Nature of a man.

Nature of a man is an open book. No secrets whatsoever in it. One can hide anything but not their nature at all. Nothing discloses true colors of a man better than his nature.However, it isn't easy to understand it. It's fundamental qualities of a person.It isn't uniform. It consists of good & bad. No man is completely either good or bad too.Nature of a man is part & parcel of him. It's an integral part of him. It's always important. It must be always proper. His nature could be either an asset or could be a liability to him in life. A man is usually judged by his nature. One of the goals of a man is to modify & have rein over his nature. Nature of man plays vital part wherever he may be.What all a good nature would earn a man it couldn't be said at all . It would certainly bring him at least honor & respect .A man is usually liked or disliked for his nature only. What is remembered more when a man is no more is his nature.Perfection is a rare phenomenon. This is true in case of nature of man too . There is lot to learn from nature of a person & nature of another person also.There are different factors like education & upbringing that mold nature of a man . Similarities in nature is key to marriage alliances in world. Where there is same thinking there is same nature.

Behavior, talk & deeds unfold what one's nature is. According to Buddhism changeability is one of the perennial principles of nature.Nature of a man when he is young & old would n't be same. As he grows older his nature turns better & better. There is a saying that " Birds of the same feather flock together " Similarly, it is believed that people of same nature become friends.In his every movement a man leaves trail of his nature unfailingly in one way or other & it could be easily identified as his also.Animals adjust themselves to nature around them. A man must also adjust his nature to society around him to live peacefully & happily. Many aren't aware what their nature is .They aren't aware that their nature is odd too. When their nature changes also they would't be aware also.Of course, their nature wouldn't change like seasons winter, spring , autumn & summer periodically. It isn't enough if a man tries to improve his hand writing by copy writing but also a man has to try to improve his nature no matter which great man he copies.If we know ourselves , we would know our nature also.

Shakespeare says "appearances are deceptive". Man's nature is also deceptive. It is difficult to understand what it is. It has good & bad aspects. It seldom remains the same. That why Shakespeare also says " A man may smile & smile yet be a villain. Brutus who was a friend of Julius Caesar. He stabs him & Caesar exclaims " You too Brutus " Man's nature is subject to influence. It does not remain same at all. Sometimes it becomes good & sometimes it becomes bad. A man is often liked for his nature rather than for his physical appearance. Good nature of a man is generally compared to precious metal.Though we are all human beings, nature of everyone of us is not the same.In world we come across nature of sister & sister is different. Nature of a brother & a brother is different. It couldn't be said that nature is completely hereditary.

Nature of a man could be understood only if it is studied. It could not be understood overnight. It usually takes time. Without dealing with individuals it could not be fully understood at all. Once you know the nature of a person , it is easy to deal with him. We would know what all he would do or how his mind works. Imitating is nature of monkeys. It is nature of a man too. Only difference is a man uses his IQ & imitates where necessary only.

It's rather easy to paint a scenery but it isn't easy to illustrate rosy & darker parts of nature of a man.Nature of a man is a volume.It isn't merely mild but it is also harsh too. What it doesn't consists of ? It consists of love, affection,sympathy, anger & brutality etc. Of course, not everything is in everybody.It comprises of kindness, forgiveness, forgetfulness, rudeness , blindness , selfishness ,selflessness & what not. Quarreling is nature of some people. Friendliness is nature of some people.Hard working is nature of some people,laziness is nature of some people.Helping others is nature of some people.Some people have the nature of abusing others. Some have the habit of finding fault in others. Gratefulness is nature of some people & ungratefulness is nature of some people. Some are cool, some are serious & some hot natured. It is all because of various kind of nature that men have. That is why the idiom "The ten faces of a mad mind " is in vogue in the world.

Where what one likes reveals what their nature is. We need no separate mirror to look into their nature.Finding fault is nature of some people. Finding good in others is nature of some people. What all nature of people are there in the world, it couldn't be imagined too. Why is it so ? Though people aren't alike in their appearance at least why they aren't alike in nature.Though we are all human beings, nature of everyone of us isn't the same. A man is product of his life. Life of everyone isn't the same picture. It isn't the same story. Whether good or bad it's human life . It's precious. It isn't uniform. It varies from man to man in many respects though everyone is a human being. He isn't you. You aren't him. Of course, there are some similarities between life of one another. Life molds every man. One who leads hard life would be for all waters and would be ready to face any weather . Whereas one who is born with a silver spoon always wants a bed of roses.Why one is a saint to- day.Why one is a rebel to- day.Why one is a thief to -day. Is it not because of life that they faced? Best nutritious food, good weather & workouts & the product is an healthy man. Life imbibes nature into man. Life develops nature of a man . Interest of a man would be vested according to his nature. One becomes an engineer, doctor, saint, teacher or politician as per their nature only . It is his nature that directs a man to where his interest is.

A rock also doesn't remain as it is. Rain wind , thunder , lightening ,summer, winter & all impound it. It develops cracks. Similarly, nature of a man too is subjected to upheavals of life. It wouldn't remain as it is. It gets molded. Everywhere there is good & bad roads. Wind blows from all sides in life.Both roads beacon a man. Through which road a man traverses is always very important. It is nature of a man that always chooses the road.Where what has to be done & what has not to be done that nature of a man only decides. Decisions are governed by nature of a man.

Nature of a man could be either his strength or his weakness.In a situation feelings that arise in a man whether it is joy , sorrow , anger or anything it is according to his nature only.Nature of a man would remain as it is if it is left as it is.Whatever may be the nature of a person, it could be changed with determination & efforts.Nothing is impossible. Even change of nature is possible. Of course, only some become successful in bringing about changes.

A child is innocence personified. Every man is basically good natured. What all would bring about changes in his nature it couldn't be said at all . It is said circumstances bring about changes in nature of a man. That's why it is said a man is circumstances made. If a man transgresses his nature for any reason, it pricks his conscious. Generally, transgression of his nature does not yield good results also.

One can enjoy their life provided their nature is good.With bad nature one can enjoy their life only temporarily. Usually good natured & bad natured people don't mingle at all.They don't like one another's company also.In the midst of bad people a good natured person is rare. If he is there he shines like a gem there . Where nature of one couldn't be changed with repeated advice & guidance the person's nature used to be compared to dog's tail which is curved especially either by parents or teachers.