Beware of media.

How big the world is no matter to media. It reaches moon even.It has become a magic wand. What it is capable of it couldn't be said at all.Development of it has made life more communicative.What all forms it would assume it couldn't be said or imagined at all too.It has made communication damn easy & fast. It isn't mere a time pass, its A to Z.Compare yesterday's child & today's child, yester years illiterates & to days illiterates that reveals how much beneficial is development & expansion of it has been. Ignorance & innocence are depleting day by day. Man is more enlightened today.Man & media are wedded to one another.The chase between them is continuous & non-stop. The aim of every media is to draw people's attention & become popular.

Media is a venture. Nobody does a venture without profit motive. Its horizon is expanding day by day. It works 24 hours a day & on all 365 days a year. It's job isn't easy.It cannot please everyone always. It sometimes gets sweet & sometimes bitter to deliver. It knows how to play its cards well.It always doesn't leave opportunities to go waste .An opportunity is a big fish to it. It must not take sides.It is on the side of its boss.Whether man wants or not media makes noises & wakes him up makes him interested in its trumpet.It addresses not only every eye, ear but also addresses mind of every individual. It's just like a boneless tongue of a man. It is capable of twisting in any direction as it wants. It reflects more than anything else where is democracy.One can shut mouth but cannot shut the mouth of media once it opens.It is a non stop trumpet. One cannot either accept or ignore it completely.

Media is not a mirror where everything is reflected as it is.It has two sides . It has selfishness & motives.Criticism is part & parcel of it. It criticizes & it is being criticized too. It tells not merely what has happened but also forecasts what is going to happen tomorrow. It is a trendsetter.It is there to influence & educate a man.It doesn't influence all equally. Its influence depends upon individual.It is man who runs it & it is another man who follows it. Media is a man's creation.Man learns many lessons from it. It is he who returns many lessons to it too.What's heard or seen in it lasts long often in one's memory.Media is a web. Once one is in it,its difficult to emerge out. It's a tool to become famous or infamous.Once a news reaches it, It needs no further publicity.Media is wild fire.It's certainly a reason to a man being knowledgeable & advanced.It's a partner in his progress . Like & dislike of a media depends upon an individual.Media is friend, philosopher & guide to many. What is said on it is golden words to many too.Taste differs from individual to individual. One criticizes a media . Another appreciates it.It is true if man is not wise, the media are Shepard & man is a sheep.

All that glitters is not gold. Media is powerful. It can make or unmake anything. It is expert in making a big news, small & a small news big. Media are experts in giving publicity & not giving it too .In other words they make a mountain of a molehill & other way round too. Way of. presentation of topics differs from media to media It is not the same. Every media has its own unique style Whether it is newspaper or television media plays a big role in creating impression on a common man. It knows how to play with the minds of public more than anybody else.They have strategies. They have their own source of collecting news too. It's it which brings to light sensational matters Media is always in clever hands. In some countries it is controlled & in some it is not controlled. It presents both wanted & unwanted news. It dramatises , exaggerates matters where it wants.Where there is development there is absolute freedom to media.

Incidents take place every second in the world. They are important & unimportant .Media sorts it. It is it which make important reach everyone.How many stories, Media has become essential & indispensable inthe world. A day begins with meia & ends with it.

Many things what happens around us, why at our home, we don,t know.Every place we can't visit.Media enables us to know where what is happening from where we sit only. Medias are eyes & ears of a country. They are ever vigilant.Nothing evokes feelings of people as media does.Nothing informs better than media How is life Where is what life too .

Some matters do not fall upon on our ears. What all falls on ears is not true. There is good media & bad media.They twist the news. They are biased. They have vested interest. They are purchased . They try to influence us. Analyse any news yourselves & draw conclusion yourselves . Don't be fooled or carried away .