A Man & talent.

World wants talent. Talent wants world.Whatever talent that is found is always insufficient for the development of world. Search for talent has been going on this earth since time immemorial. It would continue until sun & moon are there. Old order changeth yielding place to new. Hence,demand for new new talents is on the increase also. In fact, McKinsey has written a book " The war for Talent".Without talent nothing appreciable could be achieved. Talent is an indispensable tool.American company Amazon considers present era as " Talent Era. Achieving a high return on talent." Further it says " Talent is the true engine of the next economy. Talented people aren't simply ''knowledge workers''; they're free agents, capable of bringing enormous value to the organizations they are part of. Organizations that want to maximize the value of talent need to act in radically new ways." What majority of parents usually pray to God is " God bless us with talented & good natured children. "

Often one who has talent would not be aware that they have it. Talented people are strange people. Besides, majority of them love solitude also . There is a saying which says " It is not known which snake is in which pothole." Similarly it is known which talent is hidden in whom.That is why talent has to be spotted.Talent has no cast creed or anything . It may be in rich or poor. It may be in a man or a woman. Wherever the talent may be with whomsoever it may be it should be watered & allowed to grow. Anything good with anybody should always be appreciated & encouraged. Elders say " Whomsoever may possess anything good nobody should be jealous of them"Talent doesn't go in search of a man. It is a man who must always go in search of it. In this context it is better to remember the saying " The mountain cannot come to Abdulla . Abdulla must come to the mountain." One can be robbed of anything but cannot be robbed of talent. Talent is unsnatchable treasure.What is often required for a life to run smoothly without any hurdles is talent.Talent is one that wins the praise from not only friends but also it wins praise from enemy & rivals too.

Talent enables one to master & complete a task quicker & faster. It isn't merely in sports & games it dominates & galore but also in every walk of life & in every field it dominates & galore.Usually,where there's talent there creativity too prevails.

Doing easily what others find difficult is talent . It is a gift. It is skill. Talent cannot hide anywhere. It comes to light in one or other way. It is amazing . It should never go a waste. One who recognizes it deserves praise too. It is a service to humanity. Don't think you have no talent. Find one who has talent. Encourage one who has talent. Finding & encouraging talent in others is also a talent. If he is not recognised a man feels but he feels more if his talent isn't recognised.Talent is required not only in one field but also it is required in every field.Talent is not confined to one field but it is spread over every field. One may have talent in one field and may not have it in other fields . There are people who have it in many fields too.Initially talent with anyone would be budding talent. Man would be always proud of his talent.

Talents are reflected in works. They are capable of making one surprised & speechless. Talented need not be handsome. Our beloved late A. P. J Abdul Kalam is known by his work not by his beauty.There's a lot of distinction between work done by talented and work done by untalented. All matters between the two are equal. It is talent that makes the difference between them.

It is lack of talent that often leads to failure many a times.Those who are not talented always find one or another fault . One who cannot dance well & who has no talents usually remarks that the stage is uneven.Brain drain is nothing but flight of talent .Where there is talent there usually other qualities would be found too. Of course, other qualities may include either good or bad qualities also.Tragedy in world is talent going unnoticed or going unrecognised. Talent should be used where it should be used & when it should be used for a good purpose or purposes only. It should not be used everywhere according to whims and fancies at all. Right people should be in the right jobs, at the right location, at the right price, at the right time. Talent alone couldn't do wonders. Where there is no talent, one has to make use of an axe for anything that could be removed with a nail. In other words,one makes a mountain out of a molehill. With talent everything could be done with ease. That is why everyone appreciates talent.What that first comes to praise when a task is completed quickly & elegantly is often talent.

Life is competitive . It is tussle between a talent & talents. It makes the life busy and the result is always better.Even though success in life is clearly determined by both drive and natural talent. Natural talent has the bigger impact towards having success in life. Without natural talent , it is hard to have success in life and have a successful life. In order to succeed what is always most essential is natural talent.

A man must know what is his talent .It is not only for a success a talent is needed. Everything in life needs talent .It must be preserved & looked after like a child. It should not be allowed to be a spoilt child at all. Talent is a rare gift. In talents also, there are good talents & bad talents. Pickpocketing, lying and stealing are bad talents.There is possibility one misutilizing talent of another also.

Talent isn't either constant or stagnant. It doesn't remain as it is or where it is at all. It can improve or deteriorate. More one makes use of their talent more it improves. Less one uses their talent , it gets blunted. Talent doesn't remain at a place too. It makes movement also. Usually, opportunities,competitions & coaching or training improve it. Any competition between talented is always interesting to watch. It is treat to watch. It is heart throbbing . It is keen. It is always for the better.

Talent is usually recognized through promotion,higher emoluments etc. Recognition of talent motivates man.Talent needs enthusiasm and interest always to develop. Due to corruption and other unfair practices talent crisis has been escalating and spreading world over. No right man is at right job at many places.One cannot perform a job perfectly without talent . Practice alone cannot make one perfect. That is why flight of talent is there . It is brain drain. World is strange. It encourages talent on one side. It allows talent to rot on the other hand.

Talent where it is hidden it is not known.It is not enough one has talent. They have to take pains & utilise it to the brim. Otherwise it drains away. It is an artist who conveys some ideas even with two lines. He draws two lines in such a way that they convey some message.They look beautiful.They attract.They are feast to eyes.They please even a lay man as well as a connoisseur. Art not only pleases others but also pleases the artist himself. An art has in it feelings of the artist engraved . It evokes feelings in others. Famous poet Keats says " A thing of beauty is joy for ever