
It is always better one realizes and shares instead of others advising them "share share share " A voluntary sharing is magnanimity. A sharing must be a good model to everyone.There must be no motive whatsoever behind it. What 's shared is much more important than how much it's shared .Usually, whenever one shares something with others they feel unburdened and relaxed. All experiences no one would have. Experiences are to be always invariably shared between one another. Then only they would be useful.

Here is an excerpt of India’s famous freedom fighter Balgangadhar Tilak ' s life.When he was barely an eight year old child, one day Tilak was playing in his courtyard with his best friend. While playing the boys became hungry so he went inside the house to get something to eat. His mother gave him two pieces of sweets and instructed him to eat the bigger piece himself and give the smaller one to his friend. Tilak came out and gave the bigger piece to his friend and ate the smaller one himself. The mother was witnessing the whole incident from the window. She immediately called Tilak inside and scolded him for not obeying her. He innocently remarked,”Mother, I feel intense satisfaction and pleasure in sharing and giving others more than myself.”The mother became guilty and ashamed of her own intentions.

World consists of all types of people.Some don't share. Some think and share, Some don't think and share. There are others who are quite different . Without sharing quality no man is a complete man. A she buffalo may have immense milk in its breast, if it doesn't allow to milch, it is useless. This is true in case of humans also. A man without sharing quality becomes selfish and miserly.It is sharing that develops great qualities in a man.Even animals have sharing instinct.Moreover, more than any other quality a man is remembered more for sharing quality. Sharing makes one either popular or unpopular. It develops human relationship. Sharing blessings is what makes life worth living.

Sharing is not mere sympathizing . It must be in every way.The value of sharing must be imbibed in a person right from childhood.Those who don't know sharing will find the tough get going in life.What type of a man one is that could be made out from what they share and how much they share. There are people who do not share but want a big slice of the cake. Sharing in many respects an indicator. Sharing many a time quiet is essential but it's not always easy. It is not always compulsory also.It is not enough if something there to share, atmosphere around must also be good. Sharing of information helps a probe. Everyone doesn't have the same sharing instinct in the world. As such,there are instances when one has to snatch also. Sometimes more than anything else it's thoughts sharing that would be the most difficult. Some thoughts could not be shared with others at all. Under such circumstances, it is better to share everything with Him.

If something is shared during a life span only, it is of some use otherwise it is useless or a waste only. There is a saying that goes "which is shared is ours and that which is hidden belongs to other ." It is not known how many herbal medicines have been wasted without being shared. Always try to share more than what was shared to you. The world would not have definitely developed this much if thoughts were not shared by people from time to time.A man or a woman would have gone mad had they not been able to share their thoughts with someone. Why even a child gets frustrated if it couldn't share its thoughts. Time to time great incidents of sharing take place in this world.

How others can understand us unless we share our thoughts and deeds. Sharing is really many times an opportunity. It is a joyful process.Sharing is one of the finest constituent of human morals and values. Once we learn to share and become selfless then peace, unity, love and compassion shall become all pervasive.

A man is a social animal.He cannot stay without sharing. Sharing of individuals depends upon on their mindset .It varies from individual to individual It depends on qualities of individual.Experience which one may have other may not have at all. Experiences are priceless and if one share their experiences it is really remarkable. Experience sharing would help one or another in one way or another. Think of dining alone and also think of dining with somebody who is near and dear. In the latter case one would generally have the pleasure of sharing. Two hands, must come closer in order to share anything. In sharing one hand gives and the other hand receives. Sharing must not be either a mere formality or a mere give and take, it must serve a good purpose .

Sometimes it is pleasure to share and one willingly shares with others. Sometimes, though one doesn't want to share, they are compelled to share and they unwillingly share. Sharing willingly and unwillingly is not one and the same. There is so wide a gulf between sharing willingly and unwillingly. Wherever there is willingness to share there we notice enthusiasm.On the other hand, wherever it is mandatory sharing we notice absence of enthusiasm.

Sharing is a good habit. It is always better than wasting. The man who hide are hated but the man who share are always liked. Any sharing whether it is good or bad is memorable.How much we would feel when a close relative suddenly dies without sharing anything with us in an accident or otherwise. Only when a light is shared the darkness disappears. Life is an open book to one to share everything with others. More we share with others more others too share with us. Sharing is no going to anybody in a way it is a gain only to end up. It is seldom a sacrifice. At times,it is compensated also.

Only in a democracy one can share anything but not in a autocracy or in communism. Many times a human being would not have peace of mind and their conscience pricks. It is because they conceal and do not share even with their near and dear many matters. Sometimes, whether one likes or whether one dislikes one has to share. It's always better one shares whatever good that they come across and leave or ignore whatever bad they come across.There's process to sharing anything. If shared rightly,it's always better.Sharing is important. It is a cure also. It depends on circumstances and many factors.We come across it in every walk of life.It is not only the valuables can be shared ,anything can be shared. One who is frank shares more and one who is cunning usually shares less. Anybody sharing serious concern over something that is damaging taking place is very laudable. Oxen tied to a yoke share the burden of ploughing. Husbands and wives share the burden of running a family.

Sharing is no doubt a good desirable quality. But it has limitations. There are different kinds of sharing.A praise everyone wishes to share but only a few are ready to share the blame. Similarly, everyone is ready to share a success whereas a few are ready to share a failure. Those who share more than what they have would be in dire straights. Everything cannot be shared with others also. One normally does not share anything which affects their interest. Secrets are seldom shared. Similarly, personal or confidential matters are not shared by and large with others. No one normally shares insults which they would have in their lives with anyone too.Nobody shares anything with their enemy too.Sharing doesn't mean that all problems are solved .It doesn't solve always problems.In fact,many creates problems.

Sharing is a developed quality. Some have more of it and some have less of it. Everyone do not share equally. Degree of sharing varies from person to person. Those who don't have sharing quality are mostly selfish. It's better if one shares with others without any expectation. Usually, when one is self sufficient and have excess they share with others.Great people are those who not only share with others whatever they have but also they share the miseries of others. They share with others only their happiness and not sorrows or miseries.What does the quote 'Birds of a feather flock together 'mean? It means people with similar interests or shared characteristics group together. Intimacy, faith and trust are basics which are needed for any sharing. More the intimacy, more the faith and more the trust in a person more one shares with that person. Sharing and selfishness are diametrically opposite qualities.One who has sharing quality always looks around to find someone with whom they can share whereas one who is selfish is not bothered about anybody at all.

Mother Teresa,Mahatma Gandhi, Florence Nightingale, Nelson Mandela are great.Their greatness emanates from their sharing of miseries of others. Sharing of problems at home itself is an uphill task to an ordinary person. Sharing is a capacity. Great people look beyond the four walls of a house and share the problems of humanity. There lies their greatness. Certain things do not decrease when they are shared with others. Gautam Buddha rightly says "Thousand of candles can be lit by a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared". Similarly, a knowledge does not decrease when it is shared with others. In fact, it is love or affection that increases when shared with others. One who doesn't share anything with others is called a miser whereas one who shares everything with others is called generous. We find that people in the world who are either generous or miserly. In sharing there must not be any partiality.

What is that is more shared in this world is undoubtedly humor. One want not necessarily give or take anything to share humor. Of course, while sharing humor or anything due importance should be always given to time and place. When one has nothing to share and if they sympathize only how happy a man in distress would be. It gives the man in distress strength and comfort. It soothes him. He often recollects the instance more often. Sharing is a moral support. It is not a charity.Of course ,charity could be shared. If more people join a charity more needy people could be helped. Sharing need not be necessarily with equals and individuals only. It could be with a group or society too.It brings down individual burden whether it is expenses wise or energy wise. It is nothing but using or enjoying something jointly with others.It often results in contentment.

Young and old all can share. Of course, when we are young somebody should teach us. It is the duty of parents, teachers, and elders to imbibe this quality into a child. Otherwise, child may not learn habit of sharing. It may become selfish. In a daycare or at home this point should always be borne in mind. Sharing is very important through out life. When one has to share, what one has to share, when one should not share that everyone should know well. We should know with whom we should share and with whom we shouldn't. Sharing should be as far as possible mutual and not one sided. But in sharing one should never expect or wait other or others to join them. Sharing doesn't relate merely to materials. It relates to thoughts, ideas, and opinions . It develops intimacy.

One should not disclose to others what is shared with them. Nobody appreciates it. It is a breach of trust. It is a betrayal. It is always better if one makes use of their intelligence while sharing. Sharing is an art of living. It is not easy. One should be careful while sharing too. It is foolish to share anything with those who are unreliable. Sharing is not always enjoyable sometimes it is painful too. As we grow up experience teaches what we should share, what we should not share and how to share etc. Sharing improves knowledge. Sharing of responsibility is always quite essential for smooth conduct of a function or smooth function of an institution. Sharing improves relationship. One should not share secrets with others. One should always share one’s happiness with others. Everywhere there is sharing. Everything could be shared.It does not matter whether it is technology, whether it is a dream and what not.Talent can be shared. Skills can be shared. Information can be shared too.Even goodwill is shared. Any right can be shared. Sharing of patents, copyrights take place. Whenever knowledge is shared often it increases and never decreases.

Life cannot be run without sharing. Whether it is food, space, clothes, wealth or anything is to be shared with others at one time or other in life. Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly. How fast a work could be finished if it is shared by many people. Success stories are to be shared. They may help others also to succeed in life. Unless one shares their difficulties with others how other can come to know of them. Sharing is part and parcel of life. If we do not understand and share others difficulties and do not contribute our might, we are not human. Sharing is sometimes duty bound. A husband and a wife are duty bound to share happiness and sorrows together. Similarly,children are duty bound to share the burden of their parents.These days talented people are more and competition is so much that even prizes moneys are quite often shared. Sharing has spread in all fields.It has advantages as well as disadvantages. Even banks share their lending and form what is known as consortium. Similarly joint venture which is a business undertaken by two or more individuals or companies in an effort to share risk and use differences in expertise.Sharing is one of the ways to elicit co-operation and reducing competition. It is not always free. Sometimes a price has to be paid for sharing.

" The best way to lighten a burden is to share the weight." When we share our sorrows with others, definitely the grief declines. When we share our anger with somebody, it too declines. Even a pain could be forgotten while sharing our feelings with others.However elders say that one must share only their happiness with others and not share their sorrows with others at all. Hence the quote " when you laugh the world laughs with you and when you cry you cry alone " When there is nobody to share,we can share with the empty wall what we feel. It gives a lot of relief. When we share and eat with others what a happiness we would have than eating alone. We come closer. We have the satisfaction. We see happiness in other eyes too. Similarly when we provide somebody space to live in and clothes to wear what a satisfaction we would have. On the contrary if we are have-nots if we receive the same from somebody whether known or unknown how much grateful we would be. It is always better to share with the have -nots than to share with the haves.

What is partnership? It is a legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses. Where is friendship if we do not share happiness and woes of a friend ? A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Opinions, ideas, and feelings everything could be shared. One by one let us go through each one of them .Opinion is one's views or what one thinks about, what impression one had. It is one’s thoughts, judgment, or belief too.One can share one’s opinion with others but that should not in anyway cause trouble or harm to them at a later date. Various aspects like nature of person with whom opinion is going to be shared, secrecy, and importance of matter etc are to be looked into before sharing an opinion. .without looking into pros and cons one should never share one’s opinion with others. Confidential opinions about borrower accounts are shared between banks. They are very important. They are to be carefully worded always for based on them credit decisions are taken by the institution which receives them. They should contain facts only. A doctor should be tactful while sharing their opinion about a patient especially when the chances of survival are less.

All ideas cannot be shared with others. Some ideas are always kept as secrets. Some ideas could be shared with relatives and friends. Nobody give even clues of ideas they have to their enemies and, rivals. Marketing and manufacturing need new new ideas.Ideas are not a commodity.Yet, sometimes it is sold and there are people who purchase them too especially in marketing and manufacturing. Business or trade ideas are known as trade secrets and are not generally shared.

Feelings need always an outlet . Those who keep the feelings within themselves without giving vent to them in one or another way undergo turmoil or become sometimes mad even .When we could not share our feelings with dear and near, we become restless, life seems to be monotonous. People suffering from mental depression would be more depressed .Sharing of feelings with others brings one much needed relief. Sometimes it helps one find solution to their problem, helps to get rid of difference of opinion, misunderstanding discord etc. Mutual sharing of feelings develops relationship and intimacy.But all feelings could not be and should not be expressed or shared. Our feelings are generally purely personal and confidential and should be shared with confident only that too discreetly. We should never share our feelings with Tom, Dick and Harry. In that case it may create more problems to us than any solution even if temporarily it gives some solace. We may become a laughing stock even. It is said that we should share our feelings with our equals only. There are feelings, which should not be shared with others at all. Due care should be taken while sharing feelings with others. Sharing of a feeling is not that easy, it is an uphill task and we should be very diplomatic in this regard.

Sharing of truth is not easy. Sometimes truth is bitter. One should have courage to face the truth. Whenever somebody dies, whenever dissolution of firm takes place, whenever partitions of joint families take place, sharing of properties or wealth takes place. That should be to the satisfaction of all concerned otherwise that give rise to disputes, animosity etc. Similarly sharing of water from canals, rivers, etc by the concerned is a sensitive issue. They too should be to the satisfaction of all concerned.

Wherever there is risk, it is always better if it is shared by as many as possible instead of a few bearing it. In coalition politics while fighting an election seat sharing among the coalition partners takes place.Sharing of power is common in politics now-a-days. Here it is better to remember what Sir Winston Churchill had said once about capitalism and socialism. He said “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”

One of the ways to decrease our worries is sharing them with our intimates. A friend in need is a friend indeed.They render whatever help could do on their part and lend moral support too. More than anything else it gives a lot of mental relief. It is not enough if one shares others happiness, they must share others sorrows too invariably.

Nobody is prepared to share our sins. Even our near and dear are not prepared to share our sins. That is what the story of great saint Valmiki in Epic Ramayana tells. One shares everything with this world either knowingly or unknowingly through writing and deeds. Nothing could be kept secret. Whatever good or bad, events that take place in this world everybody whether one is rich or poor has to face and share the good or bad consequences.There is no escape. Sharing is very important. Even organs are shared and lives are saved. In sharing one should know what they should share and what they should not and how much and with whom they have to share otherwise they may come into trouble. One cannot share everything with everybody. Sharing couldn't be done according to whims and fancies. There are "yes or nos "even for sharing. Sharing is a tact.