Man & Intelligence.

Intelligence plays vital role in the life of a man & his prominence.It's rightly said "Necessity is the mother of invention "

Situations in life develop intelligence. Opportunities too add to intelligence. Of course, one should have intention to develop it. Since dawn of universe it has priority & dominance.Where there is no intelligence there the saying " One has to take an axe for one that could have been removed with a finger nail" applies.There is a saying which says " What sun doesn't see that a poet sees" Similarly, what an ordinary man doesn't see that an intelligent visualises. Intelligence is invisible strength of a man. All other strengths need it .Without it all other strengths won't be fully effective at all.It is origin of good thoughts / ideas.It is one that never gets exhausted on use.More one uses it,more intelligent they become.Thoughts come & go but intelligence remains with the man.It's it that could do good. It is to lead life peacefully & comfortably.It's sometimes instrumental to something bad taking place too. It has to be used always prudently so that it doesn't harm anybody.

Intelligence can do wonders. It's a treasure which cannot be stolen. It can be creative,destructive or saviour. It can be Bin Laden, Einstein or John F Kennedy. How one uses it is always important.

Intelligence is winning a battle without bloodshed at all. Intelligent display their intelligence in their fields. A thief exhibits it by stealing not when nobody is there but when everybody is there that too without being caught & without giving room to any suspicion also. Knowledge & intelligence together are unbeatable.


Intelligence does not grow overnight. It develops gradually. More one sees what is going around more one undergoes lessons after lessons in life,one becomes more & more intelligent. More mature. As a child becomes more & more intelligent one who are proud & one who enjoy are parents. One who is the most benefited by their intelligence is they themselves.Intelligence of a person can be confined to some particular field or fields only. It need not spread all over .Intelligence of some persons would spread to all over also. Intelligence is varied.

If one said something or done something doesn't mean they are intelligent. What one said or done must be appropriate,worthwhile & useful in order it to be recognised as intelligent. Intelligence is always a hawk's eye. It's a light to find a way & get enlightened.Its a weapon in the hands of a man. It's a weapon necessary to live on this earth.Its it which enables one to distinguish which is milk & which is water,who is good,who is bad,what's good & what's bad.

In whom what intelligence is hidden it couldn't be made out often. Intelligence is more in brains than in muscles .You talk like this. You do this. You don't do this. It's intelligence directs a man. It imbibes common sense into man. Behind success of every person it's there .Its not only useful to detect a thief but also its useful to detect a genius..Its a pal in any situation . It often comes to the rescue of a man in times of need. Seldom supply & demand of intelligence match.

It is not words that establish intelligence. It is achievements or deeds establish intelligence. Man cannot pass life exam with intelligence only. In school exams also only intelligence would not count. Intelligence is one of the important requisites only.

Man's intelligence can be rated "bad,good, better best" It could be excellent or genius too based on achievement or performance. As per rating value of intelligence appreciates or depreciates . It is difficult to evaluate one's intelligence many a time.

There is what is known as " Intelligent deafness." It is what one is interested only falls on their ears & what they are not interested does not fall on their ears.

Intelligence should be like it. It should work where it should. It shouldn't work everywhere .

Intelligence always does not succeed. Sometimes ,it fails also. It is always not a defeat of it. It is either a victory of superior intelligence or some other reason.

If intelligence doesn't respond nothing moves properly. Questions remain unanswered. Man knows not where he is. Intelligence is very important.

What is intelligence? There are many answers for this question. The concept of intelligence has been understood by psychologists in different ways. Therefore, there are a number of definitions. The following are some of the important definitions:

Alfred Binet:

Intelligence is something which sensory acuity tests or reaction time experiments measure.


Intelligence is the capacity of the organism to adjust itself to an increasingly complex environment.


Intelligence is the ability to carry on abstract thinking.


It is the capacity for flexible adjustment.


Intelligence is the degree of availability of one’s experiences for the solution of immediate problems and the anticipation of the future ones.


Intelligence is the capacity for constructive thinking, which involves a discovery of appropriate qualities and relations of the ideas, that are before us and bringing in of other relevant ideas.

All these definitions define intelligence in their own way, but they are incomplete, because they give incomplete picture. In view of this problem, many psychologists have accepted a definition by Wechsler. David Wechsler (1944) who devised the intelligence tests for children as well as adults tried to provide a somewhat comprehensive definition:

“Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of an individual to think rationally, to act purposefully and to deal effectively with his environment”.

Without intelligence one can't understand or do anything properly. Intelligence is a necessity. At times, man feels that whatever intelligence he has is insufficient to lead life. Besides,man also feels that intelligence is of no use If His blessings aren't there. It develops only if its used wherever necessary. It is of no use if it isn't used wherever necessary. Day by day intelligence grows . Generation to generation it improves . That is why it was stone age once & today it is space age.

One need not tell that they are intelligent. Intelligence is reflected in their words & deeds .There are 9 types of intelligence in the world.It is observed in plants & animals also. It is borrowed . It is stolen . What it would do & what ii would not do ? How ,when,where & why intelligence would be used it couldn't be said at all.

One who has intelligence shouldn't think that they have intelligence. It is better one always thinks that the other is intelligent. Intelligence would dwindle if ego is allowed to enter. One becomes desperate if intelligence doesn't work. Law of diminishing marginal utility does not apply to intelligence..

Some think they are not intelligent. Some think they are very intelligent. All depends upon individual mind set. Intelligence is not spread equally either all over the world or spread equally among man & man.

There is vast difference between one done with intelligence & one done without intelligence. Importance of intelligence would never recede with the time. In fact , it grows with the time. As such everyone wants not merely their body to grow but also everyone wants their mind also to grow. It is not enough one has intelligence it has to be used wherever it is essential otherwise it gets wasted &. it wouldn't be called intelligence at all.

Intelligence is a God given gift to mankind. It is not to be misused at any time. Intelligence isn't mere hard work. It's more food & exercise to mind. What to do & what not to do. What to say & What not to say that intelligence does for a man. It tells man what is right & what is wrong too. It virtually manages a man. It is which faces competition every now & then. Life is Intelligence vs Intelligence. Man is considered superior to other animals on earth because of his intelligence only. Nobody is a born intelligent. Intelligence has always to be developed in right direction.

What most of the parents usually pray with Him is often not wealth but intelligent children.It's ambition of some that they should be known as intelligent .No one wants to be a dullard. Some don't want to be known as intelligent though they are intelligent. They live like a seed which remains quietly behind leaves .

If one is idle they wouldn't be intelligent. In fact, they may lose whatever little intelligence that they may have. It is successes & failures make one intelligent. Intelligence doesn't fall from the blues. One has to strive for it. It is experience & knowledge generate intelligence. Some exhibit their intelligence & some do not exhibit their intelligence. Man's intelligence must work in time otherwise it is of little use.

Intelligence could be used either for good or bad and that used for anything good is always lauded & appreciated. Intelligence that is used for anything bad is not liked. It is crookedness. It is in fact, abused. No great achievement is possible without intelligence. It saves a lot of stress &strain.

It isn't enough if one has intelligence, it has to work. There are instances in life when intelligence doesn't work. When one overworks, when one is tired, when one is angry, or when one is emotionally disturbed often intelligence doesn't work.

At times, man feels that whatever intelligence he has is insufficient to lead life.

Mere intelligence is of little use. Along with it one must have other capabilities. Intelligence if not used properly creates problems rather than solutions.It is said that too much intelligence is always dangerous. An ordinary person thinks in only one direction whereas. an intelligent thinks in different directions. Intelligent is one who makes a right choice & acts properly.

Here is a success story of intelligence.