An Unforgettable Incident.

No one man is like any other man in thoughts, words & deeds.Every one is unique and beautiful in their own way. Many things about our life we only know nobody else know. It's always better in life to forget all the bitter experiences as a bad dream to be happy.A man who wears khadi needn't be a Gandhi .It matters a little what man wears. Man may wear saffron. Saffron may represent sacrifice but one who wears saffron may not have the sacrificing nature at all. Man must change not his dress. His thinking and actions must change. What one needs always is inwardly change & not outwardly change. Change is reflected or noticed in man's attitude. One's life is a reflection of one's attitudes. Attitude determines happiness & purpose of one's life. It is the very gist of an individual's way of thinking . Environment in which one lives influences one's attitude also.

The interesting thing about an attitude and human beings is that it alters between each individual. Attitudes aren't alike.A man's attitude not only affects him but also it often affects others too.It makes some happy and some unhappy . Everyone has different attitude towards different matters. Attitudes influence behavior. Sharing with everyone and then having whatever a little that's left out is attitude of some people. Having everything whatever there to themselves only is attitude of some.Optimism pessimism & realism are attitudes only. Some think only about future. They aren't bothered about past at all. Some are concerned about past and future. Some aren't concerned either about past or future but are concerned about present only. These are different attitudes of different people only. Everyone is right in their own eyes.If everyone has same attitude there's no fun in life. With the right attitude only one can make life beautiful. One's attitude is as important as one's action.An attitude must be always good.It must be positive too. An attitude shouldn't be rigid always .It must be flexible wherever absolutely necessary.It's one's attitude that would be usually appreciated or criticized . Many times one won't be aware whether their attitude is right or wrong. The only difference Between a Good day and a Bad day is one's Attitude.Winston Churchill says "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference".

I had a friend by name Gudibande Ramachar.He was very popular in our Sahakar Nagar. He was in the nineties. Yet , his back was straight. He seldom used a walking stick. Of course, he couldn't avoid wrinkles & grey hair.He used to dress himself neatly.He was hale & healthy. At the declining age also he was astute & active. He was a follower of Late Morarji Desai. He was tall, lean jolly good fellow. He was never employed anywhere during his long life. He had lots of interest in music. He had won a number of awards for his contribution.

Ramachar was founder and president of Sahakaranagar Sangeetha Sahitya Sabha. He was president of Senior Citizen Association too.He was unassuming. He was friendly to everyone , whether they are old or young . He was always in search of talent. He was enthusiastic even at that old age. Enthusiasm wasn't at all dwindling in him. Every evening he was enabling many to gather in a vacant space near Police outpost at Sahakarnagar. They used to discuss all the matters under the sky and spend time happily. In order to keep everyone in good humor, Mr Ramachar used to serve chats to all who gather there. This he didn't desist even during his last days in life. Anything said about him would be less only.

He organized a number of music concerts for the people of Sahakarnagar during his lifetime. They were sometimes at Sneha Bhavan, sometimes at Ganesha Temple & sometimes at someone's residence. There was no permanent place to Sahakaranagar Sangeetha Sahitya Sabha. How much he used to toil. Right from choosing an artist, he used to do all the work connected with the holding of concert alone. When there were no adequate funds he was distributing the handwritten pamphlets to residents of Sahakar Nagar from door to door.

What he wasn't performing. It was all his one man show only. He was not only welcoming the artists and audience, but also garlanding and honoring them.He was the organizer as well as was the coordinator. No human being is permanent on this earth, everyone has to evacuate from it.After a brief illness, he passed away. We remember him even now. When one is amongst us, often we do not realize their worth, only when they leave us we realize their importance more.Whatever good that one does go nowhere it would be remembered along with them.

Gudibande Ramachar used to ask us always to share unforgettable incidents that we had come across in our life with him. His idea behind it was that if the unforgettable incidents of people are compiled in the form of a book that would be a marvelous book. Society consists of all types of people. There are diametrically opposite characters in society. We come across some people in society and we exclaim "A completely filled vessel never tilts." We come across other people in society and exclaim" Empty vessels make more sound." We come across ten faces of a mad mind in a society . An unforgettable incident didn't be adventurous and thrilling . It could be otherwise also. It needn't be either good or bad . It needn't be either favorable or unfavorable too. It's often a lesson.

A few days ago I was walking alone in Sahakarnagar. It was an evening time. I came across two of my laughing club mates on the road opposite to Sterling Apartments. One was Mr. Gangabairaiah and another was Mr. Vishwanath. Gangabairaiah was a retired bus conductor from K.S. R.T. C and Mr Vishwanath was a retired officer of Canara Bank.After exchanging of greetings , I shared an incident that took place at B.B. M.P. office Sahakarnagar with them. Garbage collection is one of the tasks of Corporations. B. B. M.P. levies tax to building owners in this regard. Of late ,all is not well with garbage collection at Bengaluru.

Garbage is not picked up due to strikes. There are piles of garbage here and there everywhere in the city. This problem has made headlines several times in newspapers and T.V. Channels. Hot discussions about it had taken place in state legislatures also. As a result it has drawn the attention of state government too. When I entered B. B. M.P. office, a discussion was going on between B. B, M. P. official and a retired central government official. B. B, M. P. official with due respect to age of retired central government official explained grave situation of garbage collection in city and promised action. The retired central government official was not satisfied. Some remain as they are rags to riches. Some forget the past that they were in rags . In fact, such people would have superiority complex. The particular person had superiority complex also. He wanted to disclose his designation. In fact, he informed B. B, M. P. official the high position that he held in central government. He questioned B. B. M. P. official whether it was the way to respond to him. Ultimately , B. B. M. P. official promised to make arrangements to lift garbage from his home.

After listening, to me coolly Gangabairaiah narrated an incident that he came across when he was a conductor in the bus that was plying from Bengaluru to Kukke Subramanya. The bus had covered all the distance between Bangalore and Hassan and was full of passengers. In fact, there were ten standing passengers in the bus.It was Hassan. Police approached him there with a judge and requested for a seat. Gangabairaiah explained them the situation . The judge was willing to travel in the busy bus, standing like any other citizen. He stood in the bus for some time too. In fact, he requested Gangabairaiah not to tell anyone that he is a judge. Gangabairaiah was very much impressed with the descent behavior of the judge . He vacated his conductor seat to him. At Kukke Subramanya also, the judge didn't want to get his identity disclosed. He rented a room with the help of Gangabairaiah like an ordinary man. He mingled with the crowd like any other devotee in the temple. Besides, he squatted on the floor and had food along with mass gathered there. It was an unforgettable incident to Gangabairaiah. This is an exceptional behavior which is rarely noticed nowadays when corruption & ego are spread all over.

It is a worth remembering incident to us too. It is a lesson to us in many respects. Here, too, we have to appreciate the attitude of learned judge.His simple living and high thinking is noteworthy. Judges normally do not have a social life. In fact, judging is the most isolating and lonely of callings.

There isn't merely silver there on this earth, there's gold too on this earth.The man isn't born with all that's good he has to imbibe himself with whatever good that he comes across in life too.