
If everything is still, if one is complacent, if there is no unrest, there will be no activity. There will be no liveliness. Whether we like it or not, at one time or other, unrest comes to us just like an unwanted guest does and we have to give room to it. Unrest is compared sometimes to volcano and sometimes it is compared to wildfire because sometimes it is within and sometimes it spreads like wildfire. Mad rush of people to self proclaimed Gods, saints etc in search of peace establishes the intensity of unrest in this world. Unrest always leads to momentum either backwards or forward. Unrest affects our activities. Unrest makes one aware of the needs of the society. Behind every struggle there is unrest. It is unrests that give birth to revolutions. Inventions are on account of unrest only. It is unrests that bring best out of one sometimes. Unrest to do something good, unrest to achieve something that is beneficial and laudable by all is always welcome. Wherever there is unrest, there is pursuit of peace. Peace and unrest are synonymous.

When there is clash between two groups, when riots take place, when there is bloodshed, when curfew is imposed, when antisocial elements are arrested , there is said to be unrest in a town. Restoration of normalcy there requires time. Peace committees are formed. Negotiations take place between rival groups in the presence of arbitrators and ultimately settlement of disputes take place. This kind of unrest we always find here and there in this world. It is said that east is east, west is west, and never twain shall meet. Nuclear arsenal build up is assuming alarming proportions. There is unrest in the world. At anytime nuclear war may burst out especially between two nuclear powers. Three wars have taken place between India and Pakistan since independence in 1947. Kashmir dispute is not yet solved and unrest continues between the two countries.

Unrest is nothing but storm in a cup of tea. Unrest may come out to open at any time. When there is unrest in army. Coup may take place and there may be blood shed .Many heads may roll. Change of government may take place. Unrest leads to changes. When there is labor unrest, strikes take place. Work will be paralyzed. When people are dissatisfied with a regime, naturally there will be unrest in the country and a revolt against the regime may take place. Thus whenever and wherever there is break down of law, there is unrest. Incidents generally cause unrest. When a follower a religion not only does not follow the religious practices but also goes against them that generally cause unrest in the society. Whenever there is a foreign body in our body, it causes unrest. As long as the relationships between any two especially neighbors whether it is countries or otherwise remains strained, generally unrest prevails without any exception. Similarly, if the relationship between people with whom we have to deal is not cordial, definitely there will be unrest and that affects both. Only after unrest peace follows. And we cannot say how long it would take for peace to arrive at. We cannot guarantee the peace. Generally unrest is temporary one and does not last long and one cannot bear unrest for long even. But what to do unrest is there everywhere in the world. Peace is remote possibility between Israel and Palestine. Day and night there is unrest between the two countries. Similarly unrest prevails at Sri Lanka because of the conflict between Sri Lankan and Tamil liberation tigers. Unrest prevailed between Kauravas and Pandavas through out Mahabharata. Ultimately, it led to Great War and total destruction of Kauravas. Triumph of good over evil. Similarly in Ramayana war between Sri Rama and Ravana was to clear the world of unrest caused by Ravana. All the incarnations of Maha Vishnu are to banish Unrest from this world and establish peace World is afraid of terrorists. Who can forget September 11? It has given sleepless night to super power U.S.A. Terrorism is causing unrest world over. Besides, anyone or many among several factors like failure of monsoon, droughts, slowdown of economy, inflation, unstable governments, high dose of taxation, epidemics, natural calamities like earthquakes etc may also cause unrest in a country.

It is said that animals do not have thinking capacity and cannot speak even. Are they free from unrest? We find them exhibiting unrest whenever they are hungry, whenever they are not unwell. Unrest in an individual is unlike this. It is within him or her. It is not visible to others. It is disturbance in thought process. Sometimes it makes rare appearance through his or her behavior. We can notice absent mindedness, anger etc in one who has unrest. Some does not give any clue or sign of it being there. As such, it is difficult to make out that whether it is there in him or her or not. At one time or another one has to face unrest in life. One should learn to tide over unrests. Sometimes it is just like a wave. Comes and goes Unrest sometimes leads to frustration. Unrest leads to dilemma. One would not know what to do what not to do in such a situation. If unrest settles down, it becomes a headache or curse. Sometimes it turns out to be a web and it is difficult to come out of it. It is mental unrest. Negative thoughts make unrest unbearable whereas positive thoughts enable one to face unrest.

There is one or another reason behind unrest. The reasons may be manifold. The reasons depend upon many factors like individuals nature, circumstances etc. It may be blackmailing, business losses, problems caused by kith and kin. In short they may be one or more among thousand and one reasons. Whenever we do not find solutions to our problems, whenever we are agitated, we face unrest. That is a difficult situation in life. Generally one perspires under such circumstances. He or she would not know what to do when everything goes against them. Indeed their stars are bad. It is a testing period for them. It is at that time they are generally vulnerable .Everyone one of us will have the same experience at that time. We can see persons running from pillar to post when they come across such a situation. That is when we face the question what to do and do not know what to do. One who faces this question generally faces unrest. Even the most powerful man has no answer at that time to this question at that time.

It is true that illness causes sometimes unrest. Similarly it is also true that sometimes unrest causes illness. Wherever uncertainty is there, there is unrest .If we have no work, we do not know what to do. Time does not pass. Anxiety as well as unrest occupies us. Anxiety and unrest are wedded to one another .Similarly, when we do not cope up with a work, or when we do not like a work, unrest swarms us. Shakespeare's character Hamlet is epitome of unrest. Hamlet had no firm mind at all. He was always postponing his decisions. He was wavering. He was fickle minded. Even now a person with a fickle mind is called Hamlet minded. When we are in two minds, unrest definitely occupies us. Patience and unrest are in indirect proportion to one another. If we have less patience, we will be more susceptible to unrest. While facing any unrest, we should never lose our patience or be hasty. If we are confident of blowing over the storm, we should not allow the dust to settle down but act quickly to weather the storm. Other way round is allow the dust to settle down and chalk out a well thought out strategy to blow over the storm .Whenever there is wait and anxiety there is unrest .Failures increase the unrest. Expectations cause unrest. The unrest continues until the expectations materialize. A success enables one to forget the unrest. Sometimes we ourselves are responsible for unrest and sometimes our kith and kin are responsible and sometimes third person who is not at all related to us may be responsible. Generally one undergoes stress and strain whenever it is there.

An individual suffers mentally as long as it is there. Unrests affect one's concentration and as such there is every possibility of one committing mistakes which he or she normally does not commit. These mistakes in turn affect one's confidence. It is thinking more about our problems that increases unrest. More you allow the unrest to deepen its root; it becomes a worry and does not leave us easily. One cannot be happy as long as unrest prevails. It is always better to shed unrest away at the earliest but that is not that easy. There will be no peace of mind as long as it is within. One cannot predict how long it would continue or remain. Some times it is short and sometimes prolonged one. There is no medication whatsoever for it. Some swallow tranquilizers, sedatives to be rid of it. But they are temporary relief only. Everybody wants to come out of unrest totally, but it is not that easy. Those who are busy and who do not have time to think, generally have less Unrest than those who are idle because idle mind is always devils workshop. Further, one who can divert his or her attention to some other activity other than the one which causes unrest can heave a sigh of relief from unrest.

Desires are one of the root causes of unrest in us. Desires arise more in some and less in others but they do arise in everybody. We can have control over desires at the most but one cannot be totally rid of desires. Some of the desires are satisfied and some could not be satisfied and the desires are reasons behind many of the unrest that we find in human beings. Once our difficulties, problems are resolved then only we could have solace. It is really like rebirth. Disappointments, failures, shame, insults which one cannot share with others sometimes lead to unrest .They in turn sometimes cause mental disorders. Psychiatrists try to find reason or reasons for unrest. Generally, nobody disclose to others their unrest unless they are very near and dear. The reason for some unrest is such that they cannot be disclosed or discussed with anybody. They are purely personal and confidential. Some say that if we share with somebody our unrest or restlessness, half of our unrest goes and the other half our confident may help us to overcome. But everything is not that easy. We should not give room to unrest. Once we give room to it, we should not allow unrest to grow, once it is deep rooted, it is very difficult to get rid of it. Unrest is contagious. Unrest is a spark which may develop into fire. It is better to extinguish it when it is a spark only. If the head of the family has unrest; there is every likely hood of it being spread to other members. If boss has unrest in an office, the whole office will be affected. Unrest slows down work and progress, efficiency etc. Mental ailments, suicides etc are due to unrests only. More than good unrest does harm. Everybody hates unrest but one has to learn to live with it. If there is unrest in a family which may be due to misunderstanding, dispute, jealousy, or any other reason it cannot live together peacefully. Rifts create Unrest. Unrest breaks unity

It is a small family consisting of father, mother, and two daughters. They were happy and contended even though, there were no male issues. The daughters were hale healthy, good looking, good at studies and passed degree examinations with distinction. The elder of the two secured a job in a leading software company in India. They built a beautiful mansion in a posh locality in the city. The father received a good package under the V.R.S. scheme of his employers. Their happiness had no bounds at all. Parents were conservative and orthodox and were trying for an arranged marriage for their eldest daughter. They wanted the daughter to pursue her studies abroad. The parents had built a castle in the air in this respect. Unrest sometimes is gradual and sometimes occupies us like bolt from the blues. One fine morning Guru called on the family and sought the hand of their daughter in marriage. It was disclosed that the daughter and he have love for one another. According to parents the boy was in no way match to their daughter. It would have resulted in a inter caste marriage. They were not for the marriage. But the daughter was keen on pursuing alliance. The parents brought all type of pressure on the daughter but to no avail. All their efforts to break the love affair were in vain. They never thought that their affectionate daughter would do like this. Guru and she tied a knot in a Sub-Registrar's office at Bangalore. They proved the fact that marriages are made in heaven. The parents are not ready to reconcile. The father had a mild heart attack even. Unrest prevails in the family.

We cannot imagine even when, how and from where unrest descends on a family. Why a child cries sometimes, it may be due to some unrest which it cannot express. It is left to parents to find out why it cries. Similarly parents should understand reasons behind unrest of other children too. Some of the reasons are so delicate that children cannot express openly to their parents. Some bear the unrest within them and do not give any clue whatsoever. Children behavior will not be normal. There are different ways of understanding children. Some of course exhibit signs through anger on silly matters etc. Similarly, a friend can understand that his or her friend has unrest even though he or she does not disclose by noticing behavioral changes. Psychology is a science which helps us to know and understand all aspects of human behavior. Why a man shouts sometimes, it may be due to some unrest within. Some through their writings give vent to their unrest. There are various ways and means by which unrest which is within comes to light. Death is said to be ultimate relief from all unrest. It is unrest that prompts human being to pray God. Why human beings take shelter under one or another religion? That is also to have relief from all unrest. Ultimate aim of life is to have relief from unrest.

A prevention is always better than a cure. Even with regard to an unrest, it is better to avoid it rather than being in it. That does not mean we should runaway from situations and avoid unrest. We should face situation in such a way that we should not give scope for unrest to spread. There are numerous ways by which unrest occupies us. But there are only a few ways by which we can avoid it and it is better to be thorough with them. Most important tool to control unrest is our mind which is the storehouse of our feelings like discontent, ambitions, sorrow ,happiness, jealousy, anger revenge etc., These feelings are there in every human being . The mix of these various feelings is different in different human beings. Lord Krishna says in Bhagvad Geetha to Arjuna, who is sthithaprajnya. Sthithaprajnya is one who considers happiness and sorrow alike, who considers gains and losses alike and one who considers successes and failures alike too. We should have such a mind set to be free from all unrest. Only a few people can attain such a state of mind and that is why unrest is wide spread in this world