Balance sheet of Life

Is balance sheet meant to financial transactions Only? No no balance sheet could be drawn in other fields too. Whatever may be one's life . It may be good, bad or anything. Everyone analyzes it at one time or another & draws inferences.Balance sheet of Life is one that serves quite suitably this purpose. It isn't merely reflection of life of individual but also it's reflection of image of individual too. How much happy & contented one would be if they are able to draw Balance sheet of Life and notice remarkable performance.They need no other compliments. Contentment is the greatest wealth.

Balance sheet of life reveals where one stands in life & what's one's performance. It's an introspection.It comprises of individual's pluses & minuses which make up assets and liabilities. They are their strength & weaknesses too. The word "Balance sheet of Life" draws one's attention to their life. Everyone without an exception wants to improve their life and come out with flying colors in life. Balance sheet is always a right tool in this regard. It enables one to work out strategies, change strategies and be successful in life.


One of the reasons why Balance Sheet of Life differs from man to man is mainly because of variance in thinking of individuals. Many believers in God think that their Balance sheet of life has already been drawn by Him in advance & nothing can be altered in it. It's true while coming to this world one doesn't bring anything & while leaving also one doesn't carry anything. Some think if they leave the assets,those assets would be beneficial to heirs & make their life comfortable also. Some feel if they leave the assets , their heirs would be lazy & won't have anything to do in life and won't know what life is. Some think good and bad only one carries while leaving this world . That's why in some balance sheets of life only we find reserves & provisions as in balance sheets of financial transactions. A man is better judge of himself than anybody else. He can value his assets and liabilities more appropriately than others in Balance sheet of life.

Everyone always struggles hard and tries to have a perfect Balance sheet of Life. But in balance sheet of life there would be usually one or other defect for everything won't be in one's hands. Perfection is a rare phenomenon.

Assets are more doesn't mean Balance sheet is good. Assets &liabilities must be in due proportions in Balance sheet of Life too. There must be due proportion of fixed & current assets and liabilities in it. If life is understood adequately Balance sheet of life would also be definitely better

Balance sheet of life isn't extracted from any books of accounts. It is a birds view of life of individual. It needn't be necessarily a success story too. One needs no one to analyze and understand it. They only can analyze and understand it themselves.

Here is an opinion about balance sheet of life:-

It says balance sheet of life. is not much different from a financial one except that it is far more valuable The best investment anyone can make is in YOURSELF. It is investing in your education, knowledge, expertise,and skills. Although your financial assets and liabilities can come and go, your life balance sheet is priceless. Even if you took all the wealth away from Bill Gates, because of the knowledge he has, the relationships he has cultivated, and the skills he has acquired, he will not have a problem becoming rich again! That is because he has a very strong life balance sheet.

Some opine "Life is a financial year" and Balance sheet of life is to be drawn from the day when one is born to the day when says bye to world. Life is not a profit & loss venture at all .Balance sheet of life needs no figures at all. No chartered accountant would be of any avail to a man to draw Balance Sheet of life.Though, many people are involved in the life of man, drawing of Balance Sheet of life is an individual exercise. An Individual only can draw and balance it. Whether it's balance sheet of financial transactions or balance sheet of life they comprise of numerous items. They are all important. God exercises control over every aspect of life and in turn over Balance sheet of Life also.

A balance sheet must always be true reflection of affairs. Balance sheet of life must include not only happiness & contentment but also it must include disappointments & failures. It must not be like a balance sheet compiled to avail bank finance.

Balance sheets would be impressive if businesses are conducted well. However, same cannot be said with balance sheet of life that it would be nice if one leads their life well because other factors affect it. Everyone tries to give good shape to balance sheet of life.In Balance sheet of life financial position isn't of much importance. Money isn't everything in life at all. How much happy one is and how much useful one is more important in Balance sheet of life.Balance sheet of Life could be better presented if one understands life .

Balance sheet of life comprises assets like health, family and friends. One needn't own any fixed assets or hard cash, it's enough if they have a good name and talents. Goodwill is a dependable asset in life. It is very important. It doesn't fall from the skies.It is not at all easy to earn it. Goodwill is name & fame. What part it would play it couldn't be said. It's role is dominant not merely in trade and business but also it is dominant in man's life. It doesn't matter if one doesn't earn anything it is enough if one earns goodwill. It is an important asset in balance sheet of life.

Whether it is balance sheet meant for financial transactions or whether it is balance sheet of life assets & liabilities must always match.They mustn't be disproportionate at all. It is always not easy to balance both assets and liabilities sides and complete the balance sheet. Sometimes assets side & sometimes liabilities are troublesome. Which aspects of life are to be incorporated in it and which aspect must go to which side etc bother a man.

Good that one does normally appears on the asset side and whatever help one receives from others in life occupies liabilities side invariably. Assets must always exceed liabilities in this balance sheet as in balance sheet meant for financial transactions. One must do more to a society than what they receive from it. There are many rules governing balance sheet of life. Balance sheet of life foretells many things. Balance of life makes one either cheerful or depressed.

Time to time compiling of balance sheet enables one to review their life or analyse it.Whether it's balance sheet regarding financial transaction or otherwise nobody wants to show a loss. Nobody wants to cut a sorry figure in their life. Views on Balance sheet of life belong to individuals.

There is a poem written by YAKUBU GIWA on Balance sheet of life. It is as below:-

Your birth is your Opening stock

Whatever comes in is your Credit

What goes out is your Debt

Your ideas are your Assets

Your vices are your Liabilities

Your good characters are your Profit

Your bad attitudes are your Loss

Your purified soul is your Goodwill

Your heart is your Fixed Asset

Your primary duties are your Outstanding Expenses

Your knowledge is your Investment

Your patience is your Interest

Your mind is your bank Balance

Your worship are your admission Letter to Paradise

Your prayer are your Capital

Your Spouse is your inmate Partner in Business

Your children are Trials

Your death is your Closing Stocks

Here there is another poem written by unknown.

on "Balance Sheet Of Life"

Our Birth is our Opening Balance!

Our Death is our Closing Balance!

Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities

Our Creative Ideas are our Assets

Heart is our Current Asset

Soul is our Fixed Asset

Brain is our Fixed Deposit

Thinking is our Current Account

Achievements are our Capital

Character & Morals, our Stock-in-Trade

Friends are our General Reserves

Values & Behavior are our Goodwill

Patience is our Interest Earned

Love is our Dividend

Children are our Bonus Issues

Education is Brands / Patents

Knowledge is our Investment

Experience is our Premium Account

The Aim is to Tally the Balance Sheet Accurately.

The Goal is to get the Best Presented Accounts Award.

Some very Good and Very bad things ...

The most destructive habit....... ......... .......Worry

The greatest Joy......... ......... ......... ..... .....Giving

The greatest loss.......................................Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work........ ...................Helping others

The ugliest personality trait....... ................Selfishness

The most endangered species..... .............Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource.... ......... .....Our youth

The greatest "shot in the arm"....................Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome.... ....... Fear

The most effective sleeping pill........ .........Peace of mind

The most crippling failure disease..... ........Excuse

The most powerful force in life........ ......... .Love

The most dangerous pariah...... .................A gossip

The world's most incredible computer.... ....The brain

The worst thing to be without..... ......... .....Hope

The deadliest weapon...... ......... ................The tongue

The two most power-filled words....... ........"I Can"

The greatest asset....... ......... ......... ...........Faith

The most worthless emotion..... ......... ........Self- pity

The most beautiful attire...... ......... .............SMILE!

The most prized possession.. ......... ...........Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication. ....Prayer

The most contagious spirit...... ......... ..........Enthusiasm

The most important thing in life........ ......... .GOD

Life ends; when you stop Dreaming,

Hope ends; when you stop Believing,

Love ends; when you stop Caring,

And Friendship ends; when you stop Sharing...!! !