Nobody saves us as God saves us.

In a bomb blast if one survives what it could be said ? In an accident if only one survives what it could be said ? If in a deadly disease if one survives what it could be said ? . Life prolongs because God saves us in difficult situations in it. In everyone's life God plays a major role. He plays the role of a saviour. An introspection reveals how many times how God saves us in our life. One by one breath taking situations pass in front of our eyes. God saves not only our life but also saves us in how many ways. He saves us from ignominy , being pauper and what not. Sometimes,we blame God for having saved us too. We feel otherwise our life would have ended & all our difficulties would have been over. Here is an instance from Sri Chinmoy Library. "How God saves us"

" One day Vinaya was driving me. First we went to Kennedy Airport, where I take exercise by walking inside one of the terminals. Afterwards in the car I said, “Today let us go this way.” We went a totally different way while coming back. Alas, in fifteen minutes, while we were still in the car, Vinaya heard on the radio that a plane had crashed in the place where we usually drive. How God saves us! The following day we went to see how much destruction had taken place.

If God wants to save us, nobody can put an end to our life. But if it is not God’s Will, if it is time for us to leave this world, then nobody will be there to save us. "

"God saves me " are sometimes miracle stories . Sometimes amazing stories. By & large are true stories too.

The instances in which God saves us double our awe, devotion and what not towards Him. Life won't be long , beautiful & successful unless God saves us in difficult situations.Nobody saves us as God saves us.In life in some cases it's He who only can save no one else.He saves us in one way or other.How He saves is always mystery.It would never be known beforehand at all.God saving us are always memories. God always saves us in time.Wherever one cannot set right a man who is on a wrong path what they usually exclaim is " God only can save him "It is not merely God saves we human beings but also God saves all animals , creatures & insects. It is well said " Anatho Devo Rakshita"

What all protection man needs, what all dangerous man could face, it couldn't be said at all. Life is a mystery. When what,& how will happen it is impossible for a man to know or predict. When none can save a man it is God only who could save a man.How many times without his knowledge also God saves a man it couldn't be said at all. God is always very kind.Where there wasn't even a semblance of hope ,where man hadn't even dreamt also God saves him.God not only saves those who do good but also saves those who do bad too.God thereby brings latter on the right path.However,intelligent a man may be he won't be able to make out many a time which is head or tail what are the dangers there etc at all. It is God who has to save him & lead him on the right way too. God saves everyone. Many times man needn't even pray or seek also God saves a man from dangers. Man sometimes realizes & sometimes man wouldn't even know how God saves him.God saving a man isn't a story its a reality. Nobody need tell that God saves a man. It is life experiences which make a man realize that God saves him.

When a man feels that God saves him he feels secure. He would have a sound sleep. More God saves a man more the bond between him and God tightens & brightens.More faith,respect & everything increase too.The very fact that God is there always to save generates in a man how much solace & strength. It enables man to undertake any task with confidence.

Not only when sick & when in danger man exclaims "God save me " Man on countless occasions in life exclaims " God save me" There is no loss but there is gain only in doing so. It is either not wrong or inferior if one exclaims " God save me " Who does not exclaim " God save me"? .There is no one who wouldn't cry out at one time or other "God save me" It is surrendering to God. Even non believers in God too exclaim " God save me" It is not merely when one is in dire straight but also whenever helpless man exclaims " God save me" This appeal,prayer has no rich, poor, class, creed or anything at all. A day often begins with prayer " God save me" It is belief of a man that if we are on the good path and do good God saves us under any circumstances . This is what parents often convey to their children too. What prayer a man often offers to God as soon as he gets up in the morning is " God save me". In any precarious moment where there is no other go as a matter of last resort often man cries out " God save me". It in fact works wonders too.

Many have a wavering mind. Such usually doubt whether God would save them or not. God always needs absolute faith. With negative thinking one cannot have absolute faith in God at all. The answers we seek never come when the mind is busy , they come when the mind is still.