
Here I am not discussing not about the change that we get when we exchange a higher denomination note into a lower denomination note. Here , I am concerned about changes that take place in this universe. Change is becoming different through alteration, modification, transformation, or conversion. Question is which are not subject to a change in this world. Alfred Tennyson, in his poem titled "The passing of Arthur" says "The old order changeth, yielding place to new” Because of change, we cry "what it was what it is now"

Why births and deaths take place? Is it for a change of mankind? How many types of changes we come across apart from natural and unnatural changes. What brings in changes in an individual? Whether changes can be brought in every individual? How changes can be brought in an individual? I face such questions whenever I think of "A Change ". Primarily there are three ways and means of bringing about a change in an individual. They are persuasion, tactics, and coercion. Change of color, change of character, change of behavior, and what not we find in this world. Changes are brought out in buildings through alterations, demolitions and reconstructions. Plastic surgery enables one to change his or her appearance even. A small change to total transformation we come across in this world. Of course total transformation is a rare phenomenon but not an impossible one. Sometimes it also takes place too. The two most impossible things to change are the time one is born and inevitability of theirbdemise. In any given lifetime, death is only the final change: moving again from a state of physical being into a state of non-physical being.

Change is not confined merely to human beings. Change is the law of universe. Change is a shark in the ocean. Change never stops, never sleeps: it must always keep moving. Change is spread over almost every element or creature in this world. Of course, change is always not imminent. When and how a change would take place, it is impossible to predict always also. It is impossible to change everything because everything is not subject to a change in this world. Some and something are only subject to a change and rest are not subject to a change at all. It is said that qualities one acquires at the time of their birth, never leave them. Those qualities in one can never be changed also. Sometimes only changes are automatic or natural. By and large efforts are needed to bring in changes. Efforts needed to bring in changes are not always uniform too. We find that sometimes more efforts are needed to bring in changes and sometimes less effort is needed to bring in changes. As such, how long it would take a change to take place we cannot say also. Similarly, how long a change would last also we cannot say too. However, we find that time that every change takes to take place is not same. Similarly every change does not last for same duration. A change is a different situation. A change is a different scene that normally creates a new environment that refreshes or rejuvenates anybody. Changes may lead to changes. If anticipated change does not take place one gets disappointed or disgusted depending upon their expectations. A change kindles one’s feelings in one way or other. Change should have an affect. Sometimes it is an alarm. Sometimes it is a surprise. Sometimes it is happiness and sometimes it is a sorrow. Sometimes it is a hope and sometimes it is a despair. Changes are unforgettable. A change is something special. Every change is an experience. A change can be an experiment also. A change can be felt.

A change need not be always a permanent affair. Sometimes only it is a permanent affair and sometimes it is a temporary one. It is not always easy to understand or realize a change. A change is many times a necessity. Many would have gone mad if there was no change. It is a change that many times brings in solace. It is with a change either hopes increase or decrease. A change is the law of life. Can anyone remain without change of clothes? If, we don't change, we don't grow. A change is the spice of life. Many times a change is a solution to many of our problems. A change often demands or needs adaptability. One has to learn to reconcile to changes that they come across otherwise one may come across unnecessarily problems. A change would affect one or another. How it would affect one it is difficult to predict also. It would impact some more and some less. Seldom has a change affected everyone equally. How it would affect one depends on various factors. It depends upon an individual too. Changes are sometimes favorable to everybody and sometimes changes are not favorable to anybody at all. A favorable change generally pleases anyone whereas an unfavorable change displeases everyone. Sometimes changes are neither favorably nor unfavorable and non consequential too. We cannot expect changes to have advantageous only. Changes comprise of advantages as well as disadvantages too. Upward changes and downward changes take place in money market, commodity market and share markets etc. Upwards changes are sometimes beneficial and sometimes they are detrimental to individuals as well as to their country. Similarly downward changes are sometimes beneficial and sometimes detrimental to to individuals as well as to their country.

One cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but one can change themselves .Some people and certain things do not undergo a little change or no change at all during their life time. We hardly see any change in them through out. They are as they were. Circumstances have not brought any changes in them. They are hard nut to crack. William Wordsworth in his poem "Rainbow" describes how change does not takes place in a rainbow. He says

So was it when my life began;

So is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old,

Or let me die! ”

A change rarely takes place as and when we want it too. It has its own course to take place. When a change is on the way nobody can stop or withhold it. Changes are not alike. There are various types in them too. A change is sometimes only visible and sometimes a change is not at all visible. We come across a slight change , a moderate change and a vast change in every field. We find regular changes, periodical changes, drastic changes, and moderate changes too. Some accept or welcome a change. Some are not ready to accept change and adopt to it. Conservatives generally do not opt any change. Similarly,some people though they are old and their hair has become grey, they do not want to appear older at all. They get their hair dyed and try to appear younger. Similarly, they have dentures also to look smart and younger. They want to remain youthful. They do not want to accept reality. They want to hide their age. They are not ready to accept a change. We cannot make out one’s age easily these days. There is equal or number of beauty parlors than hair cutting saloons now a day whether it is a small town or a city. Some accept a change willingly whereas some are to be forced to accept a change. A dictator forces one to accept a change. Circumstances also force one to accept a change. Accepting a change and adopting it is not always there. It depends on individuals or a society and their mindset. Revolution is a change only. Sometimes it takes place with bloodshed and sometimes takes place peacefully. What all changes and how they would take place in this world, we cannot imagine or forecast even. Sometimes change is a mystery. Some do not notice generally change that has taken place in them. Somebody has to point it out to themchange that has taken place in them. One bears difficulties because of hope that change would take place and difficulties would be over soon yielding place to better days.

A change depends on individual and circumstances.It is thinking that always promotes a change. Pessimism or a negative thinking does not bring about a change. A change is often on account of optimism and a positive thinking only. We notice changes in every walk of life. Take for example our own life. How many changes have taken place? Of course, we can only change our life. No one can change our life for us. One can at the most influence us. Whatever efforts one may put, it is impossible to straighten a tail of a dog. It remains curved only. The tail of a dog despite one’s best efforts may become straighten up only temporarily. Similarly it is impossible to change some people at all. Yet, some try to change them. Sometimes a change is sudden, and sometimes it is gradual. Sometimes things and some people do not change; when we cannot change them we have to change ourselves. Many a times change is quite necessary or essential and one cannot avoid it. If there is no change, progress and development do not take place and everything remains same.As such, sometimes change is essential and a desire. A change is generally a process.Changes are to be planned and and implemented. Generally a change always needs time. It does not take place all of a sudden. Generally, one has to wait for a change. It does not take place overnight. Change has to be brought out. Change needs efforts at such times. Hence patience is quite essential most of the time. When it is certain that we cannot bring about a change, we should not break our head. That which cannot be changed should be accepted as it is. In such a case, one should not waste their time and energy unnecessarily trying to change it since that is a futile exercise. Changes bring about thrills. Change is sometimes expected and change is sometimes unexpected. Changes bring about new impetus. Sometimes changes do not bring about any results. Things remain as they are. Sometimes changes result in disasters. They turn out for the worse. As such, sometimes a change is liked and sometimes a change is disliked.

It is said that even God cannot change the past. Truth and facts will never change. They are unchangeable. Yet, a few are only static in this world and majority of things whatever they may be they are subject to a change in this world. Even laws of a land undergo a change. Surely, luck will never remain same it changes. Life does not run evenly. Happy days are followed by sorrowful days or vice versa. Sometimes we are full of money and sometimes we are penniless, sometimes we feel hungry and sometimes we do not have appetite at all. Sometimes we are popular and sometimes we are unpopular. Sometimes we are liked and sometimes we are disliked. Why our own likes and dislikes do not remain the same. We should not be averse to changes. We should never be too rigid or too flexible. We must always accept changes for better wherever and whenever necessary to be successful in life. Governments change. Political systems change. Communism yields place to democracy and sometimes democracy turns into communism or dictatorship. Rich become poor and poor become rich. Wheel of fortune rotates. Even, time neither does nor remains as it is it changes. Friends become enemies and enemies become friends. Conservatives become liberal. In business up and downs are there. In economy boom and slumps are there. We come across changes everywhere. Different thoughts always promote a change. Pessimism or a negative thinking does not bring about a change. A change is often on account of optimism and a positive thinking only. Lord Tennyson, an English poet in one of his poems says, “Older changeth yielding place to new.” Only a few may not undergo a change.

One cannot recognize themselves from their own child photo. Considerable change takes place in their appearance. Changes take place in every individual both inwardly and outwardly. We come across instances of change of heart etc in our real life too. They are not confined only to fiction and mythological stories. We find in real life that a miser becomes a generous man and a cruel man becomes a kind man. Change that could not be brought out otherwise could be brought out by love and affection. Here is a story wherein a cow brings a change in the heart of a ferocious tiger. The cow keeps up its word and ferocious tiger kills itself instead of having that cow as its prey. Incidents, circumstances and other factors bring about a change in an individual. Change may be in his or her appearance, thinking, and attitude. Sometimes it is hard to believe whether he or she is the same whom we met a few years ago? We find that harshness which was there previously is not there now, instead there is simplicity. There is marvelous change in behavior. He or she has become very kind and courteous. Hair has grown Grey. Looks are more matured, and serious. If we meet a person frequently these changes are not so glaring and we do not realize them so easily. We may come across quite opposite changes in another. A person who was mild might have become harsh, rude, cruel, thin hungry looking etc. He or she has become totally a different personality. Take for example a young boy. He was naughty. He was prodigal and irresponsible. To day he is good at studies, well mannered. Good at sports and games. He has not only earned a name for himself but also has brought fame and name to his parents. Parents are happy for having given birth to him. Teacher, friends, knowledge, experience, incidents etc. influence or bring in these changes thus there are various factors which bring in changes in a human being.

Man is a social animal. Society influences him a lot. More we are experienced in life more we become matured or changed. If we do not learn lessons from various instances in our life, we are no better than an animal. Circumstances are opportunities to mold or bring in change in us. Hypocrites pretend that they have changed, in reality they do not. Theirs is all to pretense to dupe or cheat us. Understanding fully others is an art. It is a capacity. If a person repents for his or her deeds means there is a change in him or her. Some changes are visible. They appear through behavior and deeds. Of course there are people who never change at all. They are made up of such mettle. We have to undergo a lot of changes in us. Here we must remember what Mahatma Gandhi says. He says "We must be the change we wish to see.” No man is perfect. We can anticipate changes in others but it is not possible to change others completely. Changing himself fully is his job only. Religion throws light on us, through various books like Bible, Koran, Mahabharata, Ramayana and bring changes in us. It is knowledge coupled with circumstances revolutionizes or change us. That is how, roadside robber became Valmiki, and Emperor Ashoka became Buddhist. Similarly, Gautam Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Marin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, all strove to bring changes in society and succeeded in their endeavors and became great and carved a name for themselves which remains for all times. It is always good if the changes take place for better and not for the worse. How far, how much etc we cannot imagine even. It all depends upon circumstances. Generally nothing remains as it is. Pace at which changes take place also we cannot guess. Some times changes take place fast, sometimes slowly and sometimes gradually. Some changes are routine and essential like changing of clothes to keep us clean and neat. Daily we cannot have same curries. We feel bored. We need change. If we feel bored any time doing same job, we change a job where we find interest and for better prospects. In western world change in life partner also takes place if difference of opinion occurs between husband and wife. They can get separated and choose another partner. Only thing is they have to seek divorce. Similarly, Muslim law allows “talak”.

A country to change , its villages have to change. A village to change its people have to change.It is grassroot level change. Change is a process. Everyday we come across day and night. Daytime and nighttime do not remain the same. Till December 21s daytime goes on decreasing and 21 st December is the shortest day of the year and there afterwards daytime goes on increasing and 21 st June is the longest day of the year. Changes take place in environment also. Sometimes weather is cloudy, sometimes hot, sometimes chilly, and sometimes rainy. Seasons change. That is why we find winter, summer, rainy season, spring, autumn etc. How many changes take place in life styles? Everyday we find a new fashion. After a few days, this dress becomes out of date. Television has replaced radio. How many changes we find in telecommunication? There is revolution in that industry. Cordless phones, cell phones etc have flooded the market. We find telephone everywhere in one or another way. Pizza huts, KFC, Macdonald’s, have come to west. In USA we find numerous Indian hotels. Westerners try to imitate Easterners and Easterners try to imitate westerners. Sometimes we find mixture of eastern and western culture. The statement “East is east, west is west, never twain shall meet” is no more valid.

Saris are yielding place to chudidhars, housecoats, midis, maxis etc. Northern Indian, Chinese’s food etc, are becoming popular in South India and South Indian food especially masal dosa and idlis are much in demand in the North India. In USA, in food courts in certain malls we come across all types of food without barriers. Distinction like vegetarian, non-vegetarian etc is slowly vanishing. Arranged marriages are on the decline. Wooing, Courtship, Betrothal, Marriage, and Honeymoon, which are various stages of western weddings, are creeping in eastern world too. Caste and communal divide is also slowly getting eradicated. What we had not dreamt even that is taking place. Research and development are taking place at great pace. Regarding day to day life, for cooking light petroleum gas is used, for washing clothes there are washing machines, for washing utensils, dishwashers are there and for cleaning and dust removing vacuum cleaners are there. On account of changes, everywhere we come across spoon feeding. Everyday a new invention is taking place in the universe. As a result, supersonic jets, cryogenic rockets, satellites life saving drugs, all are available.Due to changes,more and more methods, processes and products have become out dated . Life has become very busy. Nobody has t ime to inquire about another’s welfare. Why he has no time to take care of his family itself.Man has become a machine. Steel and cement industries have grown manifold all over the world. Small houses are scarce in cities. Everywhere we find multi storied buildings comprising of two or three bedroom apartments. Similarly flyovers, bridges made up of concrete are abundant. Cities have become concrete jungles.

Man is making using one or another type of vehicle. Everywhere people complain of environmental pollution. But computer is slowly replacing a man. It does more work quickly and accurately more than human beings can do. There is boom for software industry. India where cheap labor is available many countries are entrusting their work for being done here (outsourcing). Indian Economy is growing as a consequence. Computers have been used in many fields. Many offices are computerized. Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) has made 24 hours banking possible. Education has spread all over the length and breadth of most of the countries. Whether it is medical, engineering, aeronautical chemical, biological, pharmaceutical or what ever may be the other branch of science or technology they may be there are educational institutions, research laboratories etc to garner knowledge and attain mastery. Where there is intelligence talent, will, one can do wonders with his or her efforts. There is sea of change in educational field. Formerly, scores of people used to die on account of contagious and epidemic diseases like cholera, plague, malaria, typhoid and Jaundice etc. To day, with the invention of vaccines, antibiotics, chloromycetine and tetracycline etc majority of these diseases could be prevented or cured. With advent of angioplasty, bypass surgery heart diseases are successfully treated As a result, longevity has increased; people are living for longer period. There is vast improvement and change as far as physical and mental health of humans and even in the health of animals too. Animals, creatures, insects change their colors to suit the atmosphere they live in for their protection. They adapt and adjust themselves to whatever atmosphere they come across. This should also be the case with human beings too.

Some companies flourish for decades and in turn their products too. In U.S.A, Kodak was leading manufacturer of photo films for generations. It was earning always profits. Now with advent of digital cameras, majority of people like digital cameras. There is change in fortunes of that company. Its market share has come down drastically and so too its profits. Gramophone Company was very popular. Its cassettes, records etc everybody longed to have. Now with the arrival of DVDs, M P3 etc there is change in the fortunes of that company. It is evident that not only fortunes of human beings change but also that of multinational companies too. This is modern world. What a sea of change! We can change anything but our fate. Fitzgerald says, “Without stopping a moving finger writes on our forehead and darts forward, our tears cannot wipe out a single letter ". Similarly it is impossible to effect any changes to our past. We have to opt a change when it is necessary only.