An Opportunity

World is full of opportunities. There is no paucity of them in the world at all. There are a wide range of them in every field.Where are they and how to bag them is the prime question. How to distinguish between them and pick the right ones is in fact an uphill task. Securing an opportunity is a knack that only a few would have. All don't visualize opportunities equally. If at all one blames at anytime that there's no opportunity they have to blame themselves and none else.There's no guarantee that one would get an opportunity if they work hard. One won't get an opportunity even if they move heaven and earth. They must be fortunate too. Nothing would be easy as one supposed them to be.

Opportunities are elusive and evasive.Where would be they it couldn't be easily guessed. They aren't usually at a place at all. They have to be detected and won over mostly.They often play an hide and seek game . They couldn't be easily understood too. Though, they are great in number and spread all over,what one gets are only a few. As a result, sometimes one has to create an opportunity out of absolutely nothing . A meeting , an eating, a problem or anything could be turned into an opportunity. Opportunities are in the eyes that see. They aren't equally important. Some are more important and some are less important.They have made world more competitive . When one would have an opportunity it couldn't be said at all. It could be at any point of time . It could be at the young age or at the old age or it couldn't be even through out life . Opportunity mostly rewards in one way or another everyone.It's capable of making life more exciting and interesting.

Optimist sees more of opportunities. Pessimist sees only a few of them. Winston Churchill rightly says "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." When an opportunity is grabbed one would be very happy and enthusiastic whereas one would be much disgusted and disappointed when it could n't be utilized or when it's missed . State of mind of an individual plays a dominant role in the seizing and utilization of opportunities. Mere intelligence isn't enough to seize opportunities.They are precious and powerful. A single opportunity can change a man. Opportunities that one would get or lose are unforgettable. They are memorable. They can make even a nonentity a celebrity. No one would leave an opportunity underutilized . Many even though they get a number of opportunities aren't completely satisfied, they want to have more and more opportunities.

Everybody is hankering after opportunities of one or another kind in this world.There would be always a beeline to opportunities.They are indispensable.One couldn't have success without them. Techniques talents and all emerge because of them. Seldom one lets go an opportunity once they get it. An opportunity secured is nothing but a bird in the hand and one mustn't allow it to go from hand at all. In fact, anyone who lets go it is often considered an idiot.Don't drowse Be awake not allow opportunity pass away. Opportunities couldn't be taken up all at a time. They are to be taken up one after another.Further, one who deserves only must get an opportunity and not to one who doesn't deserve it. But this doesn't happen always. Undeserving too get an opportunity many a time. Opportunity is many a time a lottery only.It seldom comes effortlessly. It must come at appropriate times otherwise it may be of no use or may be of little use only.

"Make hay while the sun shines" This describes an opportunity well.Nothing worth while could be achieved without opportunity.If one doesn't try and secure an opportunity and utilize it they would be where they are. What to do and what not to do mostly one comes to know only when they get an opportunity. Opportunity enables one to participate or compete.Life itself is an opportunity that many don't realize also. A great man rejoices and thrives even on a little opportunity. Opportunity is a chance to fulfill a dream or the prospect of success. It's an occasion that allows something to be done.Some opportunities come only once in a Lifetime . Sometimes, it couldn't be made out in what form they would come. Sometimes an opportunity is a bolt from the blues and one wouldn't have dreamed or expected, or thought about it also.Sometimes only one knows in advance what it is . Sometimes one knows what it is only after grabbing it. Always more than one getting an opportunity how it would be utilized is more important. It isn't enough if one gets opportunity, they must make the best use of it. Sometimes, mere opportunity is of no use. It alone could do nothing at all. One gets an opportunity doesn't mean everything is over. The Man who gets it must be capable of en cashing it. Otherwise ,it would be like handing over a precious gem into the hands of ape.When an opportunity comes some people don't make use of it .They in fact waste it. Later on they repent for the same. One who wastes an opportunity is a stupid only.They are as many types of people as there are different types of opportunities.Every Opportunity tests man in its own way.If one makes use of whatever opportunities that they get and feels contented, their life is fruitful .On the other hand if one doesn't get suitable opportunities their life is futile. They feel dejected.

Nobody wants to skip opportunities. Opportunities are unpredictable. They are lessons. Where are they and how are they it's usually unknown. Sometimes even though they are in front of eyes one couldn't make out them . Sometimes even though one gets them they couldn't make use of them. Sometimes they come on their own one after another . Sometimes even if one tries they won't come. Seldom a prey comes to tiger . Tiger must be after prey. Opportunities too seldom come to one . One must be after them. Of course, many times stars certainly play a role and provide one opportunities."Demand is more supply is less. "This is what we notice usually in case of opportunities. They are generally scarce. They are by and large competitive . Every obstacle can be turned into an opportunity through perseverance and dedication. Human nature is associated with the stubbornness to succeed. When they are neither challenges nor competition whatsoever one gets is an golden opportunity.

Many opportunities could be shared . Sharing them is a great quality. However only a few share them.One gets an opportunity to donate and becomes a good man. Another gets an opportunity to steal and gets spoiled.That's why it's said man is circumstances made.Which are opportunities. it can't be said at all. Opportunities are not alike. They are varied.One may get an opportunity to do good or an opportunity to do bad.How one would utilize opportunities depends more upon man than upon opportunities. Opportunity can be developed into several opportunities by a wise man. Good man does good use of them and bad man does bad use of them. Life is an opportunity Long life means one would have more and more opportunity to look at life. One must make the best use of opportunities that they get in life.They must cash them. There's no guarantee whatsoever opportunity that one gets would come again and again. That's why when to do anything good one shouldn't wait at all. The moment a good thought emerges in mind itself is auspicious. It's opportunity.

One comes across numerous opportunities in life but utilizes only a few and lets go majority. Thereafter they cry over them. Often opportunities are disguised.As such it's difficult to make out what they are . Opportunities seldom come as one wants them to come . They come and go. Besides,they don't come in equally to everyone in the world.Further,some don't have patience to wait for an opportunity.They attempt in hurry as they want and everything goes awry .Majority of life of many goes on running after opportunities or waiting for them.

When the above thoughts about opportunities were making round in my mind, I remembered one Mrs. Tara from a village near Kaup in South Kanara district. Many times one is bailed out from despondency or darkness only by an opportunity.Tara was married to Shekar at an early age. She was only eighteen when she married him. She had studied up to P. U. C.only at the time of marriage . Their married life was running smoothly. A female child by name Sahana was born to them also. Shekar was well qualified and hard working. He rose to the rank of Jt Secretary in the ministry of finance at an young age. It was a happy family. Anyone would have definitely felt jealous of it.

It was Varamahalaxmi festival day. Tara had requested him to come home at the earliest on that day. On that day there was a meeting in the secretariat and Shekar was very busy. Tara was anxiously awaiting his early arrival at home. In fact, she had reminded him several times via telephone calls and was really impatient. At last the meeting was over. It was 9.30.p.m. Shekar was damn tired. Tara couldn't wait anymore .At last, Shekar responded to her call with great difficulty. He was perspiring . He informed her that he had started home. The telephone receiver fell from his hand. It was a massive heart attack and he breathed his last. At about 11.3o. p.m . Instead of Shekar his dead body came home. There was darkness surrounded all over. Tara and Sahana didn't sleep through out night. How much they cried it couldn't be explained at all. Next morning Vasu , brother of Shekar cremated the mortal remains of Shekar . God doesn't allow everyone to be always happy. He subjects everyone to testing times at one time or other in their life.

Time doesn't remain as it is. It moves on. All religious functions connected with the death of Shekar were over. Numerous friends , relatives, admirers and neighbors visited the bereaved family to express condolences . Tara couldn't remain quiet without thinking of future. It was tilting of a smooth sailing boat . It was an unexpected bolt from the blues. Anyone would have been perturbed with such a bombshell. A brave heart of a lion was the need of the hour to meet that situation. Various thoughts started occupying her mind at that time. Tara was neither too old nor too young. She was 42 yrs old and Sahana was 11 years old. It's at such moments various advice and suggestions pour in from friends & relatives. She had the responsibility of bringing up Sahana. Many thoughts make round in mind during moments of grief. One thought that was making rounds in her mind was investing compensation received from Govt due to untimely death of of Shekar into the business of her elder brother at Kaup and leading a quiet life. One of her friends Mrs Veda had told her that everything is not lost to her and advised her to be bold and accept the job offered on compassionate grounds by the Govt and manage rest of the life without depending upon anyone. In times of grief , mind doesn't work well and it's not at all easy to decide anything also.

Tara wasn't an ordinary lady. She didn't lose her heart. She weighed various options at her disposal. She thought more of the responsibility that befallen and the future that was ahead to her and daughter. She decided to accept post of lower division clerk offered by Govt . Thus mother and daughter began their new life. Tara began waking up early to cook food for her daughter as well as to herself. Both of them after having breakfast at home used to carry food for the afternoon. Daughter was helping mother as much as she could in every way in cooking and other domestic work. Mother and daughter were living like friends.

Though, not young Tara was a beautiful lady. She was looking younger than her age. She was dressing smartly. She was good at work. Her behavior was also excellent. In short, her personality was charming and capable of attracting anyone. One of the persons who was attracted by her was Raj Singh. He was a divorcee. He was from Himachal Pradesh. He was living alone. He began wooing her. Tara was in a fix. She didn't know what to do. In India the cast system and caste divides is on the decline these days. Sahana was not a mute spectator. She persuaded the mother to accept his proposal. She made mother realize that family would be incomplete without his inclusion. One fine morning Raj and Tara were married. There was happiness in the family. Everyone was contented. There was no further addition to the family thereafter. Sahana's studies continued without any interruption. Soon, she is going to secure Bachelor of Engineering degree at Bengaluru.

However, but one who made the best use of opportunities was Tara. She not only pursued her studies but also employment. She not only completed her post graduation but also completed Ph.D. Now she is the head of an accounts section. It is not a meager achievement at all (A lady who was a house wife for 42 years securing Ph.D.)

It is opportunities take one to the top and bring one name, fame and glory too.