" God show me the way."

There are so many ways. There are good ways & bad ways. Man would be in a dilemma to choose the way. He wouldn't know which way to follow or choose. He wants the right way. It is his prestige question. It is his life & death question. Nobody comes forward to help also. Man is desperate. A man prays " God show me the way". God is always the hope. The faith that God could only show the best possible way directs man to Him. Man surrenders to Him. God never lets down those who repose faith in Him. He is the light that shines for us in the midst of this world of darkness. And anyone who follows Him needs not to fear that darkness. God knows medicines for all the ills. While obliging others a man may have some selfishness but God wouldn't have any selfishness while showing the manway. Besides, God always shows the right way. God is always a better guide than any other person. In his prayer to God, a man needn't elaborate or illustrate anything at all too. God is one who is aware of everything. Man empties his miseries & emotions devotedly & feels relieved, composed & assured that God would certainly show him the way. God fights his battles arranges things in his favor & makes away when he doesn't see anyway. Once the way is known everything is easy simple & possible.

Kanakadasa is a great devotee of God. He rightly says "God shows everyone the way. Here is a translation of his verse.

Who fences a plant which grows at the top of a hill and waters it? God who is responsible for our birth of arranges for our food we need not doubt it at all. Who provides food from time to time to birds and animals that play in the forest? There is no doubt when it is the responsibility of God like that of a mother He would take care of them. Who provides food to insects and creatures born in stone there and there only? There is no doubt that God protects everybody always. He shows everyone always the way.

God sometimes responds to man's prayer quickly. Sometimes, He takes his own time to respond to prayer. Man must always have patience. Man must not abandon his prayers until he is responded .Prayers never go unheeded.When nobody shows the way, God shows the way. Many times we needn't plead also God shows the way. What one'wants they needn't even express also. God understands. God shows the way.What God wants always is devotion.He never wants devotees to be in trouble at all. That is why He is called "An Ocean of kindness."

God never gets tired. He knows not what is tiredness at all. Man can plead Him to show the way any number of times. At a place if the roads are not known how much hardships one would undergo. It would be more in secluded places. Man would be at sea. Life is full of up & downs.It is bumpy. Of course, some have more & some have less up & downs. God would be always fully engaged. Yet, He never loses calm. He is never perturbed . He is ever ready, receptive & smiling to show everyone the way.

Is it possible to list out when all man would exclaim "God show me the way " According to circumstances man screams, shouts or cries out " God show me the way" Who does want them the ways to be known ?If God couldn't show the way who could show the way. Not only those who take a wrong path but also emperor of emperors to poorest of poor would be in difficulties & want the ways to be known . No one can escape from the hazards of life. Without God's helping hand a man cannot do anything at all. He is helpless.When God shows the way all the difficulties & problems fly away. In fact, they turn into opportunities. Prayer is a powerful tool.

Man does good deeds in life would be in trouble & he does what is not wanted & would be in trouble too. On both the occasions he beseeches God to show him the way to emerge out of trouble. Who doesn't make this prayer "God show me the way " at one time or other in their life with their both eyes closed? It is when God shows them the way too. God is a great guide. When nobody helps God helps. It is He who always helps anyone without any expectations also . He is always kind hearted & generous. That's how the faith in God doubles . Many times man might have not dreamt even that he would come out of the trouble , he comes out of the troubles. It is amazing to him. Gradually he realizes that it is the result of his prayer" God show me the way". God never lets down His disciples. God is always strength. God is support .God shows the ways by& large indirectly. Man would be knowing the ways but wouldn't be recollecting or realizing them. Prayer " God show me the way " devotedly complies all the needs. Subconscious mind works.

Some not only when they are in dire straits but also when they are not in dire straits too pray Him & solicit Him to show the way. After the prayer whatever that conscience dictates they follow unfailingly. We hear many success stories . Faith works wonders. Dan Brown. says " A little faith can do wonders...”God is a psychology . It works wonder.

God shows the way means God enlightens man. It doesn't mean that there would be bolts from the blues. Appropriate thoughts emanate in mind. In what way He helps it couldn't be said also. Once one reposes faith in Him. One could be worry less. Of course, one should not abandon their efforts. It is God who creates all the troubles. It is He who can solve them better than anybody else too. God is creator as well as destroyer. Hence, the prayer " God show me the way "

Sometimes God shows the way without taking any time. Sometimes He takes time. He makes us wait,. He tests our patience. He tests our sincerity & honesty. Ultimately, He shows us the way. God is great.