
Are discussions good or bad ,whether they are needed or not and how much they are needed are the questions that confront a man these days.

More than what discussions that mouths carry on human minds carry on more . Discussions are result of tussle between minds & mouths. They are food from mind to mouth & not food from mouth to mind. What matters under the sky that are not left discussed? Who doesn't discuss? Rich, poor, young ,old, educated , uneducated, men, women & all carry on discussions in the world .Some in bazaar,some in market, some in sandy, & some in cinema everywhere discussions go on . Everyone has their own topic of interest for discussion too.Discussion is a way of life.It's a process. It's a habit of some. Some don't rest until they discuss & get themselves completely clear in every way.It's often a make or break story. It depends upon how the relationship between parties is . Some opine that accepting anything sans discussion is blind acceptance.Discussing is a pastime or an addiction to some people.What a relief & contentment one would have when they have a discussion and get their mind emptied. When there's nobody to discuss and come to a decision. One knows not what to do.

Discussions are usually a debate on topic or topics. One comes across normally casual and serious discussions in life. Discussions could be long or short. How long they would proceed it couldn't be said. In fact, one won't be aware many times how time flies in them at all. They may go from morning to evening or even beyond without a break also.Prolonged discussions make one impatient or bored also.

Discussions have been taking place since time immemorial. The quality of discussions depends on class of people who carry on them. It's always better discussions are carried on in cordial & calm atmosphere by a minimum number of people. There would be always one or another purpose behind discussions that take place in the globe.Everybody isn't interested in every discussion. One would be normally interested only in discussions in which their interest is there. Famous discussions find place in great books. Bhagavad Gita is a great discussion between Sri Krishna & Sri Arjuna.

Discussions are sometimes success & sometimes a failure.Most of the time,reaching an agreement is the goal of a discussion . Discussions have contributed much to the progress in every field. They bring many minds & ideas together. They are always looked upon as hope for some positive outcome. They fetch one knowledge, experience & wisdom too.Until discussions are fully over their outcome is uncertain most of the times.

There's good & bad everywhere.There are good & bad even in discussions. Discussions depend upon mindset of people. When there's no other go only some come to a discussion. It does n't proceed always uniformly. How it would be, it couldn't be said. There could be heated arguments,quarrels ,verbal duels,or there could be hugs, laughter &shake hands in discussion . Some like discussions and some don't like them. Some feel that modern world is busy & time is precious and unnecessary discussions are to be avoided.Unnecessary discussions aren't discussions at all. It's chatting .It affects productivity.It is opined those who do not have better work to do engage in unnecessary discussions.

Any matter on the earth could be discussed.Nothing is barred from being discussed Discussions of any sort are supposed to help develop a better perspective on issues by bringing out diverse view points . Whenever we exchange differing views on an issue, we get a clearer picture of the problem and are able to understand it. The understanding makes us better equipped to deal with the problem. When how why and on what discussion would begin and end it couldn't be said. Sometimes they yield results & sometimes they don't yield results but end with discord. Some feel that they are a waste of time . Some say they are useful. Meetings are mostly for discussions on one matter or the other.

Discussion could be held between friends, foes or anybody else.We need nobody for a discussion sometimes also. Discussion can go on within self and come to a decision. Even languages are no bar to it. It's a good habit. It makes many matters clear.It's a tool to remove misunderstanding. It's a wise way of coming to a decision.It's an opportunity to learn many things . It's discussion often improves relationships & understanding .It enables one to know one another's mind.One needn't fight, any conflict could be resolved through discussions peacefully.Only when discussions don't yield any useful results, one resorts to other actions.

Discussions are mind boggling. It's better one has preparation before a discussion with others. One must have always in mind that others are also competent. One shouldn't enter into discussion unnecessarily with others at any time.Discussion isn't mere passing of time. It needs knowledge, intelligence, patience, interest, tact , seriousness, frankness & time. It is exchange of thoughts. It must be productive. It must yield as far as possible some results. It must be pursued only if there's hope of a good outcome.