Life is an examination.

More questions arise in life than answers. Jiddu Krishnamurthi says " There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning. "Result of an exam is always only after it's over. Result of life exam is too posthumously .A man must take life exam as seriously as any other exam otherwise life would go Helter Kelter. Without any purpose no exam is conducted. There's purpose behind life exam too. It differs from man to man. Accepting life as an exam is nothing but accepting it as a challenge. Treating life as an exam leads to competitions & better achievements.Nobody wants to fail in an exam & in life exam also.

God is the setter of questions of life exam.They don't leak at all.What all questions would arise in it , it couldn't be said or anticipated at all. Life is an examination.It's unlike any other examination.It is always a lengthy exam. No other exam is as lengthy as it. It has no time table too. It progresses from day one on wards in the way it likes. It's a fair & impartial exam. Candidates for this examination are innumerable.They are ever increasing. Some come & join it & some leave it. Everyone wants to pass it with flying colours. Passing it is one of the ambitions of people.Life examination has only one chance to clear. One can make only one attempt at it. No doubt intelligence & knowledge are essential in it , but it isn't everything in it. One with ordinary scruples could excel in it too.Mere efforts don't make one successful in life exam.“Life is the most difficult exam Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realising that everyone has a different question paper.” – Unknown

The question how to face this life examination invariably confronts everyone. Life is uncertain & sometimes the question disappears as quickly as it appears too. There would be no time for 1 2 3 bells that are usually found in examinations also. Everyone devises their own way of facing this exam. Sometimes God himself helps man and guides man how to face it also.Life is unpredictable. Unlike other examinations, prior preparations for the life exam couldn't be made in advance at all. Prior preparations made are often a waste. Life examination is to be faced as it is as & when it has to be faced.Some share questions faced in it & some not.

What life examination comprises nobody knows. It is a mystery. Incidents and situations are there in everyone's life to pose them questions. They are part & parcel of life exam . Appearance for life exam is compulsory to every human being. It needs more expertise than any other exam.It is an uninterrupted examination. It begins from the day one is born to the day one says good -bye. It isn't an easy exam at all. It's a competitive examination. It is a difficult exam. Whatever preparations that one makes to face this exam seems to be always inadequate.No one knows its syllabus completely. It contains unlimited lessons. It's more a practical exam than a theoretical exam. Here others lives are only a guide. Sometimes only they are useful but they are not always useful to face the exam at all.

A man when the exam begins and when it ends is not the same. Definitely there would be a lot of changes in him.It is an exam which acquaints one with all types of situations & emotions. It is an exam where all faculties of a man are examined .Man thinks with intelligence , he can succeed in any exam. It is not always true. Other qualities are quite essential for passing of an exam. In fact, many intelligent people have failed in life exam. In life exam more than intelligence, it is sincerity and honesty that play greater role .

Life exam is not sitting & writing answers. There is always complaint about time allotted in examinations. Even in case of life exam too that complaint would be usually there . Majority of candidates to it feel that time allotted by Him to it as either more or less but not appropriate.

Whether it's life exam or any exam it couldn't be taken lightly at all. Efforts are in the hands of the individual. Success or failure is in His hands. How would be a life examination it couldn't be illustrated fully.It's often tedious, unbearable, adventurous & inexplicable . It is seldom a cake walk. Life examinations are different from one individual to another individual. Everyone one's life examination is a story . Life examinations have contributed to all kinds of stories. They are success stories as well as stories of failures. They are tragedies . They are comedies & everything.

One can skip anything but cannot avoid life examination at all. Life exam is an opportunity . Any opportunity if missed there is no guarantee it would be repeated. What affect life examination would have on a man? It would have different affects on every man. Definitely that exam would create an awe in everyone. It would not allow one to remain as they are according to their whims & fancies. It does not allow one to remain lethargic at all. As a result of it only before taking a step everyone thinks twice.Those who consider life as an examination lead their life well. It is they succeed in it too.

Life is an examination where knowledge is gathered rather than knowledge is ploughed. It's duration is unknown.Same duration is not allotted to all candidates. Some are given long duration and some are given short duration. Question paper too differs from person to person. Unable to face the questions some runaway too. Several questions that appear in it are unanswerable at all. Only He knows answer to them. Questions are not asked in writing or orally in it. They are put forth in different ways.They are sometimes direct questions & sometimes indirect questions. They are asked via problems & miseries . It is an exam in which one has to face a number of difficult tests too.

No pen & paper work in it at all. World is its exam hall. It is almighty who conducts it. He is the invigilator too. Though , God is not before the eyes, it is believed that He is everywhere . He supervises the exam better than any other invigilator. Human intelligence or cunningness are of no use in life exam . Gimmicks like copying, question paper leakage & by heart do not work in it at all. It is an exam where discussions & consultations are freely allowed. One need not burn midnight oil in it but intricacies cause sleepless nights in it. What is more required in it is patience, fortitude and forbearance etc. It is an exam in which one has to learn from every mistake of theirs.

The result of it depends upon what one does in their life. In other words upon their deeds.It wouldn't be published on any notice boards or newspapers. Results are to be self realised . Some pass in it . Some fail in it. It confers no degree. It is an exam where there is no grading system like first class, second class etc. too The reward for passing this tough exam is name,fame. & contentment .If a man achieves what he wanted to achieve in life that is his triumph in life. It his triumph in life exam also. Likewise, if a man fails to achieve what he wanted to achieve in life, it is his failure. It is his failure in life exam too. Contentment & discontentment of a man indicate his success & failure in life exam .One may face same question again & again in the life exam. However, it doesn't deserve same answer every time.Everyone faces innumerable questions in life but nobody is able to answer all of them. It doesn't mean everyone has failed in it .Life exam culminates at the end of life.It's,it indicates the result. Basavanna says "Sharanara savu maranadalli kanu "

Performance in life exam depends upon many factors. Circumstances, opportunities, decisions, etc are only a few factors in it.