Whether Gandhiji Would Be Born Again

This is a question which generally irks the minds of those who are ardent followers of Mahatma. It is their mindset frames answer to this question too. A discussion or debate “whether, Gandhiji would be born again or Gandhiji would not be born again” takes place among them. As a result, various views emerge in them.

Whether it was Sabrmathi ashram, whether it was Wardha, whether it was Birla Mandir, wherever Gandhiji was there that place used to buzz with activity. Bhajans used to rant the air. But now a days everywhere in those places there is lull only.They have become monuments. We feel acutely his absence . We wish Gandhiji were born again. It is our prayer. We believe that "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of".

Nothing is impossible at all in this world. Everything is possible in this world. Everybody in this world would like not only Gandhiji alone to be born again but also would like other great people to be born again too.Surely Gandhiji would be born again. Why even Godse too may take birth again. It is not Gandhiji like man born again it is Gandhiji only born again. Nobody can fill the vacuum that has been created by his departure other than Gandhiji himself. That is going to be a reality very soon. That is what would surely happen without fail at an appropriate moment.It is not optimism that is prompting me to reiterate in this fashion.There is nothing unusual in these statements.

Though rebirths are rare,they are not improbable.I am one who has belief in rebirth. Rebirth is an opportunity to fulfill whatever one has not achieved in their previous birth. It is also when one sets rights the wrongs that they had committed in their previous births. Gandhiji would be born again. It is faith that prompts one to come to conclusion in this manner. He would be born again. His was not a natural death. He certainly had many unfinished unattended tasks on his hand. He certainly had many more messages or thoughts in his mind which were not shared with anybody also. He had not carried out his mission wholly. He had yet to complete his task of wiping out tears from every eye . His many dreams remain just a dream. It is strongly believed and claimed by elders that one who has unfulfilled desires would take birth again. He was not afraid of Godse or anybody else. Soul has no death. It enters some other body and takes birth again. It is only body that gets destroyed on one’s demise. That is what Krishna has said in Bhagvad Gita. Birth and death are an every day affair. It is a fact that one who has died has to take a birth again. This fact can be proved even scientifically too. Of course, Gandhiji need not be born again at Porbunder in Gujarat. He may not be christened again as Gandhiji also. Every widowed mother in law expects her daughter in law to give birth to a male child. In case her wish materializes, she presumes that her husband has risen from the ashes. The child by and large bears the name of grandfather only.

As soon as a child comes out of mother's womb, it cries loudly. It is said , it cries to forget its previous birth. Rebirth is not uncommon.

What is Dashavatara. It is the ten most famous incarnations of Maha Vishnu- one of the Trimurti Gods of Hindus. Of course,some have belief in rebirths and some do not have belief in rebirth. The belief in rebirth forms a fundamental tenet of Buddhism. Krishna promises in Bhagvad Gita to take birth again and again whenever there is decline in values and ignorance and evil run riot on this earth. India needs Gandhiji again. Time to time great people are born on this earth. Their names are different. Their religions are different. In a nutshell, there is no difference at all in what everyone of them preached and practiced. They are remembered for their great deeds. Their ultimate motive was "Sarva Jano Sukhino Bhavantu". Life of Gandhiji and his teachings inspired Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Biko and Aung San Suu Kyi. Not only them Gandhiji inspires but also everyone. Gandhiji inspired the entire Indian nation to achieve independence from the British rule through non-violence. Even Obama present president of America draws a lot of inspiration from Gandhiji. Obama observes that but for the non-violent movement in India, America might not have seen the same non-violent movement for civil rights. Gandhian principles never fade away. Gandhian thoughts never die.

Unless it is a new school of thought, what is the use of Gandhiji being born again and again? Gandhian principles’ are prevailing already in this world. It is up to us to imbibe them into our day to day life. On the contrary, it is always better if social awareness grows more and more in this universe. No doubt presence of a great man is invaluable and inspires a society at any point of time. A movement cannot take place without a leader at all. A movement without a leader is like a ship without a captain. Gandhiji was a great crowd puller. Gandhi's sway over masses was always unassailable. He was India's iconic freedom fighter and legendary leader. Mahatma Gandhi showed to the world that truth or perseverance can be more lasting and effective than power flowing through the barrel of a gun.

Gandhiji is commonly known in India and across the world as Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma is a Sanskrit word. It means a great soul. Gandhiji is remembered for his service to humanity. His service to humanity include nationwide campaigns for the alleviation of poverty, for the liberation of women, for brotherhood amongst differing religions and ethnicities, for an end to untouchability and caste discrimination, and for the economic self-sufficiency of the nation. Above all he was instrumental in India getting freedom through a non violent means.With his simplicity and strong will power he conquered vast British Empire where even Sun was supposed to never set. Though Gandhiji was born in India, Gandhiji belongs to the entire humanity. He belongs to every nook and corner of the world and those who are seeking peace. It was a spirit that crossed mountains, rivers, trees and touched each and every heart. Bapu is hero not just to India, but to the world. Gandhiji is an inspiration not only to young or old but to all at all times. Gandhiji is a man for all seasons. Mahatma Gandhiji is revered in India as the Father of the Nation. He never aspired any position sacrificed everything & occupies everyone's heart. He was powerless but powerful.

No doubt India has become independent and there is no colonial rule now. Situation prevailing during life span of Mahatma Gandhi and that prevailing at present are quite different. People now and then are different. Thinking now and then is different. Tasks now and tasks then are not one and the same. Current situation prevailing across globe demands his birth again. Situation is apt. Situation is conducive to his birth again. Circumstances and situations are changed now. Situation in this world is so worst that some opine that even if Gandhiji takes birth two times, no improvement could be made. They feel that instead of his dream of wiping out tears from every eye becoming a reality, it has become a remote possibility. Situation has become so worse that it would make certainly tears roll down from Gandhiji cheeks. We find everywhere corruption, violence etc. Corruption has been growing alarmingly in India. India ranks one among the most corrupt countries in the world. Caste systems have not disappeared. In fact they are deep rooted. Votes are cast on caste basis. There are more bars than restaurants in the country. Prohibition could not be implemented successfully at all. One has started losing faith in the famous idiom “Truth always prevails”. Days are so bad that many members of parliament were caught accepting bribes for raising questions in parliament. Members of parliament were caught deporting human beings under fake passports. Indira Gandhi was murdered for the sake of Khalistan. Rajiv Gandhi was murdered by LTTE. The word Al-Qaeda sends shivers through ones body. Al-Qaeda were responsible for September 11th incidents which shook the whole world. Terrorism has spread all over the globe. Besides, naxalism has raised its ugly head too. When and where they will strike nobody can guess even. When matters are so worst would he like to be born again? There is totally a different scene now. People pray God that it is better if Gandhiji is soon born again. It is the need of hour. Even now people ardently believe that Gandhiji is doctor for all ills. Great people like Gandhiji always liked and accepted challenges. They would like to be born again and again.

Violence is increasing day by day in Kashmir and other places in India. There are numerous militant groups operating in and around Kashmir. Terrorism has spread all over the world. Last time when Gandhiji was born, he was not awarded Nobel Prize for peace. This is the apt time for him to take a birth and give an opportunity to Swedish people to honor him with Noble prize at least this time. Swedish people can make amends to the lapse that they committed to Mahatma Gandhiji last time. Noble prize without being awarded to Gandhiji has become a laughing stock in the minds of a common man. Gandhiji soul may be restless. Daily blood shed has been taking place in Kashmir, Iraq, Israel, Palestine and other places. Hundreds of innocent people are daily killed. September 11 cannot be forgotten by USA. Violence is not confined to a single place. It cannot be imagined where the bomb blasts would take place. Unrest fear has spread to every heart all over the world. Even in countries like Great Britain, America when people learn the presence of Al-Quaida they shiver. It is not known whether Osama Bin Laden is alive or dead. In Kashmir terrorism is deep rooted despite presence of army there for over five decades. No peaceful settlement is at sight. Only Gandhiji birth can solve Kashmir problem. Mohamed Ali Jinnah and Gandhiji were responsible for creation of two nations. Under these odd circumstances people wish Father of nation to come to birth again. It is who can solve Kashmir dispute. What is needed in this world is change of heart or transformation. What the people want in this universe is peaceful coexistence. No super power or nuclear power can bring normalcy in this world. People want a new leader who can bring harmony and who can drive away hatred from this globe. The new leader has to spread love and affection everywhere. Of course the new leader’s task is not an easy one. He has to kindle a ray of hope in every heart. None other than an eminent personality could attempt at this Herculean task. He has to be innovative. He has to devise new ways and means to change the atmosphere. Definitely, Mahatma would adopt a new strategy. A peaceful moral revolution only he could usher in.

It is more than five decades since India attained independence. Sway of Gandhiji over masses in India still remains unabated. Gandhiji was simplicity personified in hand woven fabric attire that was adequate to cover his body only. What he preached he practiced. It is he who turned complex life into simple. Now-a- days if one comes across a person who has no vices, who does not eat meat and is simple then he is nick named as "Gandhi". Gandhiji believed that where there is love there is life. It is Gandhi family that has been heading congress party as well as Governments in India almost uninterruptedly. Names of Indira Gandhi, and Rajiv Gandhi, have found place in Indian history. Sonia Gandhiji who was born in Italy is the president of Indian National Congress at present. She is the Chairperson of the ruling United Progressive Alliance in the Lok Sabha, and the leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party also.

Even to-day anybody who is simple and who has no vices is generally called Gandhi. Gandhiji’s name is synonymous with simplicity. Saint of Sabrmathi is remembered for his simple living and high thinking. He was an epitome of simplicity. His possessions were modest and included his steel-framed spectacles; a pair of sandals, a bowl, a plate and a pocket watch. He did not know what fear is. He feared nothing. He proved that strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Even at an advanced age he used to walk so fast that youths were put to shame. Still Gandhiji commands high esteem all over the globe. He is not a forgotten hero. He is a all time leader. Godse might have destroyed his body but his soul is alive. Gandhiji lives in every soul. Gandhiji is revered. Gandhiji name mesmerizes Indians. Wall of every institution in India is adored with a photograph of father of nation. Every foreign dignitary who visits India is invariably taken to Rajghat to pay homage to Gandhiji. More one reads and learns about Mahatma one would be more ardent follower of Gandhiji. They would like Gandhiji to be born again and again. Gandhigiri triumphs under any circumstance. Majority opine that nobody could fill in void created by his death better other than Gandhiji himself. According to them one may find at best one who resembles Gandhiji in appearance. Let Gandhiji be born again at the earliest. If Gandhiji is not born again and again at regular intervals , thre is every chance of he being forgotten. Gandhiji should be born again is a honest man's wish and prayer. It is a clarion call from people of the world which would not remain unanswered for a long time. Gandhiji's birth again would certainly invigorate humanity. Gandhiji would be born again.