A Darkness

Swami Vivekananda says "There is no such thing like darkness. Its actually the absence of light" . Darkness is everywhere. It's in every field. Of course, it may not have spread evenly all over. It's more in some places and less in some places. It has to be traced, understood and driven out. Darkness is visible sometimes and sometimes it's invisible or hidden. Without darkness a lamp is of no use.A lamp spreads light all around but has darkness under it .It is well said "Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."Humans are unable to distinguish color when either light or darkness predominate.One who sees light in darkness is really an enlightened man. One who shows way in darkness is really a God. It's impossible to anyone to remember all the darkness and brightness that they would come across in life .Brightness makes one forget darkness that they come across and similarly darkness makes one forget brightness that they come across also. Darkness and brightness are usually of different duration too.A man's attempts should be always to find light from darkness. It should never be darkness from light.Majority of prayers that a man offers to God are in order to get rid of darkness that he has. It's believed that based on good and sin that one might have committed in their previous birth there would be darkness or brightness in this birth.When everywhere there is light. It's heaven only

As evening approaches darkness becomes deeper and deeper. Darkness is part of every day.Often in it only heart beat increases and one wouldn't know what to do and what not to do.It is in it dogs bark not only more but also ominously too. Where to go and how to proceed in it wouldn't be known. It's in it one would in a dilemma whether they are on the right path or on the wrong path.Darkness is mostly full of suspense . It's usually believed that what happens in it wouldn't be either known or understood by any at all. It raises feelings of horror and terror in one and gives room to more negative thoughts than positive thoughts in them too. It's in it bacteria multiply rapidly.One seldom moves alone in it. It's in it one often needs company.

Light and darkness is a never ending war. It's a tug of war.There's a very close association between darkness, depression and light. During period leading to full moon day, mental depression decreases and during period leading to new moon day mental depression increases. There are people who love and who hate darkness in the world. One would remain in darkness if they don't put efforts and come out. Only when they come out of darkness they would come to know what's brightness and what's world. No one wants to remain in darkness for a long time as it's a kind of punishment. One who falls in water never remains in it they would try to swim across and reach the shore. Similarly, one in darkness never remains in it ,they try and emerge out of it. Coming out of darkness is often an adventure. Darkness teaches one not only to be careful but also it teaches one to be bold. But for darkness and brightness photography wouldn't have developed worldwide. Stars shine in darkness only. Sadness is nothing but darkness and happiness is nothing but brightness. This is unequivocally evident in the appearance of a happy man and in the appearance of a man in sorrow at any time.

When a leader dies it is darkness. When there is no leader it is darkness. Darkness is despair. God is the best leader. God has no death. God is light. He is not merely light but also He is guide. It doesn't matter one is in darkness they shouldn't shut their eyes. They should be alert. Darkness is mysterious.

Before rains sky would always be cloudy invariably and darkness would spread all over. Likewise, before anything good happens also there would be always darkness. Darkness often denotes disgrace and misery. One usually won't have a good opinion about it. A lot of things happen in it. What all would take place in it couldn't be said at all. It is absence of light. It's opposite to light. There is hardly any visibility in it. Nothing is usually clear in it.Those who do evil deeds only love it.One can hide better in it than anywhere else . It's a safe haven to treacherous people.Darkness and uncertainty go hand in glove.

Majority of heinous crimes and thefts that take place in this world take place in darkness.Similarly, majority of the conspiracies are too hatched in darkness of night only. Cities like Las Vegas, and Reno are more active in night time than in daytime . Illegal activities like gambling and prostitution etc are rampant in such cities. That's why though many despise darkness, some like it and to some darkness and brightness make no difference at all. They are one and the same to them.What one does at the time of darkness depends not only on an individual but also depends on several other factors. Sometimes one shouldn't light even a candle also in darkness for that may spell danger . It's better one simply keeps quiet at that time. Every darkness would be usually followed by brightness. It is always darkest before the dawn. Darkness and brightness propagate peaceful coexistence.

One forgets that only after darkness brightness emerges. It's better if brightness follows darkness. That would be richness coming after poverty and not poverty coming after richness. A light in the darkness is a hope only. Majority of people try to emerge out of darkness into brightness. How much happy one would be when they come across a ray of light in darkness. In other words, everyone tries to get themselves enlightened on all important matters . One would become aware of darkness in them when they come across enlightened and compare themselves with them. If darkness wasn't there there wouldn't have been a break at all to many activities. Only when darkness disappears enlightenment alights. Some get enlightened quickly and some take time to get enlightened.

Whether it's darkness or whether it's brightness, it doesn't matter to a child. It would be crying .Life won't be merely either darkness or brightness. It would be a mix of brightness as well as darkness. Otherwise, there would be no charm in a life.Life of some comprises of more of brightness and less of darkness and life of some comprises of more of darkness and less of brightness. Life doesn't comprise equally brightness and darkness. Motto of life is moving from darkness to brightness. There's no end to this task at all.

Darkness is calm and is an opportunity to anyone to take rest and relax. It is variable. It isn't constant or fixed. It could be converted. It's sometimes a blessing in disguise also. Many good things happen in it too. The carbon dioxide of life we imbibe during the day must be detoxed from us during sleep, or during a time of darkness . More than human beings animals like darkness. Animals can roam freely and fearlessly in darkness. Darkness is a word which has multiple meaning.

Many of the people who live in darkness don't know that they are in darkness. A blind cannot describe either darkness or brightness. Darkness can't drive away darkness .In fact, darkness intensifies darkness. Usually,a prayer to God by a man would be " God drift me away from darkness into light" Moving from darkness to light is always a success story. It is enlightenment. It is becoming wise.It's darkness that allows one to sleep. It's in it one dreams. Of course, they are dreamers in day time too in this world. A religion is one that shows the way to move out from darkness to light. It is in darkness a flame burns and shines. Similarly tiger burns bright in the forests of the night and Poet William Blake describes it very well in his poem " Tiger" The new moon is quite significant in Hindu calendar. People generally wait for new moon to start new works. Waxing period of moon is considered good for all good works.

The Darkness is an ageless power dating back beyond human history. It is useful at times. In times of war it protects many lives.Darkness is different to different people. There are various types of it also. It doesn't mean merely that there's no brightness. Ignorance or no knowledge is darkness too. Dark days means difficult times. They are crucial. Darkness as well as dark days teach one many lessons. One can't make rapid movements in them.They make one more vigilant and patient. One would learn to be careful with them. One has to keep their eyes open in them. It's better that certain matters be in darkness than coming to light and hurt someone . Similarly, if certain matters remain in darkness , they could be awful too.

A day is bifurcated into darkness and brightness. A month comprises of full moon day and new moon day. Life is a also not brightness through out. It contains darkness as well as brightness. Similarly, ignorance is darkness and knowledge is brightness.When half of world is in darkness, the other half is in brightness. Darkness and brightness always go hand in glove. Don't worry about darkness at any time.

Everywhere darkness and brightness do demarcation. They are two sides of a coin. Majority of times people know only brighter side of a person but don't know darker side of a person. Not only children are afraid of darkness but adults are also afraid of it. Life is a journey from darkness to light. It isn't easy to drive away it. One must learn to live in it.

Where all is darkness in this world ,when the darkness would appear,when it would disappear and what all it would cause ,it couldn't be said. Only a great poet can describe darkness. It is God's mysterious creation. It's awe inspiring. It is beautiful in its own way. It doesn't mean ugly .Color is not everything. Darkness is not permanent. It's only transitionary. A day follows every night. Every day sun sets and sunrises. Darkness and brightness follow each other. They are known as evil and good too. Darkness and brightness are in the eyes that see them. Darkness is synonymous with black. It's a bad omen. It indicates sorrow. Poverty may disappear from this world but not darkness permanently. Darkness is a more a hindrance than a help . It's an inconvenience mostly. It is in it works progress slowly. Plants don't grow well in it. Darkness is disliked by more people than liked. A good salesman only shows only darkness as well as brightness of their product. Majority of salesmen show only a little darkness and more brightness of their product.

Life comprises of darkness and brightness. Life cannot be without darkness. Darkness that befalls in life is different than the darkness one comes across every day due to movement of planets. One knows the timing of darkness that would be caused by planets but when darkness would be caused by life, it couldn't be predicted or said at all. It's usually a bolt from the blues. It cannot be explained fully. It's a darkness that sends shivers down the spine. One knows not what to do,where to go and what to do during that uncertainty. Deaths, financial losses, failures, and dreaded diseases etc. make life unbearable.

‘Life isn't just about darkness or light, rather it's about finding light within the darkness.’ A sane man always says "No matter if there's darkness outside let there be light inside"In life day by day the brightness must be on the rise and darkness must be on the decline.

Many things aren't shared in this world. Some keep many matters in darkness from others and some especially women can't keep anything in darkness too. Keeping anything in darkness depends more upon on attitude of individuals. More often ,it makes one feel uneasy also.If one keeps something in darkness and narrates it does n't give a true or a real picture. What's true by lamplight isn't always true. When one comes to know that something is kept in darkness from them, they either become sad or angry.Husband keeps many matters in darkness from his better half and wife keeps many matters in darkness from husband.

Some have the habit of keeping others in darkness . They don't share many matters with their friends also.One who speaks the truth and who doesn't keep others in darkness is frank and outspoken. One who lies not only keeps many matters in darkness but also spreads different versions. Bad news are usually kept more in darkness than good news. However, both good and bad news couldn't be kept in darkness for long at all. They are kept sometime in darkness purposefully. They are kept mostly in darkness either to surprise others or not to hurt others. In order to create curiosity also sometimes matters are kept in darkness.That information which lowers or affects the self respect or reputation of anyone has to be kept in darkness and not to be disclosed as far as possible. Darkness covers not merely that which is bad but also covers that which is good too .Wherever even if a little is in darkness, it is not complete. It's incomplete only.