
Loneliness is a feeling. Helplessness is a feeling. Insecurity is a feeling.There are occasions when one feels useless and that too is a feeling only. Every human being has feelings.Of course, they don't have the same quantum of feelings.Some have more feelings and some have less feelings. Desperation is one of the worst feelings that one could have. One could have strange to funny feelings. Animals too have feelings. Feelings are wheels of life.They always try to dominate a man. Scuffle between man and feelings is continuous one. A life without feelings is no life at all. Feelings make a life memorable.By and large, they emanate from the bottom of heart. They are sincere. They are to be respected. How much pains one takes to make others understand their feelings? How much desperate one would be when their feelings aren't understood?Feelings & emotions are more understood than stated in words.If one another understand their feelings mutually there would be amity. One comes across all types of feelings in their life . One may get wanted , unwanted , related, and unrelated feelings in their life.Those feelings can be either good or bad.They can be useful or useless also. They don't remain as they are but they vacillate. They change. Those who have similar feelings come closer to one another.With no reason no feeling arises in a person. The study of feelings is a science.

Those who understand what feelings are, can manage and control them better. Of course, an experience is always better to understand even feelings too than illustrations.But it's impossible to have experience in case of every feeling.At any time undue importance shouldn't be given to all the feelings.That doesn't mean , one should scuttle all the feelings. One has to identify and bifurcate feelings into important and unimportant feelings and one has to try to pacify all their important feelings without fail.

Feelings are powerful. They can't be measured. It's impossible to make out the quantum of them which is in a person. Feelings are more inside than they appear outside. They are capable of touching heart and soul.Whether one is young or old whether one is strong or weak, they don't spare anyone. They never mind being thrown out .They have the capacity of making a living very difficult to anyone. They can toss up or toss down a man. They can crush or blow up a man. They don't allow a man live complacently. They could trouble a man as negative thoughts do. They can make a life a heaven or a hell. Nothing attack a man more than their feelings. When beaten away also many feelings come back with greater vigor. They do and undo a man. What all one doesn't do to come out of feelings? One must have a strong mind and lion's heart to take the stream of feelings. Further, it is always better to keep oneself busy to avoid the intensity of feelings.

Sometimes, one does not express all the feelings that arise in them. Out of the feelings that have arisen only some are expressed and some feelings are hidden inside.Feelings that are hidden also do not remain inside long.They come out in one or another way. How they come out, we cannot imagine even. Sometimes they find expression through our actions and sometimes come out in the form of dreams. Feelings are storms within and it is always not easy to withstand or soothe them.What a relief one would have when they unburden their feelings that they only know. Their body and mind would be light on sharing of a feeling that they had with anybody. One feels very much relieved and relaxed once they empty their feelings. That is why we find some people weeping, laughing, talking in seclusion. That is nothing but giving vent to their feelings.There are various kinds of feelings. Some feelings come and go. They do not remain for long in a person whereas some feelings get deep rooted in the person.One should always have natural feelings.If there is dearth of them in the person means that something is wrong with that person. Similarly any kind of feelings in excess isn't good either for physical or mental health of a person. Excess of feelings build up pressure or stress. Feelings are to be tackled properly.Excessive stress may leave us feeling “tied up in knots.”Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease,obesity and diabetes.

As soon as one sees something, listens something, nerves send a message to their mind and instantaneously a realization takes plays in their mind. As a result one experiences pain, pleasure ,taste etc. This is what is called a feeling. It is an emotional state. It is a sentiment. Every situation creates a feeling in everybody. Same situation may create different feelings in different individuals. It need not create same feeling in all for the same situation affects some favorably whereas it affects others adversely. Further, it may not create any feeling in those who are accustomed to such a situation. Since feelings are within individuals, it is hard to understand one’s feelings. Some feel something but express something else. Some conceal their feelings. Some are only outspoken and frank. Such people only express what they feel. Life would have been sometimes easier to us if we could know what others feel. At the same time if others know what we feel, life might become difficult for us to lead . It is feelings thus create void or suspense. In this complexity lies the beauty of feelings and it reminds us of famous English poet Keats saying “ Heard melodies are sweet but those that are unheard sweeter.”

Feelings depend one’s mindset. Some are very sensitive; they brood over petty matters, think more, worry more and feel more.We are happy or unhappy because of feelings only. Some feelings are sweet and some are bitter. Sweet feelings everyone likes and is welcome always but it is not the case with bitter feelings. Feelings of normal persons are different and that of eccentric persons are different Thus, it is really difficult even to imagine which feeling haunts whom, when and why. Even a psychologist may find it a hard nut to crack. By closely following one’s behavior, one can understand what feeling might be there in them. One who feels deep is kind hearted and one who feels little is hard hearted. It's quantum of feelings that play a great role in mold of a man. Feelings control one's actions. More the feelings more one would be distracted. Feelings are part of a human's psychological responses.They can interrupt other processes, such as concentration. When one's concentration is interrupted,they may be unable to maintain attentiveness.

By and large, one’s behavior is nothing but reflection of their “feelings ”.We can make out from one's behavior whether they are happy, whether they are angry,or whether they liked us or not etc. In other words we can gauge one’s mood and understand them. It is all nothing but guessing. As any guessing may go wrong so also guessing of feelings too. Face is said to be mirror into mind. One should be good at face reading. It is developing an expertise. Experience teaches one what feeling one may have under a given situation in a man of particular mind set. Jealousy, anger, sex, violence,hatredness sorrow etc are feelings only. These feelings are bitter or harsh feelings. Sometimes are called bad feelings too. They may land one in trouble also. Generally,those with these bitter feelings are not only not complacent but also they are frustrated too. A man is not always full of bitter feelings only. A man could be said to have both bitter and sweet feelings. A good personality is one, which has proper mix of sweet, and bitter feelings .We can allow particular feelings to grow more or develop more in us. Similarly, we can try to evade certain feelings too. It is left to our sweet will. But certain feelings we have to bear whether we like them or not. They are inherent. There is no other feeling which is better than contentment."A feeling of contentment" is the ultimate feeling that one could have.

One who is jealous can't tolerate others thriving at all .Jealousy has no medicine at all. One who allows anger to rule over them we cannot imagine what all they would do to give vent to their feelings . Similarly those with excess of sexual feelings and violence are no better than animals. Ego is a bad feeling. One shouldn't allow it to develop in them. It ruins them one-day or another. If hatred towards any other individual once develops in us means it's really difficult to extricate ourselves from the same. Similarly any good or bad feeling once that's rooted in us it is very difficult to be rid of it. Circumstances, age, etc. create these feelings. Genes and food, which one eats, contribute to these feelings. Saints are said to have control over their feelings. After practice of yoga, and meditation etc only saints attain control over their feelings.

Those human beings who don't have any feelings are called rock or solids.Generally, a person who is dead has no feelings. A person who doesn't respond or care others feelings is considered inhuman unless circumstances warrant such a stance. A Human is one who understands and responds to others feelings. One must always respect each other's feelings. Control over feelings is an important aspect of human life. Control over feelings is quite essential to stay healthy and happy. Feelings are directly associated with thoughts. As such, to control feelings it's necessary to control the thoughts first. Normally, an insane has no control either over their thoughts or feelings.

There is no doubt in the fact that face is mirror into mind but it's eyes in a human face that reveal one‘s feeling more than anything else. Whether it is compassion, anger, love, lust or jealousy that could be seen in human eyes only.

What is mood? Mood is nothing but one’s feeling due to which one may feel angry lively, or depressed. Further, depression is a state of feeling sad .Whereas pretension is nothing but exhibition of feelings that are not really within a person. It is an acting. Love, affection, kindness, and sympathy,could be called as tender or soft feelings, or sweet feelings.These feelings are good feelings and generally associated with happiness. People who have more of these feelings are generally complacent. Some people have the habit of sharing their feelings with others. Those who do not share their feelings with others instead they conceal the feelings within themselves. These concealed feelings make round in them and they become mentally or otherwise sick. Certain feelings are to be shared with confidants; near and dear only otherwise instead of bringing in some solutions, it may create in problems. Thus while sharing feelings also we should use our discretion, common sense, and presence mind etc. We should not air our feelings with everyone.Especially women find it more difficult to keep feelings within thems. They become restless until they convey their feelings to others. In this context there is a small story. A woman who was incidentally king’s barber’s wife came to know that king’s ears are like that of a donkey through her husband and that is why he has been covering it with his turban. By keeping this within her, her belly started bulging. Ultimately, she went to a tree trunk and emptied her feelings. Unfortunately for her the tree was cut and a drum was made of it. The drum whenever beaten started announcing that king ‘s ears, is that of a donkey.The king became furious; he could realize that it's barber only.He ordered his hanging. Poor lady lost her husband. We should not kindle others feelings.

We should not hurt others feelings either knowingly or unknowingly in any way. This applies to animals also; we find that they do not trouble us in any way unless we wound their feelings. A serpent, a dog and most of the animals attack us generally when they are bewildered that too in their self-defense. Similarly those animals which cannot do anything in return, which are helpless, may be cursing the offender like subordinates whose feelings though hurt had to remain quiet in an office for obvious reasons. No doubt aggrieved eagerly wait for opportunities to avenge scuttled feelings. We should not insult or humiliate or do anything, which hurts others feeling. One may forget and forgive a person who hurts him or her physically after some time but not the person who hurts his or her feelings . Some like to have thrills or sensations, which are nothing but feelings. Such people like roller coaster rides, adventures etc. Some like to be in their own world to enjoy or to forget their worries or sorrows through artificial means like drugs, and drinks . But such means are only a temporary one. They do not last long. Once the intoxication disappears, one has to face the reality again. Pains, difficulties, sufferings whatever that they had earlier appear once again. In fact, they appear more forcefully than they were before. Feelings that emanate within us naturally are the only true and genuine feelings. Memory of a person normally comprises of feelings that they had during various occasions in their life. It does not matter whether the occasion or occasions are happy or sorrowful one.Of course, it is impossible for anyone to remember all the feelings that they come across in their life.

Whether it is a poem, an essay, story, novel, or any other write up it contains nothing but mostly feelings of respective authors. How they present it that shows their greatness . Shakespeare in his play “ Hamlet.” How nicely brings out his feeling about a woman.. Ultimately says, “ Frailty thy name is woman ”. A good writer always will be able to create feelings in turn in us too. That is why first soliloquy in Hamlet, which is given here below is always remembered.

“Frailty, thy name is woman! --

A little month, or ere those shoes were old

With which she followed my poor father's body,

Like Niobe, all tears: --why she, even she--

O, God! A beast, that wants discourse of reason,

Would have mourned longer--married with my uncle,

My father's brother, but no more like my father

Than I to Hercules: within a month:

Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears

Had left the flushing in her galled eyes,

She married.”

Does these words of Shakespeare do not create feelings in one? It melts any heart. Similarly Wordsworth in his poem “ Rainbow” creates feelings in us and makes us understands the realities of life.

“ Rainbow.”

My heart leaps up when I behold

A rainbow in the sky:

So was it when my life began;

So is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old,

Or let me die!

The Child is father of the Man;

I could wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety”

Throwing out feelings isn't easy. Sometimes one has to move heaven and earth to empty a feeling that has been deep rooted in them. Further, all feelings aren't transferable . Only certain feelings are transferable.Pen is mightier than sword. Karl Marx has transformed the feelings or mindset of millions through his writings. By oratory one can rouse one’s feelings. This is obvious from play “ Julius Caesar” where Anthony transforms everybody through his speech.

Thus life is full of feelings. Whether it is success or failure, death or birth, events create feelings. Sometimes we are overwhelmed with joy and sometimes with sorrow. There are a few in this world who are not overwhelmed either by happiness or sorrow. If one is depressed, they feel weak, good for nothing, useless, and helpless. What feelings a depressed person gets, they only know. Unable to bear feelings some depressed persons commit suicide. One needs fortitude,and forbearance to withhold the feelings that generate within them .

We come across innumerable plays written by playwrights. Each play consists of many characters. Success of enactment of a drama lies in the fact how best an actor understands and displays the feelings that the character supposed to bring out. In short has to exhibit all the feelings, nearer to reality. The actor or actress must become one with the character The actor or actress sometimes has to laugh, sometimes has to weep, sometimes has to display valor .Acting is a difficult task and needs all the talent whether it's in drama, movie, or on short screen.

Similarly singing too. A song studded with feeling will be most appealing. Prick of conscience is nothing but feeling of guilt. A person who has done an offence or erred and who is going to do something which is wrong again has to undergo a series of feelings. His hands tremble, heartbeat increases, pulse rate goes up and he perspires more than usual.Besides, he prostrates before God more number of times.However, a habitual offender may not have any feelings at all, it becomes a routine to him until and unless something extraordinary happens.

If one’s conscience doesn't permit to do an act, there's every likelihood of their getting pseudo feelings like headache,stomachache,and loose motions. Similarly,misunderstanding between one another may give rise to feelings like one not caring , neglecting, and making fun. Here, it may be noted that when one is friendly and when misunderstandings arises, the same actions of the same person evoke different feelings under the changed circumstances.

Confidence is a rare feeling by which one feels that they could do or achieve a particular thing. A few only possess or acquire it through success, experience, practice, recognition, position or power, support etc one has. Overconfidence is a feeling that one shouldn't have. Overconfidence is nothing but building castle in the air. Normally, success eludes a person with overconfidence. Frequent failures lead to loss of confidence. It necessitates confidence-building measures.

Life is strange. It's not true that only when one is dead one would have no feelings. There 's what's known as hardening of feelings. We say that hardening of feelings has taken place that is when, one does not get on that particular occasion the same feeling which they used to have previously on that occasion. The reason may be that they might have got accustomed to that situation. One can win others sympathy under false pretext once or twice but once others come to know that they have been cheated. Their feelings get hardened. Similarly, parents who may be having only a son, but if his behavior is intolerable, their feelings get hardened. These are only a few instances when feelings get hardened. There are other instances too when one's feelings get hardened. We must understand and respect others feelings and in any case we must not hurt anybody's feelings. Understanding and soothing others feelings is an art which a few people possess.