Life is the Best Teacher

Life is not a straight line. It rarely runs as one wants it to run.It has twists and turns, ups & downs. It makes us dance to its tune. We cannot make it dance to our tune. Sometimes it makes us laugh and sometimes it makes us weep. It tames our ego. Sometimes, we are aware about what we learn from it and sometimes we are unaware about what we learn from it. Whenever we have anything against it,there is no other go than resorting to soliloquies or conveying it to our kith and kin. Life is a mystery. No one make understand life better than life itself. It's teaching methods are completely different. Sometimes important lessons it repeats just to impress and make us understand well. Life as a teacher imparts knowledge to conduct ourselves under different situations. However, it doesn't teach us everything ,it leaves us something to learn ourselves. It doesn't do spoon feeding. We have to be a true student. Life the teacher never rests. Life the teacher is on job from day one of life to penultimate day of life. We are students up to the last moment of life. Student -teacher relationship is the most sacred. One must look at life with all respect. Human life is sacred. Life doesn't charge any fees for its teachings. We cannot evaluate our gain from it's teachings .We need not go to school at all to learn many things .

In what what ways life would teach it can't be said. Whatever it teaches it is for our good only.It is undoubtedly the best teacher. It teaches us in the way a mom teaches her kid . It is an untiring teacher. At every turn, in every twist, it holds out a lesson. Is it because we are the typical, indifferent, happy-go-lucky students who forget the lesson the moment the class is over? Whether we like it or not, the teacher teaches us constantly. It does not assign us homework. Even if we remember whatever it taught us life would be far better. It is up to us whether we learn or not. Though, it takes so much pains a few people only appreciate it. Majority of people have complaints, grouse and grumble against it . A few people only enjoy it. Great people master life skills and become models to others and not teachers to everyone.

Teaching is an art. A capable teacher is one who knows the subjects very well and makes one understand even difficult lessons in simple and lucid manner. A teacher is an ultimate authority. Whether we can we find a better teacher than our life? Is it possible to guess or imagine the capabilities of life our teacher or know what it would teach us or what it would not? These are some of the questions that confront us at the outset. When we remember that it taught us so much, our respect for it doubles.Many matters we don't find answer anywhere it only provides answer . As a result obviously we would say that we would never find a better teacher than life and would add that universe is the best school. "One’s real education is in the 'University of Life'. Our experience with life leads us to this conclusion. Knowing the capabilities of our teacher is impossible. We cannot make out what it teaches and what it would not. One thing is sure that it would teach only what we deserve. It provides us all kind of knowledge through opportunities ,experiences and incidents. Every day is a new chapter and a new lesson. Life comprises of practical lessons only. Lessons taught by it always remain green in our memory. How many examinations it subjects us with. In short,more than anything else, it is life that educates us sufficiently. It would be foolish if we forget the lessons taught by life to us. If we don't learn and follow them we would be where we are. Life is a great teacher.More one learns more knowledgeable they would be. There's nothing much more important than knowledge.Once one thinks that they are learned. Their learning comes to an end.They forget that they are a student always in life. They forget that there is no end to learning limit is sky

Both teacher as well as student must always have enthusiasm for teaching to be effective and successful. A teacher always occupies an important position in one's life. The position of a teacher is like the one that parents occupy in their life. Nobody else can occupy that position which always commands respect but never demands respect. Next question that poses us is that are we following Shakespeare? Because Shakespeare had said that world is a theater and we are all actors. How many lessons we have been taught by life? Still we can learn but our task would not come to an end . It is not enough if we learn only we must emulate wherever we could.

Whether we are a dull herd or intelligent it does not matter to life. As time passes even a dull herd becomes an intelligent under its stewardship. The greatness of a teacher lies in transforming a dull herd into an intelligent. Though both intelligent and dull herds need a teacher, it is dull herd that needs more. Nobody can dispense off a teacher. There is a proverb that means education without a teacher is futile. Life is an untiring teacher. Teaching is its hobby. Its teaching is so good that it does not require any separate note or anything to recollect or remember. Everything gets stored in our mind and seldom or never drains out. We can learn a lot in this open school, which we can call as society, world, or universe more than what we learnt within four walls of a school, or a college.As scenes created by a great artist could not excel natural scenes similarly what we learn between four walls of schools &colleges would never exceed what we learn from life at any time . Besides, life teaches more effectively than books or school also.

Another special feature of this school is that we need not know how to read and write. Admission is not barred to any person. Every human being automatically gets enrolled in this school .Just like peril teaching a way out of it, the life teaches us how to face it. How many situations we have to face in our life? Every situation in our life teaches us altogether a different lesson. Tests, which we face in our life, are definitely more difficult and superior to our school and college examinations. Pupils are subjected to more tests in this school. No other school on this earth conducts as many tests as this school does. Here it is more or less practical training only. Of course theoretical lessons we come across via books and sermons of learned people. Though teacher is not visible, there is more invigilating. We do not know when the results of these tests would be announced. Sometimes they are announced during our lifetime and sometimes beyond it. Our academic qualifications may help us only to a little extent to pass these tests. Many of the successful persons are illiterate even. More tests we face successfully, more confident and more complacent we would be in life. Only a few among us share their knowledge and experience, they gained in this great school, whereas many do not share their knowledge and experience, which could be even more invaluable. That is why knowledge and deeds of only a few get recognition and others remain unsung heroes. Our field of study is entirely depends on us and left to us only. There is no hard and fast rule binding us.

Life is an unique teacher. Sometimes, we are abusive, teacher doesn't get angry or revengeful. However rude and undisciplined we may be, it sees that we discipline ourselves as time passes that too without inter acting with us. It neither uses cudgels nor resorts to verbal exchanges which an ordinary tutor generally does to discipline a pupil. Life manages everything cleverly. It is not bothered whether we are attentive or not to lessons. It is confident that we would make use of the lessons taught by it one day or other without any lapse or deviation. We are the maker of our destiny. There is no syllabus or time limit.Teacher looks upon everyone equally. No prejudice and discrimination whatsoever.There is no compulsion whatever in this school. Our study would be over on the day when we bid adieu to this world. Here no doubt destiny plays its part. It may cut short our studies. Destiny may strike at any stage of our studies and both life and we become helpless before destiny and not be able to perform our respective duties. We pay no fees for our studies in this school. Should we not be indebted to life our teacher for the opportunities, enjoyment provided and knowledge imparted? Of course, we might have put in efforts and underwent stress, strain, hardship turmoil, etc. That is all part of the game and for our benefit only.

Life shouldn't be a bed of roses at all otherwise we wouldn't know others difficulties. This is one of the lessons, which we learn from life. Every incident in our life is an opportunity to learn something. If we do not utilize it, if we do not remember or recollect what we learnt, it is our fault only. We cannot blame our teachers for our success or failure . We are responsible for them. Lessons taught by life couldn't be forgotten easily but there are people who forget them too. We should learn from our mistakes invariably. An opportunity lost never comes back again. Life does not make use of any book. It does not refer or recommend any book. Sometimes what it teaches may not be found in any of the books that we come across. Many of the lessons which life teaches one cannot be taught by anyone else also.

Life is innovative. It does not require either fame or a name. It takes its own time to teach us a lesson. Its method of teaching is quite different. In a classroom a teacher poses numerous questions to pupil in order to know whether the pupil has understood or learnt the lesson that has been taught very well. Whereas life poses us question rarely, instead it creates one after another problem to make us understand it fully. It is not easy to digest whatever it teaches. Sometimes it needs introspection, analysis, discussions, contemplation etc. Life allows us to make our own curriculum. We human might fail to teach a lesson to a person but life always succeeds in its attempt. It has a unique way of teaching, which it never reveals. It evolves and adopts entirely different methods, different strategy for everyone. Hence nobody could copy its technique or excel it in teaching. There is no differentiation like rich or poor. Everybody is equal. There is no partiality. There is no scope for faultfinding. There is always fair evaluation. Same yardstick is used to everybody .Our misdeeds are punished and good deeds are rewarded at the appropriate time. Coaching takes place during our entire lifetime. It is a restless work for our teacher. There is no holiday whatsoever in this school. There is no break at all. We are always kept engaged. Holiday is reserved only at the end of our life.It is for once and only once for all. Death is the ultimate test that one faces in their life.

Life may take us to any nook and corner of globe. It follows us wherever we go. It is our companion. It may expose us to various traditions and cultures too. Our teacher is more practical than theoretical. The course takes it own course. Life not only enriches our knowledge but also develops our personality. It imbibes good qualities in us and molds our character. It is the true education that we receive in its hand. It makes us adventurous and bold too. Circumstances, situations, incidents are created, just to teach us lessons. If we fail to understand the lesson identical or similar incidents, situations are once again repeated we would be made to realize the value of time. The credit for whatever that we could achieve or for our success should always go to our teacher also for it is who guides us always. It is the teacher who is behind all our successes and achievements. It is teacher who could always motivate and inspire one the most.

Life is always a partner in our progress. Just like any other teacher, it enjoys our progress. It is always proud of our achievements. We are superior to other living animals because of our knowledge that our teacher imparted to us. Without a teacher we cannot learn anything completely. Similarly, teacher also cannot be successful in their endeavor unless we too show keen interest and put in all our efforts and learn whatever that teacher teaches. Who taught us how to face difficulties, how to be happy, how to face a challenge or any other problem of us, the answer would be obviously life. Life has answers for all our queries however difficult they may be. It clears all our doubts. No other teacher has so much patience as life has. We should have patience too. Life takes its own time to answer our queries but definitely it answers them. Sometimes it is we who take time to understand or realize the answer or solution provided. Sometimes life answers our query indirectly. Sometimes leaves a hint only. It does whatever best it could do. Whatever great people like Mahatma Gandhi,Abraham Lincoln,Jesus Christ,Gautama Buddha,Mahavira or any other person achieved or said or done is nothing but what life taught them. It is their life that made them great. It is our mind that does all the inter action with this great teacher. What to believe what not to believe, who to believe and who not to believe everything it is the life only that teaches us. If at all wisdom dawns in anyone that is because of it only.

Lessons that life teaches influence and transform us. We are the product that life produces. After Kalinga war Emperor Asoka accepted Buddhism. It is nothing but a lesson taught by life to him. If we do not learn generally the blame goes to the teacher. In such cases the capacity of teacher is questioned. In this context, we have to blame ourselves.We should know how to draw inferences or conclusion and develop our understanding capacity. One can take a horse to the water but they cannot make it drink. Like any other teacher life stands before us and pats us whenever we do something good and takes us to task with a cudgel whenever we do something wrong. It performs its duty without any blemish. Life does not expect anything in return. It has no selfishness whatsoever. Our prosperity is its sole motto. A teacher is always one of the well-wishers of a student.We can take into confidence our teacher at any time. But we do not meet this teacher at any time and have a discourse. Everything takes place de facto or in absentia. There is no direct teacher-student interaction whatsoever . Yet, this teacher is our friend, philosopher and guide.

Life teaches us to follow right path always that contains truths and facts only. Sometimes we are not fully attentive and do not follow well what it teaches. Hence, twists and turns, and ups and downs. It never punishes anyone unnecessarily.Life influences our thinking. But it cannot change our thinking. We are independent in our thinking. Sometimes we err due to improper thinking and follow a wrong path.We do not follow the lessons taught. That is why ups and downs and twists and turns. They are punishment by the teacher. Hence, all the trouble, difficulties and sufferings . Either to day or tomorrow, we realize our mistakes or faults. We must pay for our mistakes or blunders. Until we set right everything, we face problems or difficulties. That is also a lesson that life teaches us. One cannot be perfect unless they commit mistakes. Can any other teacher handle such an infinite number of pupils that come and go so diligently and efficiently than what life do where everyone’s need is different and where everyone has to be taught in a different way? How nicely life curbs or silences one’s ego? Answers to all these questions make us realize that life is the best teacher. Sometimes, only we may find it difficult to understand, but make others understand is always difficult. Teacher has to make others understand. Hence, teacher’s job is one of the most difficult one. One of the best ways to please and express our gratitude to our teacher is sharing our knowledge and experience with the generation that follows .