A Man is a product of his own life.

Great poet Wordsworth says " My heart leaps up when I behold

A rainbow in the sky:

So was it when my life began;

So is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old,

Or let me die!

The Child is father of the Man;

I could wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety "

Only rainbow could be as it is as told by the poet. But a man's life or appearance doesn't remain as it is at all. It commences at birth & culminates in death. What all happens in between. How many years roll down. A child gradually becomes boy, youth & turns into a man. What all upheavals he undergoes . Life is not a straight line.Man is a product of his own life.Life leaves its stamp on man .

Man & man, not merely differ in appearance,but also they differ in richness, poverty,literacy,illiteracy,climate,profession . They have a different life . Whether good or bad, it's a human life. It's precious. The life of one another varies in many respects, though everyone is a human being. He isn't you. You aren't him. Of course, there are similarities between the life of one another too. Life makes one successful.It makes one a failure. It makes one happy.It makes one sad. It makes one disappointed, it makes one contented & what not. Man is what it made him to be. He is a product of his own life.

Life isn't static. It's a chain of circumstances. What all incidents take place & who all what all types of people appear in it, it couldn't be said at all .It throws light on man's behavior & life style. It bears the stamp of his talent & calibre.Man is a product of his own life.

There are sayings " How is a master so is disciple." "How is king, so are citizens."

Similarly, how is life so is a man.

Formerly, a goldsmith used to know only his job, a blacksmith his job & a potter his job. Now days are changed.Exposure of a man is more.He masters many things. In fact, a potter by birth is a software engineer in U.S.A .today. Yet, it's impossible to a man to master everything.He would only be acquainted & confined to what he would come across & learn in life.Man is a product of his own life. That is a man does what life teaches him only.

What man does in life is important but what life does him is also important too. Life always reigns over man. Its his boss. It controls him whenever essential. It doesn't allow him to be care free at all.Behind his every decision it's undoubtedly there. Man is a product of his own life.

Nobody is born as they are. A child is born as innocence personified. It is today grown & is a man who is either generous, miser, gentleman, rogue or egoistic. How one leads life, likewise they become. A man who lives with lazy becomes lazy. A man who grows with generous & tenderhearted turns tenderhearted & generous. A man is product of his own life.

Life moulds every man.Who taught him what's happiness, what's sorrow, what's fear,how to smile, & laugh? Is it not life ? Man is a product of his own life. Whether it is good or whether it is bad everything man inherits from his life. Life is master & everyone is a student .What all, it doesn't teach a man it teaches what not has been taught in school & what couldn't be taught in school too.Why parents opt good company to their children? They are afraid bad company spoils their kids. The company always matters. Man is a product of his own life.

What is not life to a man? It's a granary of experiences.It pours experiences one by one into him. It's opportunities, it is war, it is peace & everything. It is his world. Man is a product of his own life.

One who leads a hard life would be for all waters and would be ready to face any weather.Whereas one who is born with silver spoon always wants a bed of roses.Why one is a saint today,why one is a rebel today, & why one is a thief today. Is it not due to the life that they faced ? Nobody can influence a man more than his life. Best nutritious food, good weather & workouts and the product is an healthy man. A Man is a product of his own life. Life chooses an apt adjective to " Man"

Everyone's life is full of struggles some little more & some little less. A man can't often inch forward in life without struggling in one way or other at all . Man is a product of his own life.

Nobody can lead life for a man. He himself has to lead his life. It is he too has to face whatever situations good or bad that may arise.

Situations mould him. Man is a product of his own life.Opulence & intelligence, etc. are only secondary in life. How one leads life, what they become is always primary in life .

Life of everyone could be broadly divided into three parts. They are happy, sorrowful & the third one neither happy nor sorrowful but a mixed one. They are seldom of equal duration. They are usually of different duration from man to man. Because of these three parts only life differs between one another. In every part man adopts his own way and leads life. Every part of human life has noteworthy experiences . Besides, has one or another lesson to note also. When happy how life passes one wouldn't feel at all.During sorrowful days one feels what's this life why it doesn't end. When life is neither happy nor sorrowful one undergoes different feelings. Man is what's life is to him. What's man to day is nothing but a product of his own life. Of course, a man's life isn't fully in his hands at all. Many things in it are beyond his control . Many things are in His hands. Some hold their previous birth and stars responsible to many things that take place in their life. A man is liked or disliked depending upon how he leads his life.

What are you? This is a question that not only others ask a man, but also it is a question that arises in a man too. The man himself doesn't know many times what is he. Some say I am what life has made me. Some say I am a human being. Some say he is like his father. Some say I am what I am. There are people who say that they are God too. It is a simple question which makes one think. It is quite necessary to know what we are.

"I want to become a man."

When & why this thought enters the mind of a man it couldn't be said. It arises in his mind under different circumstances. It may be his intention, ambition or may be his intuition.It could be for self contentment too. It sounds like a declaration or decision. This thought can arise in a man due to various reasons. Whatever it may be he wants to become a man .

I must become a man otherwise, nobody remembers me, men come & go, nobody recognises me, nobody cares me. or nobody hears about me . I would be forgotten. I would be a nonentity. There's no use of being alive. It's a chain of thoughts. A frustration. It is thought that makes one think " I must become a man". It's the thought only that makes a man think of ways & means to become a man. It is a thought which gives a direction to life. It's thought that tries to give life a meaning. There is nothing wrong in having this thought. It is the thought that makes the mind and body of a person active.

This is not an unusual thought. It is a thought which occupies good number of people. It is a thought which gives rise to many other thoughts. Man experiments with many of such thoughts. Successes and failures follow. Success encourages & failure discourages. It is a thought which leads men into different directions .What a man would do and what a man wouldn't do to become a man it is not known. Some go on amassing wealth to become a man. Some study a lot to become a scholar. Some use their paint and brush & create marvellous art to become an artist. Some through generosity and some through social service become popular. No one leaves any opportunity to become a man at all. Some go through the lives of great people & follow their footsteps to carve their lives.

It is a habit of parents generally to quiz their child to know what it would like to become, what is in its mind and encourage it, take it to proceed in that direction. All children do not respond with the same reply to question what it would like to become. A child would answer " Engineer" The other replies" Doctor" The third says " Advocate " The fourth likes to be a businessman. Everyone wants to become something in life.A Man doesn't want to miss any opportunity in his life. He is a product of his own life. Everybody is trying to improve the present generation. It is a good sign for the country also.