike it is difficult to forecast. If a mind works more and more thoughts pour in, it is a bunch of thoughts or a chain of thoughts and that is a problem also. Similarly if a mind does not work properly and appropriate thoughts do not come, then also it is a problem. Health of mind is as important as health of body to maintain balance in thoughts that emerge in mind. Some swing into action as soon as a thought comes to their mind. Some give the thought another thought and only after thought they act. Some are fickle minded they go on changing their mind they do not have firm decision or thoughts. There are varieties of people as far as thoughts are concerned. Thoughts make us understand people as well as matters. Thoughts give rise to feelings in us. Sometimes it is an anxiety; some times it is a fear, sometimes it is a joy, sometimes it is sorrow. Thoughts could be exchanged.

From beginning to end it is thoughts that control our life. Life is run by thoughts. Sometimes it is our thoughts and some times it is by others thoughts. One’s opinion is their thought only. We seek opinion of doctor, lawyer, aged etc. Sometimes we are compelled to beg, borrow or steal others thoughts. Thoughts lead and mislead us. Thoughts can take us from one state of mind to another state of mind. Unless the qualities of thoughts that arise in one improve, one does not improve. All sorts of thoughts like noble thoughts, foolish thoughts, absurd thoughts, and silly thoughts arise in one’s mind provided one does not have control over his or her mind. When there are too many thoughts when we do not know what to do it is frustration. Thoughts leave one confused.

Sometimes one by one thoughts arise in mind. Sometimes,bunch of thoughts arise in mind . Sometimes it is positive thoughts and sometimes it is negative thoughts. Thoughts are unpredictable.All kinds of thoughts occur in a mind if there is no control. Control over mind is important to have control over thoughts. One should never allow thoughts to rule them instead one should rule their thoughts. That is one should not allow thoughts to make round or wander in one’s mind to according its whims and fancies. One should not allow all types of thoughts to occupy a mind. It is our mind. We should be choosy in allowing access to our mind. It is very important but not very difficult. It is a practice that one should cultivate. It needs efforts. We should think always positively. Replace negative thoughts by positive thoughts. One should always listen to good people, good music, read good literature, avoid seeing something bad, develop friendship with like minded people.

There is a proverb which means we reap only what we sow. We should note that if we feed our mind with good inputs then only good thoughts emerge in our mind. We should never give room to unwanted thoughts or twisted thoughts to enter our minds. It is our innocence or ignorance that spoils all the sport. We should make proper use of our mind. Because of our mind only we are recognised as a superior race. Majority of people in this world like our parents, great people, teachers, share their good thoughts with us and wish us to share our good thoughts with them. Religions contain good thoughts Good thoughts are like good food to many. Good thoughts always show a right path. If we have good thoughts we have good dreams. A contribution by way of a good thought can make one remembered for ever. A saying or a quote is generally a good thought only. Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Milton, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi lived long ago. We remember their thoughts and the coming generations would also remember them too. A book is nothing but a bunch of thoughts of an author. A good thought makes an excellent epitaph. If positive thoughts dominate a mind there is no problem. It is when negative thoughts dominate a mind all sorts of problems arise. They make one dance to their tunes .They make the living, horrible. At that time one cannot decide which is right which is wrong, intelligence does not work , one commits mistakes , one loses confidence over oneself , pseudo pains arise, one becomes desperate and sometimes one commits suicide also . Further it is not enough if we have thoughts. We should know how to put them to use a thought or present them. That is sometimes equally or more important than having thoughts too.

All thoughts are not welcome. Thoughts cannot be avoided totally. Whether thoughts arise or do not arise also in a human mind it is problematic. Every thought has a quality. Quality of a thought can be changed or improved also. One prefers good thoughts and tries to avoid bad thoughts. Sometimes intensity of thoughts is so much that one cannot bear them. Thoughts transform a man. Thoughts transform a good man into a bad man and a bad man into a good man. It is always better to have a thought over every thought that arises in mind. It is a good habit. It always helps a man. It enables a man to overcome many hurdles. There is nothing good or bad thinking makes it so. That is what Shakespeare has said .What is advice? It is pouring of some good thoughts into others mind. What is poisoning of a mind? It is putting bad thoughts into one’s mind. Why one smokes cigarettes much? That is because of their belief that brings more thoughts into their mind. Why one sometimes gets drunk? He or she believes that they can get rid of some thoughts at least temporarily. Thoughts are terrific. They need a control. Thoughts lead to deeds. Thoughts and deeds make one great or otherwise. These various facts lead us to the question how to control our thoughts? This is an important question. Definitely everyone would like to know the answer. The control of thought requires more practice than theory. If we do not have control over thoughts, we do not have control over actions. We cannot function properly. Physical strength is of no use for this purpose. It cannot restrain a thought. What are much needed to rein and reign over thoughts are knowledge patience, presence of mind, common sense intelligence, and such other intellectual virtues.

If horses tied to a cart are not controlled, they draw it hither thither. Similarly oxen tied to a yoke pull it Helter skelter. What needs most control is our thoughts. They Shouldn't be allowed to go hither thither. Controlling of thoughts is a technique that is to be developed over a period of time. One of the ways of controlling thoughts is cultivating some hobbies, having some pastimes and developing friendships. Hobbies like reading, gardening ,playing indoor or outdoor games, pastimes like listening to music, drawing, and embroidery , company of good people and friends keep one busy , amused and happy and do not allow unnecessary thoughts to occupy their mind. This provides mind much needed tranquility and diversion too. Further company of friends and good people enriches one’s knowledge, enables one to share one’s thought with another also. One should be always busy and engaged and should have no time to think even that is one of the ways to contain unwanted thoughts. Then unnecessary thoughts will never pester one. It is lazy people who have more problems on account of thoughts. That is why it is said that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop .When one is alone generally more thoughts come to mind, it is a blessing disguise to those who want to deeply think over something important. Except on such an occasion or occasions, it is better to avoid seclusion for undesired or unwanted thoughts generally haunt one especially when one is alone. When undesired unwanted thoughts come to mind when one is distracted and one cannot concentrate, it is better to keep oneself engaged in some unimportant manual work or wile away time playing games or chatting with near and dear and divert their thoughts. As far as possible one should fill the mind with divine thoughts under such circumstances. Only when one feels comfortable or normal and relaxed, he or she should resume their work. One should not give room to silly nasty thoughts in their mind at all. One should know which thoughts are good or which thoughts are bad. One should have that judging capacity. When one does not agree with the thoughts that they face one should not take them seriously and follow them. One should ignore them; oppose them. They try to occur again and again, get tired, and vanish gradually. This is also a way to combat or control them. Thoughts need a proper and right direction and we should lead them. Of course one should have patience, will power etc for this purpose. If they cannot bear or ignore or get rid of unnecessary thoughts, there is something wrong with them. They may be weak minded. They may need the help of psychologists. They may need counselings.

Depression is nothing but obsession of thoughts. A mind needs adequate rest and recuperation. Mind should not be overburdened with thoughts especially those thoughts which are not necessary. It should have proper circulation of blood with necessary chemicals and oxygen. Yoga, pranayama, prayers music, reading, walking, entertainments, sports and games etc not only help us to maintain a healthy mind but also enable us to have control over thoughts. Through yoga, pranayama and prayer we can develop control over mind and in turn on over thoughts. They are pursued for their psycho-physiological benefits. As result of them, we would be in a better position to manage our reactions to the thoughts, feelings and responses we have to the various situations we deal with every day. Through pranayama we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Pranayama breathing exercises help clear the arteries and enable oxygen to flow freely into our mind. Oxygen rejuvenates our mind. We feel fresh. We cheer up and our mood changes. That is nothing but thoughts. There is much difference between the thoughts of one who has concentration and who has no concentration. Concentration is directing of the attention or of the mental faculties toward a single object. Concentration not only helps one to have control over mind but also over thoughts.

Meditation, pranayama, yoga improve one’s concentration. Meditation is devoting time exclusively for self. Meditation and prayers do not allow other thoughts to enter ones mind. Meditation brings order to overall mental activity. Meditation is an intensely personal and spiritual experience. The desired purpose of each meditation technique is to channel our awareness into a more positive direction by totally transforming one's state of mind. To meditate is to turn inwards, to concentrate on the inner self. Meditation takes place in a calm and quiet place. It is a separate world where one is fully engaged away from one’s routine. Mind is not disturbed. Mind gets relaxed. It is during a meditation one becomes thoughtless. One gets ready to meet fresh thoughts. Yoga is a way of life. The central doctrine of Yoga philosophy is that nothing exists beyond the mind and its consciousness, which is the only ultimate reality. The basic idea of yoga is to unite the atma or individual soul with the paramatma or the Universal Soul. According to Yoga philosophy, by cleansing one's mind and controlling one's thought processes one can return to that primeval state, when the individual self was nothing but a part of the Divine Self.

Once a thought is executed, nothing could be done. If that thought is inappropriate, the result would be either adverse or would not be on expected line and one would be left with no other option than to come out with a fresh thought and try once again. Control is always for future thought. It is always better to have thoughts over thoughts. Introspection is also a method of controlling thoughts. Introspection is a good habit. Introspection enables one to know whether one's thoughts are in right direction, whether there are any flaws, whether they need change etc. Thus enable one to make necessary correction in one’s thoughts and control them. Thoughts success, failure and confidence are all related to one another. If thoughts bring in success, they create confidence. On the contrary if thoughts fail to bring in success, confidence goes down. Success and failures affect thoughts and confidence. Thoughts affect relationships. Thoughts can develop relationships or spoil relationships between anybody. Positive thoughts develop relationships whereas negative thoughts spoil relationships. There is much to learn about thoughts.Nothing is too late, Nothing is impossible, If we don't think ,we won't do it . Nothing inspire us as thoughts do.Thoughts are our greatest motivators. Swamy Vivekananda rightly said "We are the makers of our destiny."Thoughts have taken a man to Moon. Where further they would take a man , it isn't known. Thoughts bring about rise or fall of a man. They are the ammunition. They are ever flowing stream. If what one thinks happens what one would do and what one wouldn't do it is impossible to imagine even. The world would go berserk. That's why God is there to control the world. He is the controller of world.