How to Face Life

Life is a mystery. It's not known when what one has to face in it.No one can boast that they know how to face it completely. Whatever intelligence and knowledge that one may have may be inadequate at times to face it. It's not easy to master it.It's not a child's play.There's no magic wand to face life. If one does n't think how to face their life who else would ponder over. It's needed to live their Life To The Fullest | Personal Excellence. Of course, one seldom faces the question " How to face life " when all is well . What one would do and what one wouldn't do to face life it couldn't be said. It's how one faces life that brings them dividends or causes them reverses in life. Not knowing how to face life one moves heaven and earth many a times in their life. They mess up things. Sometimes only ignorance is a bliss. Often it's a curse. They seek His blessings and guidance to face life . When difficulties arise man pleads God to know the right way to tread upon. They offer God prayer after prayer.Majority of prayers in this world arise thus only . One would commit mistakes or wrongs as they don't know how to face life. In fact, while knowing " How to face life " one understands what life is and it's meaning too. If one knows how to face life there would be no charm in life at all. It's while learning how to face life only one gets immense satisfaction.

Knowing how to face or how to live life is a must to everyone born . Everybody has their own way of thinking in this respect. All aren't equally blessed to face life.One can't gain confidence and succeed in life without facing it. In fact, facing life is an uphill task to those who are either physically or mentally handicapped. What all necessary to face life, it couldn't be guessed at all. It's limitless.It isn't merely food, shelter and clothing. Nobody else can face life for anyone else. One has to face their life they themselves. How to face life is a know how that's incomplete . Knowing how to face life is knowing difficulties and challenges of life. It's knowing good and bad of life.It's better one is more practical than be theoretical in this venture. Some questions have many answers. The question how to face life too has many answers.

Facing of life is a long journey. It is a journey right from one's birth to one's death. Not knowing how to face life, humans imitate. Man's natural character is to imitate. Some imitate life of their elders. Some imitate life of great people. Westerners imitate Easterners. Easterners imitate westerners. Everywhere there's confusion. Perfection is seldom reached.There are many laws in universe forbidding one not to do this and not to do that. But no where it is elaborately said how to face life. It would have been easy to face life had they been laid down. As such, a lot of time and energy are to be spent to ponder over facing life.In fact,most people use trial and error method to face life . They face life in different styles. Their styles are rarely uniform. One would be in heaven if they know well how to face life. If everyone faces life without difficulties ,world would run smoothly and there would be happiness everywhere. As long as universe prevails question how to face life also prevails. It's a question that everyone faces in life at one time or other. How many times, at what times one would confront it in life it can't be said. The question "How to face life " arises in them not for the same reason but for various reasons. Only a few know the right answer. Everyone faces life as they please. Facing life is in fact harder than participating in a war. If one knows how to face life would be certainly easy to lead and they would't fail in their life at all. They would face a few problems in life. Nobody exactly knows how to face it by birth. How to face life is just like learning to swim after falling into water. Certain matters are to be learnt by ourselves in life and so also how to face life too.Any amount of guidance that's available may be helpful but that could be insufficient to face life. Facing life is taking decisions,making movements and sometimes facing incidents. It couldn't be completely explained at all. It's complex.

Life of everyone is a different story. It couldn't be faced in a single way.There are countless ways to face it. How to face life is an individual's choice. Life could be faced only once by everyone. Even,a situation or an incident repeats rarely. Religions preach how to lead life only. In case of complications they simply ask us to surrender to God. There would be no charm in life if the question "how to face life" doesn't arise. It's bound to arise as long as universe is there. As long as one is on this earth one has to face life there's no other go . It's compulsory.How best it could be faced is the only option available. The question "How to face life" confronts some more number of times and some less number of times. It doesn't pose everyone equal number of times . Whether one is intelligent or dull-herd, whether one plans their life or not, they have to face it. There is no other go. It's this question that brings solutions to various problems that one faces in their life and makes life worthy and wonderful. No other teacher is better than life to teach how to face it .Life is the best teacher.It may be our life. It may be some others life also.

Nobody can deny the fact that because of various inventions and discoveries under science and technology, we have more comforts and life savings drugs these days and life is becoming easier to face than before in a way. On the other hand fresh complications are arising in the modern era and facing life is becoming more and more tricky than before. World is day by day becoming more confusing ,clumsy and complex to live. Facing a

life also doesn't remain as it is. It too undergoes changes with the time. As a result,question "How to face life" pesters everyone more often and more vigorously than before.One needn't do either any wrong or life needn't become complex too to face it. Otherwise also, there is every possibility of it arising in one' s life. Generally, it arises due to challenges in life. Failure after failure make one desperate and they know not how to face life . Sometimes only it arises due to our ignorance or it is our own making. This question bothers everyone and seldom leaves anyone in life. It doesn't matter to it whether one is strong or weak, intelligent or dull herd ,rich or poor, or young or old. It's a question not to be kept aside at all. One takes birth only to face life. Life is futile if that's not faced.

Life is never a smooth sailing to anyone. It's full of stress and strain. It subjects everyone to test. We may meet with an accident or may come across a calamity in our life. There are many matters in life which are not only beyond one's control but also beyond everyone's control. Life is a struggle for existence. Having born on this earth, there's no other go to one than to face life. Life moves forward even if one does n't do anything. It takes its own course. It is their life. They want it to be beautiful. They can't remain idle. They do this and that. They know not what to do. They get entangled in dilemmas. and shout "How to face life".Come what may be must be one's attitude in life.Life must be faced courageously. Success comes to those who dare and act.

Life is strange. It is swimming against tide. How to face it is not only a question but also it is a lesson. How to face it needs experience and guidance. Besides it needs social skills and maintenance of cordial relationships also. This question- How to face life assumes all the importance because we are remembered or recognized in this universe based on how we faced life. Nobody will ask us how long we lived but how we lived. That is why in modern world , one would choose not money or other comforts but seeks knowledge to combat life. It is also believed that God allots berth to us either in heaven or hell depending upon how we faced life. Life is not at all transferable.Nothing is impossible in life. Many people may extend all help and come forward with ideas, experience, suggestions, plans, and hints to enable us to face it .Yet, it's only we who have to choose a suitable path to face it.All assistance, may turn out inadequate . Largely,exigencies and constraints don't allow anything succeed fully.How to face life is like a puzzle. It's an art. It isn't an easy art. Life would be beautiful provided one knows how to face it.

Whenever life becomes a little difficult, we shout it's impossible to face it and say enough. Crisis in life aren't always the same to everyone. They are different to different people. Everybody can't face life in same manner. One can't be either too rigid or too flexible in life. One has to strike a balance between rigidity and flexibility in it. In one season a tree is full of leaves and in another season it sheds all its leaves. One can have a sweater in winter but we cannot a wear sweater in summer. Way to face life differs at every stage of life .It differs in a city and a village . It differs from one part of globe and another part of globe too. That is why the idiom " East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet" .

Everybody wants to succeed in life and wants to know how to face it.Who teaches a child to crawl, sit, stand and walk. The child learns everything itself. How to face life. This one has to learn themselves. One can be only a student in life and can't be a master. If one knows how to face life, there would be no difficulties. Life could be led easily. But life is a mystery.It consists of various aspects.It is necessary to know every aspect.No doubt expertise always helps. Many people come out with suggestions regarding how to face life. Everyone attempts to answer this question -How to face life.Without finding satisfactory answer to this question, many even runaway from life. When life itself is not fully understood by anyone. It's impossible to explain fully how to face life. The question cannot be fully answered. It would remain forever.

One faces this question either due to their inquisitiveness or due to helplessness that they face in their life due to mental depression or due to timid nature. A timid person literally dies every moment and always the question “ How to face life” haunts them. This is a dangerous question also. One who commits suicide is generally engrossed in this question. Sometimes the question How to face life or society haunts those persons who have conscious and those who realize that they have done something wrong or shameful. As long as one is alive they have to face life. It is indispensable.

What are required to face life it can't be said at all.Any preparation to face life could be inadequate.More than intelligence maturity is required to face life. More one masters art of living, more successful they would be in their life. Life comprises of various arts and mastering one by one such arts, makes one lead their life with ease and happiness. It is always better if one has minimum wants and a little ambitions and less ego in their life. In other words it is better if one make life as simple as possible to face it confidently and successfully.In life, one has to face and deal with different kinds of situations and different kind of people. It's a difficult task. Nobody can become a master overnight in their endeavor. Even, education which is one of the weapons that one would generally have in their arsenal to face life may not be of much help at times. One normally begin their life ,without knowing anything and without any preparations. In life one has to learn from their mistake as well as mistake of others step by step. Life is called as an examination also. In an exam ,if one is intelligent and prepares well, performance is generally good. But performance is not altogether related to preparations and intelligence to that extent in life. Life cannot be studied and lived . It has to be led and studied. It could be faced with or without preparations. It is performance that matters most in life. Preparations to face life may or may not help, yet it's wise to be always prepared to face life. It is wise to think twice before every step in life. What we think is always more important than what others think. Life tries to make us desperate. It should never be allowed to succeed in its endeavor. We have to keep our enthusiasm aloft always and no room should ever be given to desperation.

No doubt efforts, determination and fortitude are required to face life. But, with mere efforts, determination and fortitude nobody can face life. Life is always a mixture of sorrows and happiness. What's the proportion of happiness and what is the proportion of sorrows destiny decides and the way we face the life also contributes to sorrows either by increasing or decreasing them . Similarly, how we face life has impact on success and failure that we come across in life. Our behavior indicates whether we have learnt how to face life or not. More we know how to face life and more confident we would be. More knowledge we would have, more confident we would be. Further, we could take for granted that our job of facing life is more than half finished, if we have both knowledge and confidence. Sometime for no fault of us , we would be made a scapegoat in life. False allegations after allegations would be made against us , we would in a fix and would not be knowing how to face life. What situations are in store for us we couldn't guess even.

Life is full of problems. It's not a bed of roses. Some are fortunate and are born with silver spoon and some are unfortunate and are downtrodden who live below the poverty line. There are various categories of life. Thus we cannot have hard and fast rules regarding how to face life. Many decide even to live life as it comes as whatever preparations that they make are inadequate or futile on many occasions . One of the best answers to question “How to face life” is peril teaches the way. Just like a person who accidentally falls into water and who doesn't know swimming, tries to swim across and reach the shore and the peril teaching him the way. Similarly, many a times, life is compared to an ocean. Those who face the hazards of life, though they are unaware how to face them, learn to face them in the same way. In the process either of them if they are fortunate they get some supports otherwise they get drowned. One has to learn not only to face life like as Robinson Crusoe did but also learn to face life like Abraham Lincoln among people.

A strong mind, a strong body and a purpose are quite essential to face life. A life without a purpose is like a ship without a radar. Further, it is better one develops their mind more than what they develop their body to encounter life.In this context, it's always necessary one gives room to positive thoughts and develop a healthy mind.

One could face their life better if they are relaxed, tension and stress free. If one is relaxed, tension and stress free, they would be definitely healthy.Tension stress and anger are reasons behind many of their problems. It is better not to be worried to any problems and be cool. Patience is a great quality and is, one of the most important requisites to face life. Life is nothing but a chain of incidents.Incident after incident take place in it. Sometimes there is time to make preparation and face incidents. Sometimes, incidents take place so abruptly that there is no time to think even. Further, response to a particular incident need not be same from everyone. Some take everything easy and face the incident coolly while others get perplexed, serious and their response is quite different. All depends on various factors like one's knowledge and nature. Thus How to face life? Or how best one could face life depends upon an individual and of what mettle individual is made up of. It is not enough if an individual has only intelligence. An individual should have knowledge and experience in life too. At what time which problem arises and how and what is the solution for the same, nobody knows? Sometimes understanding a problem itself is difficult. Some are very peculiar problems. Each problem is different from another. Nothing runs according to our whims and fancies in life. Every time it may be a new problem. Then so many things may happen in our life which are beyond our control. We may have to face innumerable ifs and buts in life.

We may be thirsty but there may not be water. We may be hungry but there may not be food at all. We may meet with an accident and become disabled. Our common sense and presence of mind may give us slip at the nick of the moment. One by one our kith and kin may have untimely or premature deaths. We may become pauper in business. We may face failure after failure and may become depressed. What will happen and what will not happen in life, nobody can predict. Life is full of uncertainties. It's not a written story. We must be prepared to face any contingency in life. Many times we may feel that it is always better to face life collectively than individually. That may be a reason why there are still joint families in world.Ways and means to approach life must be always practicable .

Corporate entities are managed by team comprising of chief executive officer /managing director, executive director, general managers, deputy general managers, assistant general manager, divisional managers and various branch managers, and other staff. People well versed in law, company affairs, information technology, chosen by C.E.O. form the team. But individual life we have to face ourselves, and we have to draw our strategy. Either we should have knowledge or seek required assistance which we may get or not. Whether we are a M.B.A., from Harvard, or Oxford, we may manage our office or business or industry, but would find it hard to manage our life.

However knowledgeable, intelligent we may be we may not have solution to some of the problems that we face in our life. Some say life is an art. Some time we can't share our problems with others. The source of problem is not static. Sometime it may be domestic, sometimes it may be official, sometimes it may be personal like health, or something relating to your son, or wife, or parents, or brothers or sisters, sometimes it may be on account of friends too. Many of them are bolts from the blues. Some say that we should have wealth ,common sense, and presence of mind in life. Whatever one may say those are only some of the qualities that are required to face life. Many times we cannot imagine even what are required.

In order to chalk out our strategies to face life, it is quite necessary we should know what life is. We spend a lot of time to understand what life is. Whatever strategies we chalk out thereafter may not also work at all because life is controlled by destiny. Cheerfulness, optimism and humor are three qualities that assist us to face the difficult challenges that life poses. Poet by name Mr. D. V. Gundappa says, “Life is a cart driven by a horse, you are a horse. Go wherever it takes you, if your legs get tired and cannot pull further, there is earth to take rest for ever” That does not mean that life should be allowed to run haphazardly. Definitely, our planning and efforts are required to face life. Here we should remember what Krishna says to Arjuna in Bhagwad Geetha “Karmanye Vadhikaraste Mahpaleshu Kadachana” which means, “Do your duty leave the result into my hands.” Poet Fitzgerald says " Unborn tomorrow and dead yesterday; why fret about them if to-day be sweet..." Here Fitzgerald suggests us to concentrate on present and not think more of either past or future while facing life. However, many elders ask us to plan and be always ready to face future. They desire us to make note of past experience at every step. They opine that past is a guide to present as well as to future.

If we look at something from a distance, it may appear beautiful. Only when we go near, and study completely we come to know reality or true picture . People may think they are successful in life but whether they are successful in life they only know . One can cheat others but not their conscience. Great people always say what they have achieved in life is a little and say much is yet to be achieved. Whereas there are people who want to cover up their failures and highlight their successes only. Swamy Vivekananda says, “ You are the maker of your destiny ” We have to lead our life. Nobody can live it for us. Knowledge, experience, teacher, parents’ circumstances etc may after all help us only. Every individual has to decide how to face life they themselves only. Life of great people or others can serve only as a guide only. Of course, we come across a number of lessons in our life. A few of them are: Lead a good life habits will make it pleasant. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dream of. If wealth is lost is nothing is lost, if health is lost something is lost and if character is lost everything is lost. Such lessons are in exhaustive. That is why elders say there is no limit to learning limit is sky. More we simplify our life, and its overall quality inevitably gets better.

Life can't be lead in the same way always. Howto face life under goes changes or modification from time to time. Ultimate solution or answer to question Howto face life that one could arrive is how best they could face life only. When everything goes wrong, when one is helpless and couldn't face life and their hope is completely shattered by the intricacies of life, that is when all roads to lead life are closed, they take shelter under religion or surrender completely to God to find answer to question “ How to face life ” or to have some solace. It's the moment sometimes when one tries to understand what life is or when one becomes philosophical or becomes desperate and ends life. Thus, it's the turning point in one’s life. It is when an individual decides how to face life. Incidents, difficulties, enlightenment, and influence of great men make one decide “How to face life”. A few broad hints may only be given as to how to face life and they are inexhaustible. The task is always incomplete. Only,some people are of the view that we shouldn't be bothered as to how to face life. According to them life would take its own course.

Some of the hints are: We should never be desperate in life. We must live and let others live too. We should always do positive thinking. We should be always optimistic. We should never be aloof and remember that man is a social animal. We should always share our thoughts with intimate. We should not have either superiority complex or inferiority complex but follow the middle path. We should not try to influence anybody nor should we be influenced easily by others . We should think twice before we act. We should always listen more and talk less.

Polonius advice, which he gives to his son in Shakespeare‘s play “Hamlet,” is note worthy. It is in certain respects a guide to face life Hence, it is given here below:-

And these few precepts in thy memory

Look thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue,

Nor any unproportion'd thought his act.

Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.

Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,

Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel;

But do not dull thy palm with entertainment

Of each new-hatch'd, unfledg'd comrade. Beware

Of entrance to a quarrel; but, being in,

Bear't that the opposed may beware of thee.

Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice:

Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.

Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,

But not express'd in fancy; rich, not gaudy:

For the apparel oft proclaims the man;

And they in France of the best rank and station

Are most select and generous chief in that.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be:

For loan oft loses both itself and friend;

And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

This above all,--to thine own self be true;

And it must follow, as the night the day,

Thou canst not then be false to any man.

Farewell: my blessing season this in thee!

Here are 7 habits of highly effective people which are very useful to face life.

1. Be Proactive 2. Begin with the End in Mind 3. First Things First 4. Think Win Win 5. Seek First to Understand then be Understood 6.Synergize 7. Sharpen the Saw

These basic principles of effectiveness may be found in all world religions. Stephen Covey has rather discovered them and has found a simple language for articulating them. These basic principles of effectiveness are illustrated in his book. The book is an inspiration, and a step-by-step guide to living life. Many highly successful people seem to have naturally developed these 7 habits.

Life is very short. By the time we settle down and try to face the googly and bouncers bowled by Him at us, the time at our disposal almost gets exhausted. In the short span, it is always better if we make it possible to read, understand and follow great people . Life is very competitive also. One will be trying to pull another’s leg. As such, we must always mean business and make the best use of our lifespan. We must think more of society than about us . It is always better if we think less of ourselves. That is what the great people also do. Families as far as possible must be as small as possible. We should face life in such a way that society should never consider us as a burden to it.

We must always remember the idiom " Live and let live". We must contribute to improve the quality of society especially intellectual quality. Life is ours. It is our wish as to how to face it. There are numerous ways to lead a life. We can face it as a drunkard, a gambler, a saint, a rowdy and what not. Anyone can be our role model. God has given us all the freedom as we like. But it is always better to face it in a noble way. It is better we opt a right known path. Otherwise, we will disappear like a bubble, which is infinite in an ocean and never be remembered at all. We become a hero or a villain , we succeed or lose, depending upon how we faced life.