
If one laughs it's an incident .If one cries it's an incident.If one gets angry also it's an incident. Incidents are varied.Sometimes they are silly and boring and sometimes serious and interesting. Nothing molds an individual more than the incidents in life. Man is a product of incidents in life.

Life is full of incidents. Life is nothing but a series of incidents. Good and bad, up and down everything in life are caused by incidents only. Incidents often unfold many things . They reveal many times one's true colors also. Every moment incidents take place in universe. Those incidents affect one or another in this world in one or another way. They come and go but their memories may linger forever.Lessons are learned from incidents. They are experiences. Man becomes wiser because of them. Sometime incidence is direct one and sometimes incidence is indirect one. A day never passes in this world without an incident. Sometimes incidents leave a trail and sometimes they do not leave a trail at all. World can never be incident free. Many incidents are not under anybody's control at all. One cannot avoid them. One is a mere onlooker in case of such incidents. Fate is said to be responsible to majority of the incidents that take place in this world. Its that causes or leads to majority of incidents that takes place in a day in and day out. But one should always never allow everything into the hands of fate to decide; one has to play their role whenever and wherever possible without any demure unfailingly. Incidents could be caused intentionally or deliberately to teach one lesson or with some other purpose also. There may be more incidents in one’s life whereas there may be a few incidents in some others’ life. Incidents in one’s life need not be similar to incidents in some other’s life.

Incidents make a life interesting and colorful. However, importance given to incidents is not at all same. Some give importance to incidents. Some do not give importance to incidents. Some remember all the incidents that take place in their life. Some remember only particular incidents which impressed them or those which taught them lessons. It all depends on individual concerned. Some forget the incidents that took place in their life totally. Some incidents remind us what had happened on earlier occasion and one would be generally careful while facing similar incidents thereafter. Even if somebody has faced an incident earlier and if they share their experience with us, it helps us in facing such an incident when it occurs . Sometimes one is profited monetarily or otherwise and sometimes one loses monetarily or otherwise on account of an incident. Sometimes incidents bring happiness and sometimes they bring miseries. Sometimes we are cheated in some incidents. Incidents are like a tide. Sometimes only we can guess or imagine what may happen and our guess or imagination may become right or wrong. It is always better if one understands an incident and faces it in a suitable manner. One should never lose their cool, common sense, presence of mind while facing an incident. Sometimes incidents take place without any clue even. Sometimes we are mere onlookers as far as incidents are concerned. Sometimes we are involved in incidents that take place. Sometimes we involve ourselves in incidents. Some incidents create interest in life. Some incidents cause mental depression in us. Some incidents harden our feelings. Without incidents life is boring. Many times it is incidents increase or decrease our confidence in life. Incidents enable us to make a study. It is on account of incidents we form opinion about others.Incidents are eye openers.

There are varieties of incidents. Some incidents we like and like them to take place again and again. Some incidents we dislike and do not like them to occur again at all. Some incidents that we face in real life are so terrible that we do not like to have them even in our dream also. They disturb our sleep. Birth and deaths are incidents in one’s life. All ceremonies are incidents in life. Tragedy is an incident wherein something disastrous especially one involving distressing loss or injury to life takes place .Calamities and catastrophes are incidents. A fight, a quarrel are incidents only. Then there are incidents of arson and looting, communal riots etc which take place at a place. Mutiny, coups are incidents that take place in a country. Army, police, such other law enforceable machineries try to control untoward incidents that take place.

Incidents take place in every field.They may take place in a police station or a courtroom.They may take place in sports and games arena too.Even in a house or office they could take place.There is no fixed venue for them to take place. In short, incidents could take place anywhere.

Some incidents concern us, some incidents concern society, some incidents our country, and some the world as a whole.Some incidents remain in our memory through out our life and some incidents are trifle and do not remain in our memory for quite long. We forget them after some time. That which happens daily is not an incident. It is only a routine. Something that is important special and significant can only be called an incident. It is said that imagination has no bounds but some incidents are certainly beyond our imagination. Worries arise out of certain incidents. However certain incidents bring relief to our worries too. There is always scope for us to learn something or other from every incident. Every incident is a lesson. Incidents generally invoke a reaction in an individual. Some come out with their reaction whereas some conceal their reaction. Incidents are educative. In some incidents we are physically assaulted and in some mentally. Incidents mould a man. We are the product of the incidents that we faced in our life. Incidents develop a personality. Some are trifle or minor incidents and some are grave or major incidents. Some have significance and some do not have significance at all. At the commencement of a ceremony, somebody related to it dies. This is considered as a bad omen. Similarly if you come across a black cat when you are on your way to an auspicious ceremony, it is considered as a bad omen. Similarly there are incidents which forecast good omens too. It is said that if we come across a dead body on our way, it is said to be good omen. Major incidents change the course of our life. Because of incidents in South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi declared war against apartheid through non-violence moment otherwise he would have remained a barrister. Because of bloodshed, death of innocents etc in Kalinga war, Emperor Ashoka accepted Buddhism. Majority of incidents that take place merit our attention. We should never neglect or consider any incident lightly. Within a spit of a second sometimes incidents take place. There is no prescribed time for an incident or incidents are not specially designed. There is no hard and fast rule that how should be an incident. Incidents are of different nature. Some incidents are of longer duration and they take place with all noise and fun fare .Whereas some take place in pin drop silence and one could not make out that an incident has taken place or not at all. If somebody is poisoned or hanged at the next door and if the noise does not come out at all ,then we would be certainly unaware of such an incident. Similarly incidents of frauds, Impersonification, cheating etc take place silently. Some incidents augur well whereas some do not. It is incidents, which bring in golden moments in our life as well as the black specks in our life also. That which is a major incident for an individual might be a minor incident to another. Meeting a great personality may be a major incident to us but to that personality it is a routine or minor incident. Thus our thinking that makes all the difference.

Broadly, we can classify incidents as good and bad incidents. Cheating, looting, fraud, rape, murders, deaths of kith and kin etc. are some of the examples of bad incidents. Especially, in cheating and frauds perverted intelligence is made use of by the culprits. Cheating and frauds are crimes only. Marriage, success in an exam, establishing of records, winning a lottery and such other incidents are some of the happy incidents in one’s life. They are called events also. Chronology of incidents relating to life of great people is sometimes maintained for ready reference. Similarly, we could maintain a record of incidents that have taken place in our life which not only help us to recollect them but also serve us as a guide. We may forget the trifle incidents in course of time. But grave incidents could not be forgotten so easily. They remain in our memory for a long time for what had happened would remind us either how we were adversely affected or how beneficial they were. Sometimes, incidents wherein we get insulted, or which bring blame and shame haunt us. Even those incidents, which brought us success, fame and name, happiness always hover in our mind. Sometimes we lose our memory on account of mental disease or an accident and we forget everything and we are unable to recollect anything. Psychiatrists try to bring such persons to normalcy by narrating again and again to them some incidents that had taken place in their life. Incidents bring back memories.

Many of the stories are nothing but incidents that had taken place in somebody’s life or our own life. Incidents provide food to writers. Some incidents we enjoy and in some incidents we suffer. Some incidents we can anticipate. If an incident happens all of a sudden without our knowledge, it is called an accident. If one comes out of an accident or violent incidents unhurt means, it is really a miracle. Sometimes loss of life occurs on such occasions. Some incidents take us by surprise; they are like a bolt from the blue. Some incidents are planned. Some out of them are conspiracies hatched by our enemies. Some are planned for amusement sake to tease friends or kith and kin. Some incidents do not require any planning. They occur of their own. Incidents generate different kinds of feelings like happiness, anger, jealousy, and sorrow etc, in us. Time only should tell which incident gives rise to which feeling because feelings arise at the nick of the moment as and when we react to an incident. Incidents reveal to us nature of other people and our nature to other people also. Opportunities come to us through incidents only. Every incident adds to our experience in one or another way. If incidents do not take place our talent, skill, intelligence etc do not come to light at all. They remain within us. Incidents bring change in our life too. Incidents evoke reaction in us. One has to react to incident particularly whenever it concerns them otherwise it would remain within and pester them until it finds a way out. Incidents give rise to mental ailments. Stress, strain, tension, depression etc are result of incidents only. Truth surfaces through incidents only. Incidents provide us material for study. Incidents bring one another closer and love, affection, friendship, relation etc. develop as a consequence. Similarly through incidents friendship breaks, misunderstanding arises, relationship becomes strained and two people become pole apart. In some incidents we are directly involved, in some we are indirectly involved. And in some we are not involved at all yet they affect us. Cast, creed, age etc do not prevent us from involving ourselves in an incident. Of course, we cannot proceed against insane people and minors even if they are involved in an incident which ultimately turns out to be a crime. Sometimes there is reason or reasons behind an incident. Sometimes there is no reason or reasons behind an incident. Some incidents reoccur. Some incidents occur only once in one’s life they never recur again. It is always better we analyze major incidents to know them in all aspects. Then only we would come to know how they happened, who was responsible for them and such other details. Sometimes we are responsible for an incident, sometimes some other person is responsible and sometimes we cannot make out or understand who is responsible or how it happened and we throw the responsibility on Him. Natural calamities like earthquakes, storms, depressions, floods etc, which we come across, are caused by nature and geologists, scientists find out the reasons or causes for their repeated occurrences in particular areas and take precautionary measures. The reason or cause of incidents, which affect an individual, has to be found by that individual only. It is left to him or her to take the assistance of others if necessary to resolve the complications if at all there from those who are either their confident or competent to serve or advise them.

One's knowledge and experience increases with every incident that they face. This knowledge supplements the theoretical knowledge, which one might have gained from various books and other sources. As one faces incident after incident one comes to know who is good and who is bad. One realizes what is good and what is bad. If one narrates or quotes incidents that have taken place in their life or life of others to impress upon others certainly it would have certainly telling effect on them. Incidents are tests, which one undergoes in their life. Sometimes one comes out unscathed, sometimes one comes out with flying colors, and sometimes one gets crushed. How, when and what incident is going to take place next moment nobody can predict or guess even. Incidents bring in many surprises. We would be taken aback if we find a good man in the company of rogues. Similarly whenever we come across anything unusual, which we have not even dreamt, we are taken aback. We find answers to many of our queries through incidents only. We cannot avoid incidents. What is going to happen would certainly happen. Many a times incidents throw open challenges to us. Incidents sometime turn out to be mysteries and sometimes adventures too. Successfully facing an incident is definitely an art and it is very difficult to master it. History comprises of incidents, which took place in the past in a place, in a state, in a country, or in the world as a whole. Similarly news bulletins, which we listen or see on a television screen, apprise us of latest incidents that occurred in various parts of world. The reason behind communal clashes, riots and such other incidents is generally a petty or silly one. People make a mountain out of a molehill. Sometimes incidents boost our morale whereas sometimes depress our mood. Incidents sometime discipline us. Incidents teach us morals too. Incident after incident if they affect us adversely, we say our stars are not good. If a drama culminates with an incident which is full of sorrow, it is called a tragedy whereas if it ends with a happy incident, it is called a comedy.

Sometimes incidents are so complex that they are very difficult to understand. We have to go deep into them to understand them. We must learn to read between the lines with regard to any incident. Incidents do not look to our social status age or anything does not matter to incidents, and they shatter us sometimes. We cannot withstand the effects of such incidents however strong physically or mentally we are. We require presence of mind, commonsense, fortitude and forbearance etc to face such incidents. Our qualities as well as qualities of others come to light during incidents that take place at one time or another. Greatness of Mahatma Gandhi, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John F Kennedy, Winston Churchill, and Mother Teresa came to light in this way only. More we think of incidents more we realize what they wanted to convey us. Nobody is perfect in this world. Everybody has one or another short coming. Everybody falters at one or other stage in life. Crooks make use of some of such incidents to threaten or blackmail. Sometime they extract money from us and make us dance to their tunes. They put one in awkward position. If a crook comes to know of premarital affairs of a lady incidentally, they would try to break the marriage or use it to their advantage in whatever way they want to make use or would extract money from her by blackmailing. Thus, incidents give scope to blackmailing also.

Incidents have wide range of effects. Some incidents affect an individual, some affect a region, some effect a country, and some incidents have effect world over. Some incidents spread suddenly and quickly whereas some spread slowly. Affect of some incidents are permanent whereas affect of some incidents gradually decreases as time elapses. Some are frightful incidents. Some are tearful incidents. Some incidents are opportunities to show one’s valor, talents, skills etc. Some incidents reveal one’s true colors; we would come to know what type of person is.. Man changes as he faces more and more incidents. Of course favorable incidents make a man confident and sometimes overconfident too. Incidents have effects on any sane man. A few are only unaffected by incidents.

There are rare incidents which many of us come across in our life. Such incidents are stunning and unique. If they are shared with others and compiled that would make really an interesting and absorbing collection and everybody would love to read it. There are various modes to communicate incidents. Incidents could be, told, written or shown. Media report incidents that take place world over. We come across various incidents, in novels, dramas, poems, autobiographies. There the writers not only express their experiences, but also their views. We should share the incidents that we come across with others.

Recently, one Mr Kulkarni shared an incident with me. Mr. Kulkarni was an Engineer working in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. He was transferred to Srinagar in Kashmir. A couple by name Mr. Mohamed and Mrs. Zeenat were living next to his door there. Daily Mr. Kulkarni was always busy attending his official duties. However he could lead a peaceful life without interfering in anybody’s affairs in that beautiful Srinagar city. He had no contacts whatsoever with his neighbor Mr. Mohamed and Mrs. Zeenat too. One night Mr. Kulkarni was in deep sleep. He was awakened by a shriek of a woman. It was unbearable to ears.It was depicting agony. It came from the next door. It was not at all subsiding. It intensified second to second. It was heart rendering. Mr. Kulkarni could realize that something had happened at the next door. Humanity drew his legs to the next door. The door of the house was open. Mr. Mohamed was not there. When husband not there how he could enter the house of a Muslim neighbor. One is not supposed to enter at that late hour. Mr. Kulkarni hesitated. However situation won over all those petty matters. His heart melted. He entered the house. He came to know that Mr. Mohamed had gone to some other place. Mr. Zeenat was pregnant for the third time. She already had two children. She did not want one more mouth to feed. She had taken some Ayurvedic medicine to abort the child. On account of that medicine abortion had taken place. Zeenat was suffering from unbearable pain and bleeding. She needed immediate medical attention. Mr. Kulkarni did not waste a single minute. He rushed her to nearby hospital in his car and got her necessary treatment. Next morning Mr.Mohamed returned to Srinagar. He came to know of the developments that had taken place on the previous day. He expressed his gratitude to Mr. Kulkarni and thanked him profusely. Mrs. Zeenat retuned home after recuperation. She visited Kulkarni soon there afterwards and begged him to consider her as his sister. She pleaded to give her an opportunity to serve him through out his stay at Srinagar. The way that she found to express her gratitude is really worth appreciating. It was a humble way She was daily collecting his clothes and washing and drying them. In the evening she used to return back his clothes back neatly folded. This is an unforgettable incident in the life of Mr. Kulkarni. In the same way there is one or another incident in everybody’s life that is memorable. Is it not?. Of course, more the number of incidents more it is difficult to remember them.