Thinking is very important in life

Everyone's intention in this world is to lead a better life.Life would be better if thinking is better.Thinking would be better if mind is healthy and positive thoughts emanate in it.It's thinking that leads one into either right or wrong path. Based on their thinking one goes up or down many times in life.Life depends on many factors and not merely on a few factors. All factors are interlinked.Each factor depends on the other too.Without thinking one can't understand many things in life at all.It's thinking makes one either popular or unpopular.It's it only often makes one either happy or unhappy too. Thinking in the right direction only can take one to the destination.Man must always try to be broad minded. His thinking must be as far as possible from all angles.

Wherever thinking is same there's harmony. Husband and wife get along incredibly well if they think alike.Two get along well if their thinking is same.Those whose thinking is same come closer and closer. Thinking makes all the calculations. If it's wrong everything goes wrong. With wrong thinking what can be achieved cannot be achieved at all.Thinking is very important in life. Man's thinking isn't confined to what he sees only it goes beyond also. It is thinking that takes one into imaginary world also.Why some consider their vehicle has only 3 wheels .No one considers their thinking is wrong until it proved wrong.

Walk walk one can walk only until legs get completely exhausted. But one can think and think and go anywhere.Thinking is the highest mental activity present in man.All human achievements and progress are simply the products of thought. The evolution of culture, art, literature, science and technology are all the results of thinking.

Thinking is a continuing process. It's nothing but chain of thoughts occupying the mind. There's no end to it at all. Only man has an intellect both gross and subtle . He has the power to think, to judge and discriminate between the pros and cons of any action before undertaking it.

Whether there's subject or no subject thinking proceeds in man.Living creatures fall under three broad categories namely plants, animals and human beings. The plant has only a body . It has no mind nor can it think . An animal has a body and a mind. It is guided by instinct ., by its basic nature. But, it cannot think like a man at all.

One can't remain without thinking something or other as long as they are alive.About everything one would have thinking. Thinking doesn't remain within one for a long time at all . What one is thinking makes round and round in mind. There's no bounds to thinking at all. It's that takes one into present,past and future.It's through it only one realizes or understands many things in life. Ideas emanate while thinking only.What to do and what not to do ? It 's thinking only answers.

How far thinking would expand ?It can't be said. It depends upon individual. It's thinking that depicts what a person one is. Thinking of broad minded person is different .Thinking of narrow minded or selfish person is different.Thinking of intelligent person is different . Thinking of dull herd is different .Thinking of rich man is different.Thinking of poor man is different . Thinking of happy man is different & thinking of depressed man is different.That's how world comprises of all kinds of people. One wouldn't usually have any doubt about thinking that they possess and they seldom feel that it's wrong too . In fact,they usually feel that thinking that they possess is right.

More one sees life & more one travels in world,more mature would be one's thinking.Thinking not only depends but also influenced by many factors. It's a necessary tool to do everything . Positive thinking generates positive feelings & negative thinking generates negative feelings . Of course, mere thinking by one is futile. One must not waste time merely thinking . One must not only think but also act too. All that one thinks won't be practicable.Some thinking of a man would be only practicable & some thinking of man wouldn't be practicable at all.

"Yes" and "no" are there for thinking too.Better one gives their thinking right direction and positive outlook. Always, a clear headed thinking is needed & there must be no confusion at all .Thinking must change with the time. One mustn't stick only to old thoughts. Sometimes,only thinking must be rigid and sometimes it must be flexible. Shakespeare says " There's nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so"

Thinking makes no sound. Whatever turmoil is there due to it, it's within a man. Thinking always goes on silently. What people would like to have in life is simple living and high thinking.Elders say think twice before doing anything.It's thinking that brings one success & makes one famous . It's that only which could bring failure and make one ill famous too.What man lacks many times in life is appropriate thinking suitable to a particular situation.Thinking is very important in life. It gives a mind work. Otherwise,mind would be idle and would be a devil's workshop . Improved thinking always yields an improved man.In life man spends more time thinking what's not wanted than what's wanted. In fact, man utilizes many times more energy for thinking than that he utilizes for physical movements in life.

Thinking appears easy but it isn't always easy at all. If thinking is good all goes on well. If it isn't good, all goes topsy turvy. What one does without thinking and what one does after thinking aren't one and the same.There's vast difference between them. What one does after thinking would be usually more accurate than what one does without thinking. Good thinking is always valuable. Quotes and sayings are good thinking only.One of the requisites of good thinking is good mental health.

Thinking depends upon many factors.It more than anything depends upon individual .Thinking depends knowledge and intelligence too. One cannot think about everything.Everyone wouldn't be thinking alike too. Thinking of some only would be alike.Those who think alike are friends. Hence the saying "Birds of same feather fly together. " Thinking no doubt produces wrinkles but gives solutions to many vexed problems of life. Better thinking better results.Why think tanks, committees,meetings and discussions? It's all to have better thinking only.

Thinking is necessary but not more thinking.More thinking instead of gains brings in losses .Thinking unnecessary is a waste of time, energy & fruitless.Thinking is a process it has to be always conducted properly.Man must have control over it . Sometimes a man has to follow it & sometimes it has to follow him too.Initially in life man follows others thinking.As experiences,ages matures adds his thinking in words,deeds & leaves imprint.